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Chapter Pasutra 7-11
The difference between pudgala and other substances is that the regions of pudgala can be different from one another, but the regions of the other four substances cannot be separated; because the four substances, which are distinct from pudgala, are permanent, and it is the nature of the formless to not be divided. Pudgala is a material substance, and its forms can also be divided; because the capacity to unite and separate through association and dissociation is seen in material substances. Due to this difference, all forms of pudgala, whether small or large, are called components. The parts from which components are formed are different.
However, because the atom is also a material substance, it is tangible. Nevertheless, it cannot be divided, because it is akin to pudgala in the region of the sky; atoms are the smallest of all parts; therefore, it is the only indivisible part.
Here, when it is said that atoms cannot be divided or separated, it refers to the nature of the substance; however, in terms of manifestation, it can be perceived otherwise. The qualities such as color, smell, taste, etc., are multiple manifestations within a singular atomic substance. All of these are merely aspects of that material. Therefore, even a single atomic substance is considered to have many potential atomic forms.
What is the difference between the regions of dharma and the atoms of pudgala?