been dead (on the advent of the rainy season); if she is alive; (evidently it shows) she has no love for me. (Thus) in both ways, .my beloved is lost to me; włty (then), O vile cloud, are you still) thundering ?”
This verse illustrates how, alternatively, fant is used. ?! 368. 44-827FF: fn-IÀ (97) 'T' (
zet:) in * In Apabhramśa the pronoun u in Nom. sing.
takes the ādesa di ... (1) (FT1722, AT FEU- , 3470 ai fazi tena #1 sfatti
___सा मालती देशान्तरिता यस्याः त्वं म्रियसे वियोगे ।
“O bee, do not buzz in this deserted, place, 1 and do not weep looking in that direction. (For), that Mālatī, for whom you are pining away ( lit. dying with the anguish of separation ) has left į for a distant place. ). ”
Here si illustrates the sūtra. 369. FEL-T- TTT: 94-harra: gt-IEL ( Brazit ***:)!
In Apabhraînsa in Nom. pl. and Acc. pl. thé pronoun युष्मद् has two adesas तुम्हे, तुम्हइ for each.
CE (or gl) FIOTE I = qi Graffet (You know).
Gee (or OFER) 978951 =YT deal (He sees you).
i The disparity of the number of the ādesas is introduced : there purposely to indicate that the two adeśasare not
to be construed as respective subtitutions (i. e.. the first
for Nom. pl., and the other for Acc. pl.). Each cæse. can .. have both the adeśas.
370. -fa-17-ig ghe-alfa: q?- ? (statt) (1970) I I Sk. stroa > Ap. 6+3 +34:( an expletive ;- evolute of 5).
cf. Mod: Guj. TT.
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