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Recommendations should be made. In this way, it should be indicated how many and what kinds of developments have been achieved by the four commentaries mentioned in the Sutra, and how much contribution these commentaries have derived from other philosophical systems, and, if so, how much they give back to others; all this information should be communicated to the student.
4. If it is not possible to read or recite the Rajvartika due to any circumstance, at least a list of those points that have been beautifully discussed in the Rajvartika and are of great significance from the perspective of Jain philosophy should be prepared, and at least those should be taught. That is, the Bhashya and Sarvarthasiddhi should be studied as stipulated, and the Rajvartika and Kalavins' two texts should only contain specific topics in the study that are not mentioned there, and the rest should be optional. For example, discussions on Sapta-Bhanga and Anekantavada from the Rajvartika and discussions on Sarvajna, Apta, Jagat-Karta, etc., Nayana, Vadani, and Prithvibhramana from the Lakavartika should be included. In the same way, specific discussed parts should be extracted from Siddhasen's Vritti of Tattvarthabhashya to be stipulated in the study.
1. A0 1 Su0 6. 2. P. 1-57. 3. P. 267–276. 4. P0 277–311. 5. P0 345–347.