Here किर (< किल) illustrates the sutra. The metre is a समद्विपदी; 15+13 mātras in a carana.
Illustrution of अहवइ : अहवइ न सुवंसहं एह खोडि । (= अथवा न सुवंशानां एषः दोषः ।) Here अहवइ is an adesa. of अथवा.
There would be other formations as well according to the staistraatt sūtra, which lays down that all the changes mentioned in the sütra are not strictly exclusive to i. e. there could occasionally be other formations -BB well, (2) गम्यसे तस्मिन् देशे लभ्यते प्रियस्य प्रमाणम् ।
यदि (स.) आगच्छति तदा आनीयते अथवा तदेव निर्वामार (बन्तः) । "I am going to that place where I may have the evidence of my lover's residence. If he (agrees to :) rett I will bring him back; otherwise that (plase) will mark (Mit. ' be') my end."
Here - अहवा (< अथवा ) by the प्रायोऽधिकार sitras दिवा has the adesa. दिवे. e. g. दिवे दिवे गंगा-हाणु (smtrn 899.1)
दिवा दिवा (= दिवसे दिवस , गङ्गास्नानम् ।
In fact Ap. faa could be more property, traced to Vedic 'दिवे.
OF सह the adesa is सहुं: (3) यतः प्रवसता न सह (एव) मृता, न (अमि) मृता वियागेन सस्य ।
लज्ज्यते संदेशान् ददतीभिः (अस्माभिः.) सुभगजनस्य ।। " (As) I did not (instantly) die when he proceeded on a journey, nor did I pass away in (the anguish of) his seperation-I (therefore now.) feel ashamed to aend messages (of love) to my lord." ___Here सहुँ (< सह.) illustrates the sutra.
Of नहि the adesa is नाहिं :
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