148. By giving up "Rag-dvesha" affection and repulsion and observing equanimity in all objects, one should prac tise Sámáyika, equanimity, continuously, which brings about a realisation of the true nature of Self.
रजनीदिवयोरन्ते तदवश्यं भावनीयमविचलितम् ।
इतरत्र पुनः समये न कृतं दोषाय तद्गुणाय कृतम् ॥ १४६ ॥
149. This Samayik must be regularly practised at the end of each night and day. If it is performed at other times. it is not improper, but is beneficial.
सामायिकं श्रितानां समस्तसावद्ययोगपरिहारात् । भवति महात्रतमेषामुदयेऽपि चरित्रमोहस्य ॥ १५० ॥
150. Those who have attained equanimity have com - plete vows, because of the renunciation of all sinful activities, although their Charitra-moha-karma (which obstructs a due performance of pure conduct) is in operation. सामायिक संस्कारं प्रतिदिनमारोपितं स्थिरीकर्तुम् । पक्षार्थयोर्द्वयोरपि कर्तव्यो ऽवश्यमुपवासः ॥ १५१ ॥
151. To strengthen the daily practice of Sámáyik a Discipline, one must observe fasting twice each fortnight.
मुक्क्रसमस्तारम्भः प्रोषधदिनपूर्व वासरस्यार्धे । उपवासं गृह्णीयान्ममत्वमपहाय देहादौ ॥ १५२ ॥
Jain Education International
152. Free from all work, and having given up affection for the body etc., one should commence fasting at middle of the day previous to Proshadha day, (which is the eighth and fourteenth day of each lunar fortnight).
श्रित्वा विविक्तवसतिं समस्तसावद्ययोगमपनीय । सर्वेन्द्रियार्थविरतः कायमनोवचनगुप्तिभिस्तिष्ठेत् ॥ १५३ ॥
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