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Tattvarthasutra Chapter 356, 359
Jayanta (heaven) 171, 189 Chandra 170, 173-4;
Jarayuj 117
Jalkant (64) 165 Champaka 173
Jalprabha (64) 165 Chakshusha Skandha 23
Jalbahula (Kanda) 143 Charitra 313, 346, 36-3, 397; Jalarakshasa (deity) 172 -(Vinaya) 367
Jambudvipa 15r I. Charitramehanya 65, 72, Jati (naming ceremony) 331, 333, 332, 357
Jin 357, 383 Chandrayana (austerity) 351
Jeeva 62, 81, 87, 195, 198-9, Chita 25
203, 209, 214, 247 Chetanashakti 241
Jeevatattva 207, 208 Cheri 97
Jeevatva 81 Choksha 103
Chavadravya 200, 207 Chanika 219
Jeevarashi 92 Chhadmastha 371, 373
Javastikaya 196, 249 Chhadmasthavitaraag 356
Jeevit 214 Chhavichhed (excess) 310, 313 Jeevitashamsa 312, 319 Chhaya 219
Jugupsa (Mohinich) 333 Cheda (atonement) 376
Jain Darshan 81, 194, 198, 206, Chedapesthapan (Charitra) 36-3, 216, 228, 396 386, 397
Jainalika 396 Jagat Swabhava 287
Jeshta (deity) 173 Jagat-Swarupa 195
Jnyatabhava 259 Jaghanja 237
Jnyana 21, 58 40, 367, 37 Jayetara 237
Jnyanavarniya 77, 328, 331, Janma (types of birth) 114-5, 336-7, 344, 357; 117
-causes of bondage 264 Janmasiddha 398
Jnyanendriya 97