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Pandit Sukhalalji's Statement
[From the First Edition]
Almost twelve years ago, I was in Pune with my kind-hearted friend Shri Ramaniklal Maganlal Modi. After exchanging many thoughts on literary creation, we clearly conceptualized writing three texts. As the need for teaching Jain philosophy in the increasing number of schools, colleges, and educational institutions in both the Shvetambara and Digambara sects became more apparent, the demand for Jain philosophy books written in a new style and in accessible language also started to gain momentum. Observing this, we decided to analyze "Tattvārth" and "Sanmatitarka" as the two foundational texts and consequently, to independently write a third book titled "Jain Paribhashik Shabdkosh." According to our initial plan, we began our research on "Tattvārth" in Agra 11 years ago.