In Apabhramsa in Instr. sing., Loc. sing, and Ac. sing. the pronoun he takes the adeśas qš, ne. E g. Illustration of (95 adeśa in) Instr. sing. : : (1) स्वया मुक्तानामपि (हे: वरतरो, विनश्यति पत्रत्वं न पत्राणाम् ।
magat: 3147 afe Hack Tafa af : ht: ga in ,“ Even when they are ) discarded by you, 0. excellent tree, the state of being leaves (4778) is not lost by the leaves. However, if you at all have your shady canopy, that would be due to those leaves (alone)."
The language of the illustration is Prākrit (Mahārāştrī); the netre of the vs. is er.
(2) Illustration of aš ādesa in Instr. sing. मम हृदयं त्वया गृहीतं, तया त्वं गृहीतः, सा अपि अन्येन विनाव्यते । for For Sale are, fai ca, HRTA HRT: foren in
(Says a love-lorn lady to her lover :) " My heart is captured by you, you have been captured by her, and she (in turn) is mad after another. O dear, what shall I do, and what can you do (either ), (when) a fish is swallowed by another fish ? "
(3) Illustration of as adeśa in Loc. sing. : वयि मपि द्वयोः अपि रणगतयोः कः जयश्रियं तर्कयति । केशैर्गृहीत्वा यमगृहिणी भण सुखं क तिष्ठति ॥
“When you and I both join in (lit. 'enter) the battlefield, who else can aspire for victory but we) ? Having dragged Yama's consort by her hair, say, who can live lit. 'stay happy', in peace ? ”
Here पई मई बेहि वि रणगयहि is an instance of Locative Absolute ( ala arft ).
A similar illustration could be given for as. (4) Illustration of qš ādesa in Acc. sing.':
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