itself could never have been capable of turning into Karma, if there were no stimulus of the impure thought-activity of a Jiva; and a Jiva could never entertain an impure thought activity if there were no Karma affecting it.
The continuance of such action is Samsara, and its discontinuance is Moksha.
युक्त इव ।
एवमयं प्रतिभाति बालिशानां प्रतिभासःस खलु भवबीजम् ॥ १४ ॥
14. Thus, though Jiva is not identified with the thought activities caused by Karmas, yet to the ignorant it appears to be so identified. This illusion is verily the seed of Samsára.
Commentary Illusion is the basic cause of the transmigration of Jiva in the world. This illusion consists in not understanding the true nature of Jiva and matter, and in identifying Jiva with the passions, affections and the various other conditions caused by Karmas. Love, hatred, lust, anger, greed, pride, and deceit are not the Svabháya (true nature) of Jiva: they are produced by the influence of Karmas. The true nature of Jiva is pure consciousness, which, by the effect of Karmas, has become affected with attachment, hatred and the various other passions and affections. Ignorant persons taking what are only accidentals, to be the essentials of Jiva, entertain hatred. and other passionate tendencies, and are ever involved in the course of transmigration. विपरीताभिनिवेशं निरस्य सम्यगव्यवस्य निजतत्वम् । यत्तस्मादविचलनं स एव पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपायोऽयम् ॥ १५॥
15. Having got rid of the above perversity and having well realized the nature of the Self, steadfastness therein is the means to the acquisition of the object of Jiva.
Commentary, This is what is well-known as Samyak Darshan or Samyaktwa, Right Belief in the principles of the Jaina religion, The title of the book Purushártha Siddhyupaya has been literally explained and justified here.
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