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131. The knowledge (śruta) is categorized into twelve types according to the previous understanding. 20. There are two kinds of limitations. 21. The existence-aspiration (bhavapratyaya) pertains to the denizens of hell and the divine. 22. As stated, there are six alternatives for the remaining beings. 23. A straight and expansive mental state (manoparyaya). 24. That particularity arises from the purity and the pathways (pratipat). 25. The limitations of pure realms and lordships. 26. The mental states relate to all substances and all modalities. 27. Concerning forms. 28. Therein, in the infinite portions of the mental states. 29. In all modal expressions of substances, the absolute. 30. One should not regard any fractions beyond one in any part. 31. 1. The source is from the third volume of scriptures. 20. 210 is mentioned there. 2. To that (section) belongs - commentary. The existence-aspiration pertains to denizens of hell and divine beings - commentary. 3. Based on the cessation and mitigation - commentary. 4. Mental state - commentary. 5. Of the mental states - commentary. 6. - The connection (nibandha) in substances - commentary. 7. Of the mental states - commentary.