Book Title: Jain Journal 1991 07
Author(s): Jain Bhawan Publication
Publisher: Jain Bhawan Publication
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ISSN 0021-4043 A QUARTERLY ON JAINOLOGY SILVER JUBILEE YEAR VOL. XXVI JULY 1991 No. 1 Jain Journal // jaina bhvn|| JAIN BHAWAN PUBLICATION Jain Education inten Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents . . . Five and Twenty Glorious Years Ki B. Jindal Progress of Jain Journal Dr. Satya Ranjan Banerjee viii Viii X X X X X xii xii Well-wishes viii-xvii Pandit Dalsukh Malvania Dr. Vilas A. Sangave Prof. K. M. Lodha Dr. Jagadish Chandra Jain Dr. Padmanabha S. Jaini Sahitya Manisi Kanhaiyalal Sethia xi Dr. Mohanlal Mehta Dr. Bhagchandra Jain Bhaskar ... Dr. Mahavir Saran Jain: Dr. Prem Suman Jain * Dr. Marutinan dan Tiwari xiii Chandanmal Chand' xiji Dr. Arvind Sharma xiii S. A. Bhuvanendra Kumar xiji Subodh Kumar Jain xiv Dr. Ramakanta Jain xiv Dr. Sashikanta Jain Leona Smith Kremser Herbert Becker Rodney L. Reeves xvi Gurudev Chitrabhanu xvi Gani Mahimaprabha Sagar xvi Muni Rupachandra xvii XV 1-65 Index Articles Bibliography Biography : Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Books on Jainology Books Received Correspondence Digest Drama Gleanings Maps Obitury Ourselves Poems Reports Review : Arts : Books : Cassets : Drama . : Records Short Stores Tables Translations Plates Architecture Event Inscription and Edict Painting Personality Scene from Drama Sculpture Our Contributors Our Advertisers 57 67-76 77-91 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tain Journal, one of the few journals on J Jainism published in India, turns 25 next month, still under the able editorship of Ganesh Lalwani, an unassuming man of diverse talents. Jain Journal, published from Kalakar Street, has run articles by eminent scholars from India and abroad on the far-reaching influence of Jainism on art and architecture, how it spread all over the land, the lives and times of Jain saints and such esoteric subjects as the religion's relation to the rarefied world of higher mathematics. What sets this quarterly apart is that it brings out special commemorative issues beautifully illustrated with photographs and sketches although funds are hard to get... Despite its high standard of scholarship and the sizeable Jain population, most of whom, to say the least, are prosperous, its circulation is still low. -- The Statesman, Calcutta June 17, 1991 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ This April the Jain Journal completed 25 years of its existence. In this short span of time what we have achieved is not for us to judge, we leave it to our readers and posterity. But this much we can say that we have strived hard to fulfil the ideal and values which we have set before us when we started its publication and have the satisfaction that inspite of many vicissitudes we are able to remain true to them. To celebrate the occasion we are issuing July number of the Journal as a special issue containing some short write-ups from our readers and scholars about Jain Journal along with a comprehensive index of articles etc. of the last 25 years and a short introduction, to our contributors and advertisers. Besides, we are issuing an anthology-Jainthology of 25 articles selected at random from the back-files of the Journal. It will give us an insight into the Jainistic Studies and help lay readers to know what Jainism is and what it stands for. It will be given free to our subscribers. We take this opportunity to thank all concerned who helped us in various ways-our readers, well wishers and patrons, our contributors and advertisers, the press but for their unstinted support and cooperation we would not have been able to achieve much. Lastly we remember those who were with us and gave us moral backing and inspired us for this noble project but are no more on this earth. Let their inspiration be our beacon light for the future. The Editor Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Five and Twenty Glorious Years I am glad that the 'Jain Journal is celebrating its Silver Jubilee this month. Jaina journalism is more than hundred years old. The first Jaina journal was the Gujarati weekly Jain Divakar, published in 1875 at Ahmedabad. The first English journal was the monthly Jaina Gazette, started in 1903 by C. S. Mallinath from Mylapore (Madras). The editorship of Jaina Gazette was later taken over by Late Pandit Ajit Prasada who published it from Ajitashram, Lucknow till 1950. After Pandit Ajit Prasada's death in September 1951, Shri Kamta Prasad Jain started Voice of Ahimsa from Aliganj, Etah (U.P.). After Mr. Kamta Prasad's death, Shri Ganesh Lalwani started the Jain Journal from Calcutta in 1966. The torch lit by Pandit Ajit Prasada has been kept glowing by Shri Ganesh Lalwani. Kudos to Lalwani for his twenty-five years of able editorship ! At present 125 Jaina periodicals are being published. Of these seven are in English and seven are quarterlies. Of the seven quarterlies and the seven English Journals, none can beat or match the Jain Journal. The lofty thoughts, the scholastic discipline and the high moral tone with which the Jain Journal was started in 1966 has been maintained throughout till today. I still look with nostalgic memories at my own article on the 'Doctrines of Jainism'; and my English renderings of two operas written in blank verse in Hindi, The first was by late Dr. Ram Kumar Verma, the doyen of Hindi Literature. It occupied one full volume (X, 2) of Jain Journal and appeared under the title 'Hail Vardhamana'. The other was an operette on a Jaina legend in Bengali written by the Editor and translated in Hindi by Sm. Rajkumari Begani and retranslated in English free verse by me. It appeared in Volume XII, No. 2 under the title 'Obeisance to Moon of Love What distinguishes the Jain Journal from all other periodicals on Jainism is that articles in it are mainly contributed by foreigners Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ii and non-Jainas. I made a sample survey and confined my study to five years 1977 to 1981. There is Leona Smith Kremser pouring out her mellifluous verses in each issue of Jain Journal-'Dearly Beloved', 'At the Feet of the Jina', 'Chant for a Jaina Child', 'Karma' 'The Bright Religion of the Jinas'. Even in the latest issue of Jain Journal, she has not failed to contribute her poem entitled 'His Name, Jina. Along with Leona Smith Kremser, we cannot forget the other poetess Clare Rosenfield who writes under the nom de plume of Brahmi (daughter of Rsabhadeva). Her long poems 'Song to Truth' and 'Satrunjaya in Heart' appear in July, 1979 and April, 1980 numbers. The latter is in her own beautiful handwriting illustrated with pencil sketches. JAIN JOURNAL Coming to prose, we have three articles from Japanese Suzuko Ohira Jaina Theory of Lesya' (XIII, 4), 'Yoga-Triplet' (XIV, 4) and 'Problems of the Purva' (XV, 2). Other foreign writers are Lyssay Miller, Richard Kleifgen, Gustav Roth, Witold L. Langrod, Noel Rettig. And in the latest issue (Jan. 91) we have Robert J. Zydenbos writing on 'Jaina Influence in the Formation of Dvaita Vedanta'. National Professor Suniti Kumar Chatterji breathed his last on May 29, 1977. Paying homage to him, July, 1977 issue of the Jain Journal contains an article on Jaina Dharma and Ahimsa' from the pen of that great savant. Other noteworthy contributions are 'Evolution of Jaina Sangha' and 'Jaina Concept of Karma', by J. C. Sikdar. Both these articles are treatises and run in several numbers of the Jain Journal. The first article started appearing in January, 1977 and ended in January, 1979. The second article started in July, 1980 and ended in January, 1981. We have the mind-boggling articles of Sajjan Singh Lishk with a backdrop of higher mathematics-1. 'Obliquity of Ecliptic in the Concept of Mount Meru'.2. 'Length Units in Jaina Astronomy', 3. 'Certain Peculiarities of Jaina School of Astronomy', and 4. 'Five Circular Parts of Jambudvipa'. In the same category fall the articles of L. C. Jain on 'Theoretic Technique in Jaina School of Mathematics', of Radha Charan Gupta on 'Jaina Formulas for the Arc of a Circular Segment', of S. B. P. Sinha on 'Jaina Doctrine of Nyaya', of Gour Hazra on 'Jaina View of Inference', of Yajneshwar $. Shatri on 'Reconciliation of Different View-points', of Navjyoti Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 Singh on Jaina Theory of Measurement and Transfinite Numbers', of N. L. Jain on "Jaina Theory of Skandhas or Molecules'. Arvind Sharma is an Indian settled in Australia. He is Head of the Department of Religious Studies in the University of Sydney. His three articles on 'Christianity & Jainism', "Relationship of Jaina Epistemology to its Ontology and Soteriology' and 'An Advaitic Criticism of Jainism" are sui generis. In this connection, it is refreshing to find a Muslim, Mohd. Aquique, writing about 'Mithila : The Heart of Jainism'. In thus writing about Foreign and non-Jaina contibutors to the Jain Journal, we cannot lose sight of the numerous stories culled from Jaina folk-lore by the Editor himself. The stories are animated by pencil sketches of the heroes and heroines. Seriatim the stories are 'Bahubali', 'Nilanjana', 'Revati', 'Ripupratisatru'. Every year, the April issue is dedicated to Mahavir Jayanti. 1981 contains five articles on Bahubali and Sravana Belgola; April, 1987 issue contains six articles on Gautama Ganadhar; and April, 1990 issue contains reprints from articles written by J. L. Jaini, Brahmachari Shital Prasad, Ajit Prasada, Virchand R. Gandhi and Puran Chand Nahar who were pioneers in the field and had projected Jainism in the right perspective to the world abroad. One feature that distinguishes Jain Journal from all other magazines on Jainism is that it is richly illustrated. Every issue contains photographs of Jaina colossuses, images, temples and places of pilgrimage. Mention may be made of the sheer elegance and purity of a Jaina nun as captured in a painting of a European artist of the past era of East India Company (XIII, 4). In thus speaking of the many excellences of the Jain Journal, I am pained to find that it is one-man's show. What after Lalwani ? "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings." in 1938 Dr. Bimal Chandra Law observed : "The Jains should found a society for the publication of important texts and commen Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL taries and English translations of them to enable the world to realise and appreciate the noble teachings of Mahavir." The picture is not very different today even after five decades. The Central Jain Publishing House brought out 12 volumes of the Sacred Books of the Jainas. The laudable work started by men like J. L. Jaini and Ajit Prasada had to be abandoned after their demise. I have with me Bhava Pahuda and Apta Mimansa translated and commented upon by the latter, still lying unprinted and published because there is nobody to finance the publications. The Jainas are an affluent community. But their concept of charity is limited to building of new temples and consecration of new images. In each consecration, the life drama of a Tirthankara is enacted-his conception, his birth, his renunciation and austerity, his omniscience and his niravana. The five events in a Tirthankara's life are enacted with great eclat and aplomb and the expenditure runs into lakhs. I am told today there are more idols than worshippers. It is a pity that the Jain Journal has to fend for funds. At present, it is being run on advertisements and stray donations. As per 1981 Census the Jaina population is 31,93,000. Out of these, at least one lakh know English. Jain Journal should have had one lakh subscribers, against a paltry figure of a hundred. Till the hiatus of 90,000 is filled, I can only say, "O God ! Forgive them for they know not what they do." K. B. Jindal Advocate, Lucknow Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Progress of Jain Journal It is with great pleasure that I place before the scholarly world the twentyfive years' noteworthy and remarkable progress of 'Jain Journal', a quarterly on Jainology, published by Jain Bhawan, Calcutta, which is, in many ways, outstanding and unique. It is a Journal in royal octavo size with 64 pages on the average per issue. The main body of the Journal is not interrupted by inserting advertisements in between the articles. This Journal is exceptionally regular and is managed by a single handed scholarship. The editor of this Journal, Shri Ganesh Lalwani, is to be thanked for publishing this Journal regularly for the last 25 years. It will not be a case of exaggeration, if I say, that this Jain Journal is a quality Journal which has been publishing lots of research papers not only on Jainism but also on the other related subjects as well. Most of the papers, if not all, are new in outlook, rich in thought, lavish in philosophical quibbles and very outstanding in contents and ideas. The perspective of the editor is not parochial and sectarian. The contributors feel free to give vent to their feelings through writings. Though the editor has the right to select or reject the article, if it is not upto the respectable research standard, but as far as I know, he is liberal to allow the author to express their views in their papers. Liberality does not mean that the editor does not care to look into the quality of the journal, far from it, but he is conscious of the subject of the article. and if it is not too much contradictory of the very foundation of Jainism and if it is full of logical acumen coupled with the authenticity of the material, the editor does not bother to get blame for ventilising new ideas which might erode the very foundation of popular belief. It must be admitted on all hands that the editor looks into the quality of the Journal to maintain the glorious prestige of Jainism. The most interesting point of the Journal is the variety of contents and subjects. It really presents a veritable embarras de richesse. Jainism is a vast subject, and there are innumerable Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL topics which are untouched and unearthed. The editor of this Journal encourages the conscientious research scholars to contribute articles on the abstruse topics. This Journal embraces all sorts of subjects, such as, philosophy and religion, hagiographical and historical gleanings, folk-tales and parables, monastic and discipline, grammar and linguistics, and what not. It has revealed many undisclosed chapters of Indian cultural history. That is why, the Journal is full of riveted thoughts and trenchant ideas as far as the contents are concerned. The Journal is printed beautifully on good quality paper and in good type with diacritical marks at the well-known press of Calcutta and bound in good boards it is neatly and nicely printed on white wove paper which catches the eyes of the scholars and prompts them to read it. I hope the readers of the Journal will agree with me to say that the Journal is free from printing mistakes a quality which is rarely found in any Journal in these days. In this respect, the credit must go to the editor. It is his single handed workmanship which makes the Journal so perfect. It should be noted in this connection that the editor runs another two Journals-one a monthly Journal in Bengali, Sramana by name and the other one a monthly Journal in Hindi Titthayara by name. All these three Journals are regular and well-executed. Strange enough to say, that all the journals are interesting in themes and free from printing mistakes. It is equally strange to say that all are managed by a single person. Shri Ganesh Lalwani, the editor of these three Journals, is a dedicated person who has not only considered this running of the three Journals as a sacred duty in his life, but has also conceived a life long dream to foster the study of Jainism in a befitting manner. Lalwaniji is a unique personality in Jain scholarship and under his editorship and supervision the Jain Journal has made a noteworthy progress in the field of Jainology. Despite the financial stringency the editor of these three Journals has lavished on them unstinted labour and meticulous care for making them prestigious and foremost among the domain of Indological journals To read the Jain Journal is a pleasure, to contemplate on it is a food for philosophical thoughts, to quote from it is a scholarly habit, and to contribute in it is a gratification of the soul. I believe research student on Jainism must have this journal by the side of his research table. I have a firm faith in the progress of Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 vii the Journal, and I hope that it will have a brilliant output in future as well. It is high time now to review the entire progress of the Jain Journal in the forms of articles, and I believe some of the issues of Jain Journal which are out of print now, may be printed again, so that most of its valuable and outstanding articles which are the basic contributions to human knowledge may not pass into the land of oblivion. It is our humble request to the editor to reprint some of its past brilliant articles in a separate volume under some caption like 'Progress of Jain Studies', so that the scholars of the present generation may get a peep into the contributions of the Jains to the formation of the cultural history of India. Dr. Satya Ranjan Banerjee Prof Professor of Linguistics, Calcutta University, Calcutta Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Well-Wishes isameM koI zaka nahIM hai ki 'jaina jarnala' ne 25 varSoM meM patrakAritA ke kSetra meM jo nAma kamAyA hai vaha apUrva hai| niyamita honA aura pratyeka aMka meM naI naI saMzodhana paraka sAmagrI denA yaha kArya sarala nahIM thA kintu Apane isa kArya ko jisa niSThA se nibhAyA hai usake lie hama Apake AbhArI haiN| patra kA stara kabhI girA nahIM yaha eka vizeSatA jo Apake patra meM dikhAI detA vaha anyatra dikhAI nahIM detaa| cAhatA hU~ ki ApakA patra akSaya nAma kamAya / -paNDita dalasukha mAlavaNiyA ahamadAvAda It is indeed very gratifying to note that the 'Jain Journal', a distinguished quarterly on Jainology, will be completing its 25 years of continued and constructive service in the important but neglected field of the publication of Research Journals in Jainology. During this period the Jain Journal has succeeded in bringing to light a large number of research papers in different branches of Jainology from the reputed scholars spread not only in various part of India but also in several countries of the world, In fact it is a distinctive achievement in the history of Jain Journalism in English. This achievement is more creditable in the sense that the Jain Journal has all along given encouragement to the serious researches carried out in all established and new branches of Jain studies and that too by scrupulously avoiding any sectarian approach. That is why the Jain Journal has acquired a position of prestige among the research journals in Jainology. In this regard you have really rendered yeomans services in a very remarkable way to the cause of Jain Journalism by working continuously as its editor from its very inception, Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 Hence, the scholars, students and readers interested in Jainology will remain greatful to you for editing and also maintaining the high standard of Jain Journal and also to the authorities of Jain Bhawan, Calcutta for shouldering the onerous responsibility of publishing the Jain Journal in such a nice manner inspite of all financial and other constraints. ix -Dr. Vilas A. Sangave Director, Shahu Research Institute Shivaji University, Kolhapur The 'Jain Journal, Calcutta has completed 25 years of meaningful existence. It has proved its significance and has carved out a niche for itself with covetted distinction. The contribution it has made to the all round indepth studies of Jainism have won spurs for it and its able, scholarly and ingenious editor Sri Ganesh Lalwani, who is an embodiment of Jain tenets and a mentor with wide learning of the scriptures. It is, as I feel due to his dedication that the Jain Journal has stood the test of time and is now celebrating its Silver Jubilee to embark upon a brighter future to contribute to the understanding of our great religion and philosophy and culture. The multi-facet personality of Sri Lalwani will ever steer it to that citadel. -- Prof. K. M. Lodha Ex-head, Hindi Dept. Calcutta University Calcutta kalakattA ke jaina bhavana dvArA prakAzita 'jaina jarnala' gata aneka dazakoM se jaina saMskRti evaM sAhitya ke kSetra meM sarAhanIya kArya kara rahA hai| isa suprasiddha jarnala kA mahatva isalie bhI hamArA dhyAna AkarSita karatA hai ki isakA kendra baMgAla hai aura kahane kI AvazyakatA nahIM ki prAcIna kAla meM baMgAla ( jisameM vihAra aura ur3IsA bhI sammilita the ) bhagavAna mahAvIra evaM unake pramukha ziSyoM kI kendrasthalI rahI hai / Adhunika baMgAla meM Aja bhI kitane hI prAcIna sthAna aise haiM jo jaina dharma evaM saMskRti ke pracaNDa kendra sthala rahe haiM aura jo Aja yA to lupta ho gaye haiM athavA sAmAnya janatA dvArA pUjanIya mAne jAne lage haiM / Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL jaina vidyA ke kSetra meM jaina jarnala kA eka mahanIya yogadAna aura bhI hai vaha hai janavarI 1970 (jilda 4, nambara 3) meM prakAzita jaina dharma ke prakANDa manISI jarmanI ke divaMgata DAkTara zubiMga kA vizeSAMka / isakA mUlya rakkhA gayA hai kevala eka rupayA / isa aMka kI viSaya sUcI nimna prakAra hai sampAdakIya, prophesara epha. Ara. hAma dvArA prophesara zUbiMga para lekha, DAvaTara amUlya candra sena ( jo jarmanI meM prophesara zUbiMga ke pAsa jaina dharma ke adhyayana ke hetu gaye the) dvArA prophesara zUbiMga ke aneka rocaka saMsmaraNa / DAkTara sena zAMti niketana (baMgAla ) meM ina paMktiyoM ke lekhaka ke sahAdhyAyI raha cuke haiM / jarmanI se lauTane para ve 'inDo-eziyana jarnala' ke sampAdaka rhe| unake zodha prabandha kA viSaya thA 'kriTikala inTroDakzana TU prazna vyaakrnn'| isake atirikta isa aMka meM prophesara klausa brana evaM candrabhAla tripAThI, klausa phizara, lionA smitha kremasara Adi vidvAnoM ke mahatvapUrNa lekha sammilita hai| sabhI lekha Aja bhI utane hI upAdeya hai jitane Aja se 21 varSa pUrva the| hamArI samajha meM jaina jarnala ke isa mahatvapUrNa aMka ko pustaka ke rUpa meM prakAzita kiyA jA sake to atyanta upayogI hogaa| jarnala ke suyogya saMpAdaka zrI gaNeza lalavAnI jI ke sampAdakatva meM jaina jarnala apanI rajata jayantI manAne jA rahI hai| isa avasara para hamArI hArdika zubha kAmanAyeM jarnala ke adhikAriyoM evaM lekhakoM ke sAtha hai| hama isakI unnati kAmanA karate haiN| -DA. jagadIza candra jaina bambaI It is no easy task to keep such a scholarly enterprise active for so long a period. Under your able and uninterrupted supervision, the Journal has served the community of scholars by providing a unique platform for publication of original research on Jainism. The arrival in the last decade of thousands of Jain families in Europe and North America has stimulated an unprecedented interest in the study of their heritage. As the only Indian publication of its kind available in English, I believe that the Jain Journal has a major role to play in sustaining this interest in the past and in promoting an unbiased understanding of the manifold aspects of the Jain tradition. Please accept my warm felicitations and best wishes for many more years of scucessful editing of the Journal. -Dr. Padmanabh S. Jaini Professor of Buddhist Studies, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 sampAdana aura sAmagrI kI dRSTi se 'jaina jarnala' prathama zreNI kA patra hai| purAtAtvika achUte prasaMgoM para isake nivandha eka dharohara hai| pratyeka aMka paThanIya aura saMgrahanIya hai| - kanhaiyAlAla seThiyA kalakattA 'jaina jarnala' jaina jagat kA sarvazreSTha traimAsika hai| maiM isakA niyamita pAThaka huuN| aMgrejI meM to aisA patra hai hI nhiiN| hindI Adi meM bhI isa stara ke patra kA abhAva hai| jainetara patroM meM bhI isakI samAnatA meM AnevAle patra bahuta kama hai| isakI sAmagrI to AkarSaka evaM Adhunika DhaMga kI hai hI, mudraNa Adi bhI apane Apa meM viziSTatA lie hue hai / maiM isake dIrgha jIvana kI hArdika kAmanA karatA hU~ / -DA. mohanalAla mehatA jaina darzana ke bhUtapUrva adhyApaka punA vizvavidyAlaya, pune yaha jAnakara atyanta prasannatA huI ki apanA pyArA 'jaina jarnala' apanA rajata jayantI mahotsava manA rahA hai / isa mahotsava kI pRSThabhUmi kI ora merA jaba dhyAna jAtA hai to hRdaya gadagada ho jAtA hai yaha niHsaMkoca kahane ke lie ki jaina jarnala jaisA nibhIka aura asAmpradAyika tathA svastha cintana kI paramparA meM prasthApita karanevAlA prArambhika patra abhI akelA hI apane pUre gaurava ke sAtha khar3A huA hai| Apake kuzala aura agAdha vidvatApUrNa mArgadarzana meM to patra kI garimA aura bhI bar3ha gaI hai| Apake niHsvArtha sAnnidhya meM patrakAritA ke itihAsa meM jaina jarnala ne jo apanA yogadAna diyA hai vaha sAmAjika aura sAMskRtika cetanA kI vikAsa kI dRSTi se nizcita hI abhUtapUrva hai| usake uddezya kI pUrti meM yadi hama kucha bhI sahayoga de sakeM to yaha hamArA saubhAgya hogaa| -DA0 bhAgacandra jaina 'bhAskara' adhyakSa, pAli-prAkRta vibhAga, nAgapura vizvavidyAla nAgapura Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xii jaina dharma, darzana, sAhitya evaM kalA ke kSetroM meM sthApita kiyA hai usase sabhI vidyAnurAgI jana suvidita haiN| punIta kartavya pAlana - bhAvanA se yaha sambhava ho sakA hai| abhinandana karatA hU~ / JAIN JOURNAL 'jaina jarnala' ne jo kIrtimAna ApakI samarpita niSThA evaM isa avasara para maiM ApakA - DA0 mahAvIra saraNa jaina prophesara evaM adhyakSa, hindI evaM bhASA vijJAna vibhAga rAnI durgAvatI vizvavidyAlaya, jabalapura 'jaina jarnala' ne jaina sAhitya aura saMskRti ko vyApaka hone meM antardezIya ke sAtha antarrASTrIya hone meM bar3I mahatvapUrNa bhUmikA nibhAyI hai| jaina sAhitya ke darzana ke jJAnavijJAna ke kaI naye pakSoM ko ujAgara karane vAle lekha isameM prakAzita hue haiM / vastutaH jaina vidyA kI zodha patrikAoM kA pratinidhitva kiyA hai - Apake patra ne| isake vizeSAMka kisI zodha-khojapUrNa grantha jaisI sAmagrI dene meM sakSama rahe haiM / sAja-sajjA bhale usakI ekasI rahI ho kintu vaha sadaiva manorama aura AkarSaka rahI hai / yaha patra vahumukhI vikAsa ke patha para agrasara ho, yahI bhAvanA hai / jarnala ne apanI yaha lambI yAtrA ApakI suyogya sampAdakatva meM pUrI kI yaha usakA saubhAgya hai aura yaha Apake lie yAdagAra hai ki jisa patra ko Apane samhAlA janma diyA, usake yuvA hone taka Apa usake sAtha rhe| kitane ko yaha saubhAgya prApta hotA hai - apanI yuvA aura samartha santAna ke sAtha ijjatapUrvaka rahane kA / badhAI / - DA0 prema sumana jaina jaina tathA prAkRta vidyA ke sahayogI adhyApaka udayapura vizvavidyAlaya, udayapura I have been reading 'Jain Journal' for last 20 years and have no hesitation in admitting that the Journal through its valuable articles has rendered great service to the cause of Jaina studies. The publication of the Journal has been regular which is a rare point nowadays and for which the Editor Shri Ganesh Lalwani deserves all our applause. The articles in the Journal are wideranging Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 which cover Jain Culture, Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Art and other aspects. The articles in the Journal have not only been original and research oriented but in many cases they deal with new findings, particularly from Eastern India. I too have the honour to have contributed a few articles to the Journal. I am happy that the Jain Journal has completed its long journey of 25 years successfully. On the occasion I send my best wishes for its continued and ever more fruitful services to the Jaina Studies. -Dr. Maruti Nandan Tiwari Head, Dept. of History of Art Facualty of Arts, B.H.U., Varanasi yaha jAnakara prasannatA huI ki 'jaina jarnala' apane prakAzana ke 25 varSa pUre kara rahA hai| jaina sAhitya, darzana, saMskRti evaM kalA kI mahatvapUrNa sevA isa patra ke mAdhyama se huI hai| zodhapUrNa nibandhoM evaM purAtatva se sambandhita mahatvapUrNa tathA prAmANika sAmagrI kA prakAzana kara jena jarnala ne deza-videza evaM jaina-ajaina saba meM lokapriyatA prApta kI hai / maiM varSoM se isakA niyamita pAThaka hU~ aura Apake sampAdana meM isakA niraMtara vikAsa dekhatA rahA huuN| -caMdanamala 'cA~da' - sampAdaka, jaina jagata, bambaI Please accept my heartiest congratulations on the twentyfifth Anniversary of the 'Jain Journal'. It has rendered invaluable service to the cause of Jainology during this period and hope will continue to do so in the future. - Arvind Sharma McGill University, Montreal, Canada The principal objective of your esteemed quarterly, 'Jain Journal', was understandably to promote the doctrines and philosophy of Jain religion through scholarship and studies in order that it throws knowledge and deeper understanding of life in its Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xiv JA IN JOURNAL many facets. Many Western scolars and academics have expressed to me the view that Jain Journal is one of the very few magazines in international sphere which focuses on Jainological studies. I am in total agreement with their view. Personally I have been enjoying reading, and often rereading Jain Journal. It provides me an opportunity to understand Jain doctrines, philosophy and even history at its best. I cherish its intellectual expositions of Jaina thoughts in a contemporaneous culture and other traditions. -S. A. Bhuvanendra Kumar Secretary, Bramhi Society Editor, Jinamanjari Mississauga, Ontario, Canada yaha apane meM bahuta bar3I bAta hai ki Apane 'jaina jarnala' kA stara hara prakAra se barAbara uttama banA kara rakhA hai| lekha, kAgaja, chapAI tathA Apake dvArA sampAdana sabhI zreSTha stara ke haiN| patrakAritA ke kSetra meM Apane bahuta bar3A kIrtimAna kAyama kiyA hai| jaina jarnala ke atirikta hindI aura baMgalA bhASAoM meM bhI "titthayara' aura 'zramaNa' kA prakAzana apane meM eka upalabdhi hai| jaina jarnala ke 25 varSa pUrA hone para meM Apako tathA jena jarnala ke prakAzakoM ko apanI hArdika zubha kAmanAe~ preSita kara rahA huuN| zrIjI se hamArI prArthanA hai ki eka dina jaina janala kI hIraka jayantI manA jAve aura yaha patrikA jenAgama tathA jaina samAja kI sevA meM apanA aitihAsika yogadAna detI rhe| -subodha kumAra jaina saMcAlaka, zrI jena siddhAMta bhavana, ArA ___ 'jaina jarnala' kI isa gauravamayI yAtrA aura use cittAkarSaka svarUpa pradAna karane kA sArA zreya to Apa hI ko hai| yaha patra jaina saMskRti, darzana, sAhitya, kalA, dharma aura itihAsa ke kSetra meM binA kisI sampradAya yA AmnAya bheda ke Age bhI agrasara rahe, yahI apanI kAmanA hai| -ramAkAnta jaina upa-saciva, uttara pradeza zAsana, lakhanaU Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 It has consistently maintained a standard in matter as well as get-up. We often discussed and my father late Dr. Jyoti Prasad Jain highly appreciated your endeavour. - Dr. Shashi Kant Jain Editor, Sodhadarsh, Lucknow The Jain religion believes that we are living in a descending cycle of time, that good is sinking under evil. Mid the gloom, however, there are goodly lights to guide us on the path of nonviolence in our everyday living. Today we honor the goodly light that is 'Jain Journal', steadfast for a quarter-century with the faith of the editor, Sri Ganesh Lalwani. For only editorial right faith could inspire such long-term loyalty from sponsors, advertisers, and contributors. Over twenty years ago, the editor first published my little works, and thereafter he has never wavered in patience (nor in tactful demand for y). True innovation, to publish an unknown like myself beside the pillars of Jaina thinkers and writers. Jain Journal is a grand temple to non-violence. Thank you, Editor Lalwani, for letting me offer my humble garlands. -Leona Smith Kremser Waldport, Oregon, U.S.A. I was so pleased to hear that Jain Journal' completes 25 years of existence in this year. My hearty congratulations and very best wishes for the future of Jain Journal. One Jaina text describes Ahimsa as "the benefactor of all beings". May Jain Journal be very successful in propagating Jainism, the religion of Ahimsa. - Herbert Becker Berlin, Germany Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 It has consistently maintained a standard in matter as well as get-up. We often discussed and my father late Dr. Jyoti Prasad Jain highly appreciated your endeavour. -Dr. Shashi Kant Jain Editor, Sodhadarsh, Lucknow The Jain religion believes that we are living in a descending cycle of time, that good is sinking under evil. Mid the gloom, however, there are goodly lights to guide us on the path of nonviolence in our everyday living. Today we honor the goodly light that is 'Jain Journal', steadfast for a quarter-century with the faith of the editor, Sri Ganesh Lalwani. For only editorial right faith could inspire such long-term loyalty from sponsors, advertisers, and contributors. Over twenty years ago, the editor first published my little works, and thereafter he has never wavered in patience (nor in tactful demand for quality). True innovation, to publish an unknown like myself beside the pillars of Jaina thinkers and writers. Jain Journal is a grand temple to non-violence. Thank you, Editor Lalwani, for letting me offer my humble garlands. -Leona Smith Kremser Waldport, Oregon, U.S.A. I was so pleased to hear that 'Jain Journal completes 25 years of existence in this year. My hearty congratulations and very best wishes for the future of Jain Journal. One Jaina text describes Ahimsa as "the benefactor of all beings". May Jain Journal be very successful in propagating Jainism, the religion of Ahimsa. - Herbert Becker Berlin, Germany Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vi JAIN JOURNAL I first received two copies of this journal in 1982 from Mr. R. L. Jain, President of the International Mahavir Jain Mission, Birmingham branch ; and it was later thanks to his introduction that I was able to correspond with Mr. G. Lalwani, and thereby obtain virtually a complete set of back issues and other literature. In my opinion, this journal provides an invaluable service to its readership, with-researched articles on all aspects of Jainology, stimulating book reviews, a selection of plates evocative of Jainism's cultural heritage, and perceptive editorial comment. The Editor is to be congratulated on the excellent standard of this journal, which he has maintained with evident dedication over the years. - Rodney L. Reeves A Western Student of Jainism Birmingham, England The 'Jain Journal' has played a great influencing role for 25 years with its profound articles and writings, by inspiring many, many other scholars and authors to contribute their insights and experience. These articles have also helped many, many readers and seekers to get informatin, inspiration and sometimes transformation through this literature and in this way the Jain Journal has served a community of mankind and the world at large. I appreciate and congratulate you, Mr. Lalwaniji, not only for what you did for the Jain Journal, which is wonderful, but also for the way you did it: with enthusiasm dedication, devotion and untiring 25 years of continuous effort with a pleasant, inspiring disposition. I pray that it will continue for a long time to come. - Gurudev Chitrabhanu Jain Meditation International Center New York, U.S.A. 'jaina jarnala' kI rajata jayantI dharmasaMgha ke lie garimA vardhaka hai / hama yaha svIkAra karate haiM ki jisa zodha-sadbhAvanA ke sAtha jaina jarnala kA prakAzana hotA rahA hai vaha patrikA jagata ke lie anukaraNIya hai / eka svaccha darpaNa kI taraha svarUpa rahA hai isakA / Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JULY, 1991 yadi koI kahe ki binA lAbha sApekSa kisI patrikA kA prakAzana sambhava nahIM hai to usake sAmane jaina jarnala kA udAharaNa sarva prathama diyA jA sakatA hai| zAsana ke umdA tathyoM ko prastuta karanA jaina jarnala kA vyaktitva hai aura yahI isakI lAbha sApekSatA hai / jaina bhavana, kalakattA dhanyavAda kA pAtra hai, jisane Arthika kaThinAiyoM ko svayaM svIkAra karate hue bhI patrikA ko claayaa| patrikA kA stara, mudraNa, sajAvaTa, Akalana evaM sampAdana saba kucha prazaMsanIva hai| jaina jarnala kA yaha eka saubhAgya saMyoga hai ki use zrI gaNeza lalavAnI jaise kalama ke sipAhI kI nirantara sevAe~ prApta huI / xvii jaina jarnala abhI taka to paccIsa varSa kA huA hai| cA~dI kA mukuTa usane grahaNa kara liyA hai / hama usakI svarNa jayantI kI kAmanA karate haiM / hamArA sneha aura sahayoga sadaiva patrikA ke sAtha hai / nissaMdeha patrikA jagata meM 'jaina jarnala' ne apanI eka viziSTa pahacAna banAI hai| isakA pramukha zreya zrI gaNeza lalavAnI ke sUjha-bujha pUrNa saMpAdana ko jAtA hai / isake sAtha hI jaina-ajaina vidvAnoM dvArA likhita pramANa-purassara zodhapUrNa Alekha isakI pramukha vizeSatA hai / sAMpradAyika abhiniveza se yaha bilkula achUtA rahA hai| sabase adhika mahatvapUrNa yaha hai ki yaha jarnala kisI vyakti-vizeSa yA paMtha - vizeSa kI pratiSThA yA prazasti ko nahIM kintu vItarAga- vANI kI prANa pratiSThA ko hI samarpita hai| kevala isalie jaina jarnala kA mere mAnasa para gaharA prabhAva hai / AkarSaka kintu sAdagIpUrNa AvaraNa pRSTha, kalAtmaka sAjasajjA, aMka ke anurUpa nibandha viSayoM kA cayana tathA viSayoM ke anurUpa citroM kA saMcayana ye saba zrI lalavAnI ke saMpAdana - kauzala ke pramANa haiM / jaina jarnala apane svarNima bhaviSya kI ora niraMtara agrasara ho yahI maMgala kAmanA hai / -gaNi mahimAprabha sAgara -muni rUpacandra Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Monsoon 1991 Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India Under No. R. 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