1.0 मंगलाचरण - Mangalacharan नमस्कार मंगल सूत्र:- Namaskar Mangal Sutra नमस्कार मंगल सत्र: Namaskar Mangal Sutra नमो अरिहंताणं ।
Namo arihantänarm नमो सिद्धाणं ।
Namo siddhänam || | नमो आयरियाणं |
Namo äyariyanam | नमो उवज्झायाणं | Namo uvajjhäyänam | नमो लोए सव्वसाहूणं ।
| Namo loe savvasähünam | एसो पंच नमुक्कारो |
eso pancha namukkaro | सव्वपावप्पणासणो । savvapävappanäsano मंगलाणं च सव्वेसिं mangalänam cha savvesim
पढमं हवइ मंगलं ।।
padhamam havai mangalam ||
I bow to Arihantas (Tirthankars), the perfected souls, who have reached enlightenment by overcoming inner weaknesses, who have attained infinite knowledge, perception, bliss, and power and have shown the path, which brings an end to the cycle of birth, life, death and suffering. I bow to Siddhas, the liberated souls, who have attained the state of perfection and immortality by eradicating all karma. I bow to Ächäryas, who are the head of Jain congregation, and who preach the principles of religion and show the path of liberation, which is the unity of Right Faith, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct.