Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Tattvarthasutra - God 173
On the ascetic, the reciprocal conduct 311, 315
Praise 276, the skill in responding 385
Calmness 9, direct perception 23-5
Presentation 145, direct knowledge 25, 228-9
Life 214, 256, life (Indra) 166; each (body-making karma) 331, 334,
- (Heaven) 170, 177, 188-190 344
Life-killing 90 E, each-taught 397
Life-extinguishing action 256, each-binding 397
Disciplinary action 257, region 200, 201
Regional actions 256 - Bondage 2789, 323, 326-7,
Basic (sense) 40 340-1 at the region (see at the end of this list)
Atonement 364, 366, cloud formation 165
Porous (bondage) 218, deluded 290-5
Famous application (excess) 311, 316, deluded self-control 374-5
Bakush 384 (see Pulak) proof 4, 23 E, semblance of proof 22
Bond (us) 11, 17%, 325 E, negligence 292, 313, 325
Bond (preliminary) 216, 18, 232 negligence (feeling) 287, 289
E0, 239 process 256 -
Bond (excess) 310, 313 applied (word) 217
Bond-division 393, sermon devotion 267, 276
Bond category 322, sermon mother 386
Bondage (name karma) 331, 334, sermon affection 267, 276
Reason for bondage 322, 391, examination 167
Sacrifice (E18) 165, 187