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With much transformation and some similarity in sentiment, Siddhasena, the disciple of Bhaswami and the follower of the lion's roar, is found in the commentary on the Tattvarthasutra. From this, it is clearly established that, according to prevailing belief, Siddhasena is indeed the disciple of Bhaswami, the author of the available commentary on the Tattvarthasutra, and not Siddhasena Divakara. Due to the similarity of names and the possibility that Siddhasena Divakara, renowned as an extensive scholar and skilled author, could be confused as a possible exponent of the Gandhahastin commentary, there might be a misunderstanding that led to associating Gandhahasti specifically with Divakara.
From the above argument, we can see clearly that the celebrated Gandhahasti within the Svetambara tradition is indeed Siddhasena, the composer of the comprehensive commentary on the Tattvarthasutra. Therefore, we have valid reasons to firmly believe that Abhayadeva, the commentator of Sanmati, uses the term Gandhahasti in two instances within his commentary.
1. In the explanation of the first verse of the second Kanda of Sanmati, Abhayadeva cites four verses from the first chapter of the Tattvartha and states, while recommending Gandhahasti, that "the explanation of this collection of verses is provided by Gandhahasti and others, but is not demonstrated" - Pulp, p. 24. Similarly, while explaining the term “Hetuvada” found in verse 44 of the third Kanda, he also noted that for the mention of “Sanajnana Ritrala Mokshama,” he wrote, "thus, it is mentioned by Gandhahasti and others, but is not presented due to the vastness of the explanation" - p. 651, 50 20.