Book Title: Jain Digest 2003 07 Vol 22 No 3
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN DIGEST A Publication by the Federation of Jain Associations in North America Summer 2003 Volume 22. No. 3 Growing Wise The Code for Acquiring Knowledge In this Issue: * Spiritual Code & Restraints * Model of the Jain Universe * Role of Jainism in Modern India * Anekantvad, The Backbone of Equanimity For private Personal use Umy Jain Educatiommeational 2010US Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Cardiology Vinod K. Shah, MD, FACC A. A. Patil, MD, FACC Mahesh P. Shah MD.FACC Anil K. Shah, MD, FACC Anandha Rao, MD, FACC Gastroenterology Umed K. Shah, MD, FACG Atul R. Shah, MD, FACG Nayan R. Shah, MD, FACG Sreenivas Mannam MD Pulmonology Kiran D. Mehta, MD, FCCP Neurology Beena A. Shah, MD Internal Medicine Bhasker A. Jhaveri, MD David M. Federle, MD Mary Kramer, MD Avani D. Shah, MD Dhiren Shah, MD Chandra B. Sajja, MD Manoj Panwala, MD. Hematology/Oncology Gurdeep Chhabra, MD Harminder S. Sethi, MD Gerontology Anwar T. Munshi, MD, FACP Rita B. Jhaveri, MD Pediatrics Ila V. Shah, MD, FAAP M.EO. Lafeer, MD, FAAP Dawn Bertram-Stewart, MD Beena Khetpal, MD Fahmi H. Fahmi MD Pediatrics/Internal Medicine James I. Harring, MD, FAAP FACP Family Practice John E Fenwick, MD J. Patrick Jarboe, MD Robert J. Bauer, MD John L. Bennett, MD J. Scott Tidball, MD Roy H. Bunales, MD Radiology Halappa G. Hakkal, MD Harris E. Orzach, MD Psychiatry Aruna A. Patil, MD Endocrinology John Tourtelot, MD Hollywood Office Philip J. Bean Medical Center PO Box 640 24035 Three Notch Road Hollywood, MD 20636 301-373-7900 Leonardtown Offices: Shanti Medical Center PO Box 664 26840 Point Lookout Road, Suite 1011 Leonardtown, MD 20650 301-475-5577 301-475-55241 St. Mary's Medical Arts Building PO Box 306 22650 Cedar Lane Court Leonardtown, MD 20650 310-475-5021 301-475-5023 Prince Frederick Office Calvert Medical Office Building 110 Hospital Road, Suite 303 Prince Frederick, MD 20678 410-535-4333 Lexington Park Office 22335 Exploration II.Suite 1030 & 1035 Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-863-7041 301-863-9000 California Office PO. Box 540 23263 By the Mill Road California, MD 20619 301-863-5835 Charlotte Hall Office Charlotte Hall Medical Centre PO Box 507 29795 Three Notch Road Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-884-7322 301-884-7330 Mechanicsville Office Village Medical Annex 28160 Old Village Road, Suite A Mechanicsville, MD 20659 301-884-4666 Washington Area 831 University Blvd., #32 Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-445-4430 2010_03 JAIN TEMPLE, WASHINGTON, DC 000 Ferey L JAI JINENDRA aho! aho! zrI sadguru, karuNAsiMdhu apAra A pAmara para prabhu karyo, aho! aho! upakAra (124) Thanks! the Holy True Teacher! Unfathomable ocean of compassion; I'm highly obliged; Oh! good Teacher, The Pupil poor has no expression. (124) zuM prabhucaraNakane gharaM? AtmAthI sahu hIna, te to prabhu Apiyo, vartu caraNAdhina ( 125 ) What should I offer to you, Lord? In soul-comparison all is trifle; The soul is gifted by the Lord, I wish to act to your oracle. (125) -Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, Srimad Rajchandra TARI We dedicate ourselves to ceaseless efforts of Acharya Sushil Kumarji and Gurudev Chitrabhanuji, in spreading the principles of Jainism among all the Jains settled in North America. We congratulate the Executive Committee for their devoted service to JAINA. SHAH ASSOCIATES, M.D., L.L.C. Shanti Medical Center, P.O. Box 664, Leonardtown, MD 20650 Phone: 301-475-5579 Metro 301-870-2049 Fax 301-884-7419 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 2003 VOL.22 NO. 2 CIRCULATION: 11000 In this issue Headquarter News................. JAINA Financial Report......4 Bhumi Poojan in NJ...........5 Affiliate News................ Mukti Marg(Hindi).............. Anekantvad, the backbone ...7 Spiritual code & Conduct....9 Role of Jainism in...............11. Conv registration form......15 Regional News..................13 JAINA book store...............17 Book Review.... MIS Registration Form......19 Matrimonials... ..............18 JD Life Members... YJA..... YJP............. .21 .23 JAIN DIGEST CIRCULATION Federation of JAINA P. O. Box 700 Gerzville, NY 14068-0700 .24 ..27 Young Minds.. Young Jain Professionals.......32 .29 Moving? Receiving duplicate copies? Send your address corrections to: 2010_03 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Jai Jinindra! This is my final communication to you as your president. New executive committee will be installed at the Convention. The new president will be reporting to you after that. It has been a privilege and a pleasure during my two years' term as JAINA President. As past president, I will always be available to help when needed. Following are some of the achievements during last quarter. The Convention preparations are in full force. Both national level members and local members of the Dayton Cincinnati Jain Sangh are working very hard. My heartiest greetings to them. Everything is proceeding very smoothly. JNF (JAINA NETWORK FORUM) is very active and helpful to many. You know that your participation at the convention JNF automatically enrolls in the JAINA JNF at the web site. I recommend each JNF participant to browse on the website and find Jain friends. The souvenir book for the 2003 convention is a treasure and you will enjoy reading long after the convention. Here are the items which I want to see continued interest for the future JAINA Executive Committees. Sadhermic Bhavans constructed around the country for our aging and retiring Jains. Effort to make conventions self-supporting financially. Increase the convention attendance. Create broadcast quality DVDs to showcase Jain Temples of India. Continue JAINA Yatra every year. Efforts to propagate Jainism around North America. Again, JAINA is for you and every one of you is for JAINA. Please use it to maximum. Please call on us, if we can be of any assistance. Jai Jinendra! Bipin Parikh, President The Jain Digest thanks and appreciates the work and efforts of outgoing Executive Committee of JAINA and wishes them very best. Cincinnati Convention Board has worked extremely hard to organize the upcoming 12th biennial Convention. Jain Digest appreciates their hard work and dedication and we all should support them. Manubhai Doshi has written a book on the topic of code of conduct for Jains and we have published 2 chapters from the book SPIRITUAL CODE AND RESTRAINTS. Jain Digest, which has been serving our community, will continue doing so with greater effort and improvement. We are always open for your input and suggestions. Lata Champsee, Editor in Chief JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003/1 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN DIGEST A publication of the FEDERATION OF JAIN ASSOCIATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA (JAINA) EDITOR IN CHIEF Lata Champsee 21 Swiftdale Place Don Mills, ONT, Canada M3B IM3 Phone: 416/441-2200 fax: 416/ 441-2211 email: COVER DESIGN Drumail Purohit email: REGIONAL EDITORS Canada Dr.Mahendra Mehta email: Phone/Fax 416/241-2044 Midwest, US Manubhai Doshi email: Phone: 847/735-0120 Northeast, US Dineshbhai Chheda email: Phone: 973/394-1701 Southeast, US Surendra Shah Phone: 770/422-1483 Southwest, US Jadavji Kenia email: Phone: 972/690-3593 West, US Chandrakant Parekh email: Phone: 562/865-1679, Fax: (562) 865-0851 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Young Minds Nishma Shah 832-651-3679, Chirag K. Shah 262-880-6918, Matrimonials Hasmukh Shah 304 Tall Oak Trail Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-7711 Phone: 727-934-6141/3255 MANAGING BOARD Lata Champsee, Chair Dilip V Shah, Marketing Director Keerti Shah, Circulation Director The Managing Editorial Board will endeavor to publish all material submitted but reserves the right to edit and/or reformat for clarity and space restrictions. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Managing Editorial Board of JAIN DIGEST. PUBLICATION DATES AND DEADLINES Spring (February) January 30th April 30 Summer (May) July 30 October 30 Fall (August) Winter (November) 2/ JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003 2010_03 Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA) JAINA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Bipin D. Parikh Phone: 847/699-1294, Fax: 312/726-4274 First Vice President Anop R. Vora Phone: 585/473-9290, Fax: 585/473-9450 Regional Vice Presidents Lata Champsee, Canada Phone: 416/441-2200, Fax: 416/441-2211 Ila G. Mehta, Midwest US Phone: 419/865-2727, Fax: 419/868-7476 Sushil Jain, Northeast US Phone/ 301/670-0519 Fax:301/670-3937 Mahendra Mehta, Southeast US Phone: 941/561-273, Fax: 941-275-4432 Hasendra Shah, West US Phone: 562/404-2851. Fax: 562/597-0648 Udai Jain, Southwest US Phone: 281-980-0741, Fax: 281/980-2924 Secretary Kirit C. Daftary Phone: 254/776-4209, Fax: 254/753-1411 Treasurer Girish P. Shah Phone: 408/378-8765, Fax: 650/694-6961 Immediate Past President Mahendra K. Pandya Phone: 718/816-0083, Fax: 212/319-6781 SPECIAL OFFICE BEARER Executive Director of JAINA Kamalesh Amin Phone/Fax: 716/636-5342 jainahq BOARD OF DIRECTORS All Board of Directors names were printed in the Summer 2000 issue. JAINA CHARITABLE TRUST Executive Council Chairmen - Mahendra Pandya, New York, NY Dhiraj Shah, Buffalo, NY Comptroller Jagar Jain, Buffalo, NY Secretary General - Jit Turakhia. Liverpool, NY Members-at-Large Rajen Jaswa, Saratoga, CA Sulekh Jain. Sugar Land, TX Mamta Shah, Kings Point, NY Trustees All Trustees names and photos were printed in the Fall 2000 issue. JAINA ON THE INTERNET JAINA Jain BBS Young Jains of America JAINA COMMITTEES Ahimsa Day Celebration Surendra Singhvi 937/885-7414 Calendar Committee Rajeev Pandya 212/319-8291 Community Leadership Council Ramesh Shah 440/442-4596 Environment and Ecology Nancy Jain 416/447-1650 Essay Competition Chhaya Kapadia 516/829-3316 JAINA Book Store Rohit H. Doshi 6071 754 6010 JAINA Network Forum(JNF) Sunil Jain 630/705/1884 Govt. & International Organizations Relations Dhiraj H. Shah 716/773-1314 Interfaith Activities/World Council of Jains Manoj Dharamsi 703/620-9837 Rashmi Gardi 847/428-4298 Jain Poojas Naresh Shah 516/741-9269 Arhant Jain 905/827-7494 JAIN DIGEST Membership Keerti Shah 630/837-8716 JAINA Education Committee Pravin K. Shah 919/859-4994 JAINA Temple Guidelines Jagat Jain 716/688-0104 Jiv Daya Ratibhai Shah 817/430-8081 JAINA Library Committee Virendra Shah 310/326-5685 JAINA Publication Committee Prem Gada 806/794-4777 CANADA Regular Toronto Associate Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Vancouver MIDWEST Regular Chicago Cinncinati/Dayton Cleveland Columbus Detroit Lansing St. Louis Associate Kansas City Minneapolis Milwaukee Toledo NORTHEAST Regular Boston Buffalo Cherry Hill Essex Fells Hudson Valley New York Ocen Orange Philadelphia Pittsburgh Rochester Washington, DC Associate Albany Allentown Elmira Harrisburgh Hartford Syracuse AFFILIATES Brahmi Jain Society, US and Canada I. A. A. of Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya, Rochester, NY International Mahavir Jain Mission. US and Canada Jain Adhytmic Academy of N. America, Plano, TX Jain Meditation International Center, US & Canada HEADQUARTERS PO Box 700, Getzville, NY 14068-0700 Phone/Fax: 716/636-5342 Office Hours: 2 pm - 5 pm Mon - Friday, jainahq JAINA Website Committee Girish P. Shah 408/378-8765 Long Term Planning Prabodh Vaidya 630/985-9144 Mahavir Memorial Dr. Manoj Dharamsi 703/620-9837 Marriage Information Service Hasmukh Shah 727/934-6141/3255 Media Watch/Public Relations Sushil Jain 301/670-0519 Membership Kamlesh Shah 301/838-9778 N. American Jain Families Assitance Program Ila Mehta 419/865-2727 Pilgrimage Dilip V. Shah 215/561-0581 Senior Citizens Kantilal Shah 949/831-8687 Scholar Visitation Nirmal Dosi 732/390-0296 Tirthodhdhar Kirit Daftary 254/776-4209 V.R. Gandhi Scholarship Fund Pravin C. Shah 516/248-8265 World Community Service Bachubhai Ajmera 301/924-8070 Bhadresh Dhila 301/589-4610 Prakash Mehta 703/318-8252 Young Jains of America (YJA) Ronak Shah 918-269-7665 Chintan Shah 608-217-4807 Young Jain Professional (YJP) Manav Jain 818/360-4178 SOUTHEAST Regular Arlanta Miami Associate Augusta Charlotte Fi. Meyers Jacksonville Memphis Middle Tennessee Morgantown New Orleans Orlando Panama City Beach Palm Beach Raleigh Tampa SOUTHWEST Regular Dallas Houston Phoenix Associate Tulsa Lubbock Colorado WEST Regular Los Angles San Francisco Associate Portland Sacramento San Diego MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS Regular: Two directors on JAINAS Board (over 50 families). Associare: One director on JAINAS Board (up to 50 families). Jain Social Group, LA and Toronto Kutchhi Gurjar Jain Society, Grand Island, NY Kutchhi Oswal Jain Association of North America(KOJAIN) Shri Mahavir Jain Foundation, Santa Ana, CA Jain Academic Foundation of N. America, Lubbock, TX LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OF JAIN DIGEST We encourage our readers to send their questions, comments or views on current issues or concerns facing the Jain community of North America to the Editor in Chief. Lata Champsee. We endeavor to publish all letters, space permitting. The JAIN DIGEST reserves the right to edit all material for clarity and/or space. All letters must include the sender's name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HEADQUARTERS NEWS.... JAINA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING CINCINNATI, OH Bipin Parikh, Anop Executive Committee Members: Vora, Kirit Daftary, Lata Champsee, Sushil Jain, Uday Jain Directors: Keerti Shah, Dilip V. Shah, Jasvant Shah and Urmilaben Shah YJA: Suchita Shah Guests: Samprati Shah, Dr. Mahesh Shah Meeting started with Navkar Mantra. Last meeting's (Yearly directors meeting of Siddachalmam) minutes were approved with the following corrections: Other matters: It was suggested that we should insist that Yatris through JAINA pilgrimage program should get emergency medical transportation insurance, in case of a medical emergency while in India. President's report: Reported on the progress of Convention. The registrations have started and we should have good attendance. Have received pledges from various Jain Centers and other donors. YJA Report: Suchita Shah presented the report: 1. YJA is currently in the process of selecting a city for convention 2004. They will end accepting bid packets at the end of this month. They will announce 2004 City at JAINA Convention this July. 2. They have again teamed up with Habitat for Humanity this summer. Groups of 10-15 youth will go out to the nine selected sites across the nation to build houses. 3. Next week YJA Executive elections. Elections will take place through June and July and they will announce a new board at the end of July. 5. They are supporting Dharma conference by Hindu Student Council in late July. 6. They have initiated new micro sites to, including a site for Mahavir Jayanti 2602, memories of regional conferences and Veerayatan trip, a current events page, an interactive stavan site, and one stop shop. JAINA Committees: It was decided to send out the requests to all committees to send in their progress reports. Executive committee then will make decision on the continuation of the committee, etc based on their progress, and their future goals/mission, etc. 2010_03 Other Business: Moksha Vighyan Center of North America has shown their interest in becoming affiliate members of JAINA. They will forward their application to the Secretary Chairman of Membership Committee. Their mission is to preserve, explain, practice and promote the spiritual science of Atma Gyan. They have over 1000 members. Guidelines for Scholars: JAINA needs to come up with some kind of guidelines to qualify, and approve/select scholars for lectures in US for various Jain Centers. In the past many well known scholars have been declined visa. US State department could use this for offering visa to visiting scholars and monks. Dr. Sushil Jain has agreed to work on this issue. Liability Insurance: Could JAINA be held responsible for actions done by their subcommittees? Committee needs to be established to look at various liability issues. The last executive committee meeting of 2001-2003 will 4. They are organizing 6+ sessions for the 13+ age range be held in Cincinnati at the convention on July 3, 2003. at the JAINA Convention. World Community Service of JAINA helps earthquake victims of Morbi, Gujarat World Community Service (WCS) had contributed $15,000 for primary school, which is named after JAINA. WCS founder Dr. Dhiraj Shah visited the school personally and was satisfied with the progress. People of Morbi have planned Sumatinath Nagar for two hundred earthquake affected families. They requested help through JAINA treasurer Girish Shah to rehabilitate these people and JAINA contributed $30,000 to Sumatinath Nagar for the houses. This contribution helps at least 80 earthquake victims' families. JAINA's major earthquake project at Vardhman Nagar is progressing well and entire project will be completed by the end of the year. World Community Service of JAINA helps riot victims of Ahmedabad, Gujarat JAINA has contributed more then $1,000 to managing trustee, Kumarpal Desai of Anukampa Trust, Ahmedabad, Gujarat to help victims of communal riots. JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003/3 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Federation of Jain Associations In North America (JAINA) Financial Summary For Calendar Year 2002 (Cash Basis) ASSETS JAINA Fund Statement - As of Dec 31, 2002 (1) JAINA General Funds $26,703 Cash Investment in Corporate Bonds Total Assets $656,074 $130,000 $786,074 (2) Subcommittees Balances Publication Committee Jiv Daya Committee $6,914 LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $243 Loan Payable Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 8,000 $ 778,074 $786,074 $498,461 6,402 $504,863 REVENUE Support: Contributions Membership dues Total Support Revenue: Convention registration Advertisements Interest Miscellaneous income Total Revenue Total Support and Revenue World Community Service Temple Guidelines Committee Virchand R. Gandhi Committee Mahavir Memorial Committee N.A. Jain Family Assistance Program Tirthoddhar Committee Pilgrimage Committee Calendar & Mini-Library Committee Book Store Committee JNF Committee World Jain Conferderation(WJC) Public Affairs Committee Education Committee $31,665 $1,359 $11,673 $83 $5,319 $14,659 $3,960 $2,589 $15,106 $680 $1,795 $970 $1,743 $247,254 9,901 15,295 70,701 $ 343,151 $ 848,013 TOTAL Subcommittees $98,759 EXPENSES Program Services: Program & Convention Grants and allocations Books and publications Pilgrimage expenses Total Program Services Support Services: General and administrative Total Support Services $ 306,747 208,732 77,003 40,590 $ 633,072 (3) JAIN Digest Endowment Fund (4) JAINA Charitable Trust (5) YJA (Young Jains of America) Fund (6) YJP (Young jain Professionals) Fund (7) JAINA Convention 2001 Fund (8) JAINA Convention 2003 Fund (8) JAINA Convention 2003 Loans (8b) Advance to JAINA Conv. 2003 (9) WCS Gujarat Earthquake Fund (10) YJA Conv 2002 Fund $84,131 $142,738 $2,020 $8,840 $7,172 $23,326 ($8,000) $10,000 $249,081 $133,305 $ 20,592 $ 20,592 Total Expenses $ 653,664 Change in Net Assets $ 194,349 Grand Total of Fund (Net Asset) $778,074 Net Assets, Beginning Of Year Net Assets, End Of Year $ 583,725 $ 778,074 Respectfully Submitted by Girish Shah, Treasurer (Audited Financial Statement is available from the Treasurer) 4 / JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sunday, May 18th 2003 was a memorable day in New Jersey for the members of the Jain Center of NJ. They had waited for more than five years for this day. On that auspicious day morning, Bhumi Poojan for the new Seven Million Dollar Shikharbandhi Temple complex in Franklin Township was performed. Shri Rajendrabhai Dalal, who has promised to have the entire interior marble work of the Temple built and donated from India, had flown in especially from India to perform the Bhoomi Poojan. More than 1,500 people attended the newly cleared ground. 108 Kalash Verghodo, Das Dikpal Pooja, Nav Grah Pooja, Ashtamangal Pooja, Snatrapooja vidhis were conducted by brothers Virendrabhai Shah and Dr. Kirtibhai Shah. Gurudev Chitrabhanuji graced the occasion and blessed and congratulated the Sangh for undertaking such a magnificent project. He reminded every one for remaining united under one heading of JAIN and cautioned against sectarian divisions. "The greatest unifier for Jains is the message of Bhagwan Mahavir. We are living in the Shasan of Mahavir and that should forever remain our focus" AFFILIATES NEWS: BHOOMI POOJAN IN FRANKLIN, NJ The grand sponsor of the entire day's celebration were Kiranbhai and Darshanaben Dalal. Actual Bhoomi Pojan was done by the family of Dr. Navin Mehta and his family. Other dignitaries in attendance were, NJ Assemblyman Hon. Upendra Chivukuila (former Mayor of Franklin Township), Mayor Hon. Willis "Rickey" Sumter, Deputy Mayor William "Bill" Grippo and other township officials. Also present were Dr. Rajni Shah, Dr. Chanrakant Mehta and countless members from Sanghs as far as Boston, Philadelphia, Washington and Connecticut. INTERNATIONAL JAIN SANGH Several hundred people gathered in South River, New Jersey on Sunday April 20, 2003 to celebrate Mahavir Jayanti organized by International Jain Sangh (IJS), an organization based in New Jersey. The program started with Mahavir Swami Puja and prayers led by Prem Jain, was followed by religious sermons and prayers by Samaniji Madhur Pragyaji and Sangh Pragyaji, disciples of Acharya Mahapragyaji, who blessed the celebrations and extolled the assembled gathering about virtues of Bhagwan Mahavir and his message of non violence, compassion and peace in this time of world disorder. Noted Community leader Mr. Vinay Vakhani administered a Pledge of Tolerance and Nonviolence to a standing room only packed hall to make this world a safer place. Left to right: Samanijis, Subhash Jain, presenting IJS Award of Excellence to Mr. Arvind Vora. Mr. Dilip V. Shah of JAINA. 2010_03 The project will facilitate the needs of all the established Jain sects. Plans for the 9.6 acre land are to have 4,900 sq ft Temple, Two and half story Building of 44,000 sq ft. and caretaker's house of 2,800 Sq ft. The Main building will have separate Assembly hall, Digamber Hall, Meditation/Swadhyay Hall, Shrimad Rajchandra Hall, 4 class rooms, Library, Audio visual room, Office, kitchen, Dining hall and utility rooms as needed. Temple and the Main hall will be connected by an enclosed passage. Shilanyas Vidhi is being planned for June 22 and Site development will commence at the end of the summer. For more information call Virendra Shah: (732) 329-3236 Mr. Arvind Vora, Chairman of Long Island Interfaith Forum and a community leader was presented this year's IJS Award of Excellence recognizing his leadership for promoting the teachings of Jainism in the mainstream. In his acceptance speech, The United States House of Representatives Community Service awards by Congressman Frank Pallone were presented to Sanjay Jain, MD of Hackettstown, NJ and Subhash Jain, MD of Alpine, NJ and their spouses Dr. Seema Jain and Mrs Sarla Jain, for their dedication and service in the recovery of noted Jain Monk Shree Amrender Muniji, disciple of late Acharya Shree Sushil Kumarji Maharaj. Today Shree Amrender Muniji is fully recovered and is visiting India and shall be returning to USA in June. After this, a grand cultural program was presented. More than 40 local youth and children participated in the cultural program, with dances and skits and every participant received a commemorative Five Rupee Jain Coin in appreciation of their hard work and dedication. JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003/5 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ mukti mArga subhASa candra jaina lagabhaga sabhI dharmoM kA eka mala siddhAMta hai - "jaisA booge, vaisA bhinna hotI hai / sukSma jIvANu meM inakI abhivyakti bahata sUkSma hotI hai aura kAToge " / isa siddhAMta ko dUsare zabdo meM kahA jA sakatA hai ki pratyeka prANI mukta AtmA (paramAtmA) meM inakI abhivyakti ananta hotI hai| manuSya meM anya ko apane kAryoM kA phala bhagatanA paThatA hai / yaha sambhava hai ki prANI mata aura prANiyoM kI apekSA ina gaNoM kI abhivyakti adhika hotI hai / darzana aura vartamAna ke sabhI kAryoM kA phala isa janma me na bhoga pAe / yaha kathana punarjanma jJAna gaNoM kA kArya jAnanA hai / jAnanA do prakAra kA hotA hai- nirvikalpa kI ora iMgita karatA hai| jaba taka kAryoM kA phala zeSa rahatA hai, taba taka zeSa jAnanA aura savikalpa jAnanA / nirvikalpa jAnanA, jo AtmA kA apanA phala ko bhogane ke lie phira se janma lenA paDatA hai / punarjanma ke cakkara se svabhAva hai, rAga-dveSa rahita hotA hai aura savikalpa jAnanA, jo AtmA kA makti dilAne vAlA mArga ko makti mArga kahate haiN| vimAva hai, rAga-dveSa sahita hotA hai| rAga-dveSa kI utpati kA mUla kAraNa hai mukti mArga ko jAnane se pahale kArya kA artha samajhanA Avazyaka hai savikalpa jAnane kI kiyA, jisake kAraNa manuSya kI yaha miyyA mAnyatA hai ki mai zarIra haiN| jAnane kI kriyA hara samaya ho rahI hai, parantu eka samaya meM / icchAeM, jina se rAga-dveSa utpanna hotA hai, unake dvArA mana, vacana, aura eka prakAra kA hI jAnanA samaMva hai nirvikalpa yA sviklp| manuSya kisa pra kAya ke kriyAkalApa ke paricAlana ko kArya kahate haiM / kArya tIna prakAra kA kAra ke jAnane kI kiyA kare, yaha usake paracArya, jo vIrya gaNa kI paryAya hai, hotA hai - azubha, zubha, aura zuddha / zuma aura azubha kArya rAga-dveSa kI tIvratA para nirbhara hai / jo kArya tIvra rAga-dveSa dvArA kie jAte haiM, veM azubha kArya hote para nirbhara hai / nirvikalpa jAnane kI kriyA ko Atma-anubhava' yA 'svAnubhava ke nAma se bhI jAnA jAtA hai| haiM aura unakA phala ahitakara hotA hai / jo kArya maMda rAga-dveSa se kie jAte hai, unhe zubha kArya kahate haiM, aura unakA phala hitakara hotA hai / jo kArya rAga aba prazna hotA hai ki nirvikalpa jAnane kI kriyA ko kaise pakaDe dveSa rahita kie jAte haiM, veM zuddha kArya hote haiM, aura unakA koI phala nahIM hotA ? isa kriyA ko pakaThane kA eka hI upAya hai - cyaan| dhyAna kA artha hai citta / isalie rAga-dveSa rahita kArya karane vAle prANI ko punarjanma kI AvazkatA kI ekAgratA dvArA usakI vRtiyoM kA niroSa / dhyAna kA lakSya hai nahIM pdd'tii| ukta kArya meda se yaha sArAzaM nikalA ki rAga-dveSa rahita kArya AtmA ke dvArA AtmA ko dekhanA / dhyAna cAra prakAra kA hotA hai - Arta, raudra karanA makti mArga hai| , dharma aura zukla / pahale do prakAra ke dhyAna heya haiM aura zeSa do upAdeya haiN| dhyAna kA abhyAsa zarIra se prArambha hotA hai / sarva prathama ekAnta me baiThakara aba prazna uThatA hai ki rAga-dveSa kA kaise vinAza kiyA jaae| isa zarIra kI zithilatA ko sAdhA jAtA hai aura ise kAyotsarga ke nAma se jAnA prazna kA samadhAna karane se pahale yaha cetAvanI denA Avazyaka hai ki rAga-dveSa jAtA hai| isake pazcAta maMtrajApya aura stotrAdi ke pATha (padastha dhyAna) dvArA, kA vinAza karane kI icchA pUrI karane me dIrghakAlIna prayAsa cAhie / mAvanA-bhavana (piNThastha dhyAna) dvArA, tatva-cintavana athavA nirIha vRti se vartamAna icchAoM meM eka aura icchA jounA duvidhA me DAla detA hai ki yadi jJAtA-daSTA mAtra (ra-pastha dhyAna) dvArA mAnasika ekAgratA kA abhyAsa kiyA vartamAna icchAoM ko pUrI karane kA samaya nahIM hai to naI icchA kaise pUrI hogii| isa duvidhA kA eka hI samAdhAna hai ki vartamAna icchAoM ko kama kara jAtA hai / dhairyapUrvaka abhyAsa dvArA eka kSaNa aisA AyegA jisa kSaNa AtmA zarIra se alaga anubhava hogI / isa avasthA ko cauthe gaNasthAna ke nAma se tAki unheM pUrI karane me kama samaya lge| jAnA jAtA hai / satata sAdhanA dvArA isa anumati kI avadhi ko zanaiH-zanaiH rAga-dveSa kA vinAza karane ke lie usakI utpati kA kAraNa bar3hAyA jA sakatA hai / gRhastha ke yogya sAdhanA kI chaH pradhAna kiyAeM haiM - deva jAnanA hogA / loka meM dI jAtI ke padArtha haiM / eka cetana aura dUsarA acetana pajA, gara--upAsanA, svAdhyAya, saMyama, tapa, aura dAna / jaise-jaise isa (jar3a) / cetana tatva kA nAma jIva (AtmA) hai aura jala tatva kA nAma padagala anamati kI avadhi baDhatI hai, rAga-dveSa kama hote jAte haiM / jaise-jaise rAga-dveSa hai jisake dvArA zarIra kA nirmANa hotA hai / yadyapi AtmA aura zarIra ekameka meM kamI hotI hai, AtmA unnati ke mArga para agrasara hotI hai / AtmA kI hokara rahate haiM, phira bhI AtmA kamI zarIra aura zarIra kamI AtmA nahIM bana unnati ke mApa ke lie caudaha gaNasthAnoM kA nira-paNa Agama meM kiyA gayA sktaa| hai / AtmA caudahaveM guNasthAna meM pahacane para AtmA mukta ho jAtI hai| ba~ki zarIra ko indriyoM dvArA jAnA jA sakatA hai, isalie prANI "nirvikalpa upayoga yukta kArya hI mukti kA mArga hai| AsAnI se zarIra se saMbaMdha sthApita kara letA hai / AtmA ko indriyoM dvArA nahIM jAnA jA sakatA hai, isalie prANI AtmA se tAdAmya nahIM ho pAtA / AtmA ko kevala AtmA hI jAna sakatA hai, parantu AtmA ke bAre meM indriyoM dvArA jAnA jA sakatA hai / AtmA ko jAnane se pahale AtmA ke bAre meM jAnanA hogaa| AtmA ke cAra mala guNa haiM - darzana, jJAna, sakha, aura vIrya (shkti)| minna-bhinna prANiyoM kI AtmAoM meM ina gaNoM kI abhivyakti bhinna 61 JAIN DIGEST- Summer 2003 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ANEKANTVAD, THE BACKBONE OF EQUANIMITY Manubhai Doshi, Chicago, IL Jen Vina Logassa Vi Vavaharo Savvaha Na Nivvahai Tassa Bhuvanekaguruno Namo Anegantavayassa Samansuttam Bow to Anekantvad, the only guide of the universe, without which even the worldly affairs cannot be maintained. Anekantvad, which is considered analogous to Syadvad, is Some people contend that Anekantvad lays down equality of an integral part of Jainism. The Samansuttam therefore calls it the all religions. Nothing can be further from the truth. No doubt, universal guide. To put it in simple language, Anekantvad advo- Anekantvad urges to explore even the partial truth that different cates the consideration of every situation from different points of religions stand for and for that purpose it stipulates examining view. It lays down that different views, creeds as well as beliefs are every point of view from all the perspectives. But that does not likely to have some element of truth and credit needs to be given mean equality. The principal objective of Anekantvad is to arrive to them to that extent. No one should therefore outright reject a at the real truth after considering different view points. Thereby, view that happens to differ from his own. In other words, one it endeavors to come to the whole truth. In other words, it wants should patiently consider every view on its own merits. Anekantvad to derive Ekant by means of Anekant. Let us consider this aspect thus lays down the principle of tolerance for all the views. In order from the point of view of religion. to practice it, one's vision should be broad enough to consider the to consider the Religion has two aspects, theory and practice. The Websters differing views with an unprejudiced mind and to give credit due le dictionary defi dictionary defines the theoretical part as the belief in the divine or to them. supernatural power to be obeyed and worshipped as the creator or Tolerance is thus the essence of Anekantvad. Its main purpose the ruler of the universe. According to this definition, religion is to reach the real truth. That necessitates exercising proper judg. denotes the beliefs, which can be right or wrong. Its practical part ment. Such an exercise requires an open mind. That, however, is defined as expression of such belief in conduct and ritual. Belief does not imply the equality of all views, nor does it stipulate that in the creator is thus considered as the corner stone of a religion. they need be placed on the same footing. Many people do not This definition is applicable to most of the religions. Jainism and realize the difference between tolerance and truth. They tend to Buddhism, are, however, the exception. They do not believe in the think that every belief has the same degree of truth. We come Creation or the Creator. across people who state that one view point is right and at the Religion is usually considered a synonym of Dharma. But the same time, they contend that the opposite view point is also right. term Dharma has a different connotation. The above definition of They try to justify such approach in the name of Anekant, as if religion is not applicable to Dharma, because Dharma deals with that concept may be advocating the equality of every point of truth. The concept of Dharma is thus superior to that of religion. view. But Anekantvad does not stand for such equality. It stipu- Indian theology defines it as Dharavati Iti Dharmah. It means lates consideration of different view points in order to figure out that whatever holds one from falling is Dharma. Jainism goes ahead the truth that they may contain. That does not lay down that two and defines it as Varthu Sahavo Dhammo, which means that natural contrary views can be simultaneously right. Actually, if one view is property of a substance is Dharma. Since natural property cannot right, its contrary would be wrong. be alienated from the substance, it can be said that Dharma stands Two contrary statements can, however, be right when used in for what lasts forever. The Sanskrit term for lasting is Sat. As such, different contexts. For instance, during his boyhood, while prince Dharma can be termed as dealing with Satya, the truth. The emVardhaman was once sitting on the middle floor, his friends came phasis of Jainism is on that truth. It lays down the lasting truth looking for him. Mother Trishala, who was on the lower floor, said that no substance can be created, nor can it be entirely destroyed. that he was upstairs. The boys climbed the stairs in a hurry and Therefore it negates the concept of creator. went to the top floor. They saw king Siddharth there. He told Some people may wonder at the statement that no substance them that the prince was down stairs. In this case, the statements can be created or destroyed. They may contend that they make of the queen and king, though apparently contrary, were right in use of many articles which are produced in the industrial or dodifferent situations. Such statements, however, cannot be simulta mestic sector. But what do we mean by production? It means bringneously right. ing about something by processing some existing materials. That JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 7 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 International 2018_03 Fo Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ANEKANTVAD, THE BACKBONE OF EQUANIMITY (cont.) merely amounts to transforming the existing materials to some truth and do not even profess to go in for the lasting happiness. As other form. Jainism is not averse to the concept of such transfor- such, it would not be fair to compare them with the spiritual scimation. It states that such transformation has been continuously ences of the East. taking place all over the universe. But that is not creation. Reli The concept of such comparison arises from the failure to gious concept of the creator denotes creation of the universe by an he universe by an distinguish berween eananimiry and equaliry Every one distinguish between equanimity and equality. Every one needs to almighty out of nothing. Jainism as well as the science, is em endorse equanimity. That, however, does not mean treating all of phatic that such creation is not possible. The distinction between them as equal. The enlightened person makes distinction between Dharma and religion should therefore be born in mind in order to different views without indulging in craving for one and aversion avoid the confusion. for another. For instance, he knows the difference between a palLike religion, Dharma recognizes that the universe is made ace and a hut; but it makes no difference to him whether he has to up of so many things. If, however, we minutely examine them, it occupy one or the other. Similarly he knows the difference beis seen that everything can be reduced to two categories, live and tween the ordinary bread and sweets; but he does feel elated to get lifeless or sentient and insentient. The live element is invisible, the sweets nor does he depressed to get the plain bread. He is abstract and intangible. It cannot be made by any composition or above all the likes and dislikes. And that is the essence of equatransformation. As such it cannot be decomposed and stays for- nimity, ever in the same form. On the other hand, the lifeless materials Equanimity thus denotes absence of likes and dislikes. One, that we come across are tangible and can be experienced by sense however. however, needs to call the spade a spade. He should not ignore or organs. They are composible and can be made by processing the overlook what is good and what is bad. Similarly equanimity todifferent materials. wards different religions, sects or beliefs does not mean that all of Our body also is a composition. Every particle of the body them are equal or are on the same footing. The enlightened being undergoes continual change and the whole mass is seen as aging recognizes right as right and wrong as wrong. If he knows somewith the passage of time. This process continues till death. Accu- thing as acceptable, he states it that way and if he knows it as ally the body is subject to continual decay, but the live element unacceptable, he does not hesitate to reject the same. What Shrimad within it protects it from decaying. As soon as that element disap- Rajchandra has stated in this connection is worth contemplating pears, the body starts decaying. Therefore Dharma attaches im- and is therefore given below. portance to that non-decaying part, which is termed as Brahman, 1, "Equanimity does not mean equality or absence of discrimiAtma, Chaitanya, consciousness etc.. nation or equal attitude or indifference as is done in the worldly Whichever way be it called, the main point is that it is not a life; in other words, treating diamonds and glass pieces as equal or composite; and whatever is non-composite continues to exist for- considering the right and wrong texts on equal footing or not to ever. Our body is its temporary abode and when the body ceases differentiate between right and wrong faith or to ignore the differto be worth residing, it migrates to a new body. That element thusence between the true and wrong preceptor or not to distinguish being imperishable, the thinking people of the East naturally between the true and untrue deities is not equanimity. To do that thought to look for its well being. Jainism and Hinduism were is spiritual insensibility, loss of discretion or confused state of mind. particularly concerned about such well being and have laid down "The equanimous would recognize truth as truth and advoways of attaining liberation which only can give the lasting happi cate it; recognize false as false and reject it; recognize right scripness. Buddhism too has similar objective. If liberation can be com tural text as right and teach it; treat wrong text as wrong and adpared to the top of a hill, Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism can monish it; recognize true faith as true and propagate it; recognize be termed as three different ways for reaching that top. wrong faith as wrong and disapprove the same; recognize true preOther religions and creeds do not recognize the existence of ceptor as true and commend him; know wrong preceptor as wrong soul. They do not strive to know the everlasting substance. Unfor- and caution against him; recognize true deity as true and direct tunately they happen to be mere bundles of right or wrong beliefs. that; know wrong deity as wrong and forbid it. He would notice, To the extent they lay down moral standards like good behavior, understand and lay down everything as it is; but he would not fraternity, non-hurting, truthfulness, honesty etc., they serve use- develop craving or aversion and would not cultivate likes or disful purpose and to that extent they can command respect. One likes.' can therefore have the sense of equanimity towards them. It has, however, to be remembered that they are away from the absolute 8/ JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SPIRITUAL CODE AND RESTRAINTS INTRODUCTION nANamivasama a caraNAMme navama naha pa viiriymi| AyaraNa AyAro Ia aso paMcahA bhaNio / / 1 Nanammi Dansanammi A Charanammi Tavammi Tahay Viriyammi Ayaranam Ayaro Ea Aso Panchaha Bhanio Panchachar Sutra (Knowledge, perception, conduct, austerities and vigor constitute the fivefold code of conduct) Religion has two major aspects. One deals with the principles and the other with the practice. The latter constitutes the observance part of the religion. This book deals with that part of Jainism. Observance of Jainism can again be divided in two broad headings. One part deals with the observance of the code and the other with the observance of restraints. Some persons may be intrigued by the use of the term code in the realm of religion, because for them a code would mean the statutory code. It should, however, be remembered that every religion lays down the norms of behavior for their followers and many of them observe the same more scrupulously than they would observe the statutory stipulations. Such norms therefore constitute the code of conduct for the people concerned. Thus, when we talk of the Jain code, we mean the norms of observing the conduct as laid down by Jainism. Right conduct is however only a part of the spiritual code. There are several other aspects like true knowledge, faith etc. that form the parts of the same code. The ultimate purpose of the right conduct is, after all, to gain liberation, which, in spiritual terms, is known as Moksha. The aspects mentioned above are also meant to further that very end and are conducive to the attainment of the said objective. In this connection, Lord Umaswati has therefore stated in Tattvarthasutra: 'Samyagdarshanjnancharittani Mokshamargah' It means that Samyagdarshan, Samyagjnan and Samyakcharitra constitute the path of liberation. Samyak means right or correct, while Darshan stands for perception, Jnan for knowledge and Charitra for conduct. The combination of those three aspects leads to liberation. Since code, in Jain terminology, stands for Achar, these three aspects are termed as Darshanachar, Jnanachar and Charitrachar. They are thus the basic constituents of the Jain code. There are other two aspects that pertain to observance of austerities and exerting of vigor. Strictly speaking, they form parts of Charitrachar. Being, however, very significant to Jainism, they are traditionally treated as separate parts of the code and are named as Tapachar and Viryachar. Thus, Darshanachar, Jnanachar, Charitrachar, Tapachar and Viryachar constitute the fivefold Jain code and are together known as Panchachar. 2010_03 Manubhai Doshi, Chicago, Il In this context it is necessary to make some clarification about the implications of the terms, Darshan, Jnan and Charitra. Basically, Darshan means perception, but it also denotes conviction, outlook, attitude etc. Jnan means knowledge, but it also implies faith, enlightenment etc. Charitra means conduct and includes practice, behavior etc. There are two different traditions for narrating the order of this trio. Some scholars mention them as Jnan, Darshan and Charitra, while others mention the same as Darshan, Jnan and Charitra as given in Tattvarthasutra. In the former tradition, Jnan is taken as knowledge and Darshan as conviction, while in the latter, Darshan is mentioned in the sense of right perception and Jnan in the sense of faith and enlightenment. The difference is thus more apparent than real. Both the traditions really follow identical order but make use of the same terms for conveying different meanings. In the discussion that follows, we have adopted the former tradition. Accordingly, the first Part of this book deals with the five-fold code in the order of Jnanachar, Darshanachar, Charitrachar, Tapachar and Viryachar. Observance of restraints forms the other part of the Jain practice. In a way, restraints are implicit within the code of conduct, because the code cannot be effectively observed without the simultaneous observance of restraints. The restraints can therefore be considered as antecedents to the code. There is however a subtle difference. The observance of a code would hardly serve any purpose in absence of proper understanding of its objectives. In absence of such understanding, the observance would simply amount to a lifeless ritual that is likely to do more harm than good. When we come to the realm of restraints, the argument loses some of its force. Though the logic is applicable, it applies here to a lesser extent, because the observance of restraints can turn out to be partly beneficial even in absence of the proper understanding. Jainism lays down the observance of restraints at two different levels depending upon the capability of observers. For monks and nuns it lays down the rigorous observance of the restraints. There are five major restraints for them that are popularly known as Pnach Mahavratas. It would obviously be hard for the laymen to rigorously observe such restraints. Therefore, the same restraints are laid down for them in modified form. Such modified restraints are called Anuvratas or minor restraints. In order to make them more effective, three auxiliary restraints and four disciplinary restraints are however added to such Anuvratas. Part two of the book mainly deals with these twelve restraints. JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003/9 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JNANACHAR The Code For Acquiring Knowledge Kale Vinae Bahumane Uvahane Tah Aninhavane Vanjan Attha Tadubhaye Atchaviho Nanmayaro - Panchachar Sutra (Proper timing, reverence, esteem, orequired austerities, gratitude and loyalty, reading carefully, grasping the meaning and making out the underlying sense constitute eight-fold code of knowledge.) The first aspect pertains to Jnan or knowledge. Matijnan, Shrutjnan, Avadhijnan, Manahparyayjnan and Kevaljnan are the five categories of the Jnan. Mati means intelligence. The knowl- edge acquired by using the intellect or by exercising the mind is therefore called Matijnan. Shru means to hear. By implication it also covers reading, writing, learning etc. So Shrutjnan means the knowledge gained by listening, reading, studying etc. These two categories thus deal with knowledge that can be gained by the use of senses and mind. Since mind is considered the intangible sense, these categories of knowledge are termed as sensed based knowledge or Indriyadhin Jnan. Knowledge of different arts, sciences etc. falls within these categories. Since use of senses does not directly involve the soul, Jainism considers these two categories as indirect knowledge or Parokshajnan. This type of knowledge is subject to destruction and does not last forever. The remaining three categories are not sense based. They arise by virtue of the spiritual development and are called direct knowl- edge or Pratyakshajnan. They are extra-sensual or say, of the oc- cult type that can be experienced without exercising the senses. Avadhijnan pertains to the knowledge of tangible aspects. The term Avadhi denotes certain limitations. Avadhijnan therefore means the knowledge of the tangible aspects lying beyond sensory perception, subject to the limitations of time, space etc. For instance, a person may gain capability to know. by extra-sensory perception, what had happened or what is going to happen during a specified period of time. Such period may be of a few hours, a few days, a few years or even a few lives. His capability to know prevails within such limitations and cannot prevail beyond that. On the other hand, a person may gain capability to know what is happening within a specified distance. That distance may be long or short. That much distance is the limitation within which he can exercise his capability, but cannot do it beyond that. Avadhijnan thus prevails within the defined time and space. This capability is thus not infinite and it is not everlasting. The 4th category is Manahparyayjnan which is sometimes mentioned as Manahparyavjnan. Manas means the mind, Paryay means the changing state. This category therefore denotes capability to make out the thinking process and mental attitudes of others. It pertains only to intangible aspects. This capability also is not infinite and its operation is subject to limitations. It is of two types, Rujumati and Vipulmati. The former can disappear, while the latter stays with the soul till it attains Kevaljnan. The last one is Kevaljnan. Keval means only as well as pure In the former sense Kevaljnan means exclusive prevalence of knowledge only and nothing else. In the latter sense, it is pure, untainted knowledge. Either of these interpretations enables it to operate without any limitations. The person attaining this knowledge gets infinite capability to know each and every thing, tangible or intangible, and for all the time in the past, present and future. This knowledge is therefore termed as true enlightenment. The holder of such capability is known as omniscient or Sarvajna. Kevaljnan is indestructible. Once it is attained, it stays forever. The question that would arise is how to gain knowledge. It should be clearly understood that knowledge does not come from without. It cannot be put into any one's mind or brain, as we can put something into a bag. As a matter of fact, soul is inherently imbibed with infinite knowledge. It is however not manifested at present on account of operating unwholesome Karma that obscures its manifestation. The way to acquire knowledge is therefore to eradicate or suppress that Karma. This can be done by undertaking countervailing wholesome Karma and/or by bearing the consequence of the operating Karma with equanimity. Let us understand this phenomenon by illustrating the case of Matijnan. Suppose, some particular prayer is to be memorized. It is possible that one person may succeed in memorizing it with little effort; another may have to repeatedly recite it for memorizing it; while some one else may fail to memorize it despite all possible efforts. This means that the bondage of obscuring Karma in the first case is very loose and it gives way by exerting little effort which amounts to undertaking slight present Karma. In the second case, the bondage is rather tight and needs more efforts or higher countervailing Karma to break it. In the third case, the bondage is unbreakable and has to be born as such. Every one should therefore endeavor or undertake such countervailing Karma to break the bondage of the knowledge obscuring Karma. Such endeavor is termed as Purushartha. Whether it succeeds or not depends upon the intensity of the operative Karmas. (continued on page 12) 10/JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 2010_03 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ROLE OF JAINISM IN MODERN INDIA According to Jain Cosmography our present India is plishments. Jains have written Mahakavyas, Kavyas, dutakavyas, known as Bharatakhand, situated in the Jambudvipa. It is known samasyapuraka-kavyas, dvisamdhana and saptasamdhanakavyas, and designated as Bharatakhand after the name of Bharata, the puranas, grammear, works on rhetorics, kathas, akhyayikas, drason of Lord Rsabhadeva, the first Tirthankara out of the twenty- mas, caritas, prabandhagranthas, scientific literature on astronomy, four Tirthankaras of this "Avasarpini", a long acon of time. The astrology, commentaries on Sanskrit works etc. Jainas have divided time i.e. the Kalacakra into two main parts The Jains have written in all the principal languages of India. known as 'Utsarpini' and ;Avasarpini'. Each of these is divided laca T They have written in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Apabhramsa. Jains have into six aras', corresponding to the spokes of a wheel. The first erist not lagged behind in art, architecture, sculpture, painting etc. The Tirthankara, Lord Rsabhadeva taught to the then living humanity nanity beautiful and world famous temples on Mount Abu, Acalgadha, the three Rs. i.e. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic besides 'Brahmi' Sammetsikhara, Satrunjaya, Girnar are enough to show the paand other 'lipis' to the human world. Thus the seeds couture and tronage and enthusiasm given to art and sculpture. Even among civilization were sown for the future generations of the humanity. lay men we have such historical personalities like Jagadushah, Jainism is a very old religion according to the Jainas. Lord Vastupala and Tejpal and in our modern times Jain monks like Mahavira was a historical being, so was Lord Parsva and Lord Vijayavallabhsuri, Agamoddharak Sagaranandsuri, Muni Neminatha, the 22nd Tirthankara of the Jainas. Lord Neminatha Kasturviajayaji, Bhunuvijayaji, etc. and philanthropic Sheth Sri is said to be related to and contemporary of Lord Krishna Vasudeva rary of Lord Krishna Vasudeva Kasturbhai Lalbhai. of the Hindus. Taking Lord Rsabhadeva as the first Tirthankara and the time that has lapsed between these Tirthankaras as is given Jainism is noted for activism. Its monks and nuns are ever in the Sacred literature of the Jainas. Jainism enjoys a hoary antiq vigilant and active. Buddhism that was born in India was propauity. There is reference to Jainism and its Tirthankara in the gated and promulgated outside India has been almost driven out Bhagavata Purana of the Hindus. Not quarreling over its antiq. from India; whereas Jainism has remained to this day in India or uity, we can safely surmise that the sacred land of Bharata is sanc- account of its Anekantavada, Ahimsa, and strict rules of conduct tified and purified by the trinity of three rivers in the form of both for monks, nuns and layman. Singing the past glory cannot Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. These three great religions of be useful to us. The question that should haunt our mind is the India have gone a long way in bringing about a cultural synthesis roll of Jainism in our modern times. What can be its contribution and have established and developed and shaped Indian Culture in the development of India, culturally, socially, economically and and Civilization. The cultural, social, economic and educational spiritually. under-currents of these three streams have so undistinguishable The world of to-day has not remained isolated. The world merged with one another that it is next to impossible to pin point has become much more complex as well as narrow in its geographione or many things that has been solely contributed by one cur- cal sense. One cannot show apathy to any event that may happen rent only. The unison of these under currents is indivisible. Each at a place thousands of miles away. It is bound to take effect soone ultimately aim at 'moksa', absolution or Nirvana. Call it by cially and economically. The food habits, the way of dressing in any name it aims at the same goal. both men and women, the cinemas, the T.V., the press etc. are The pristine purity and spiritual attainment of Jainism slowly, succinctly and imperceptibly mold the life of people in is indisputable. Right up from the early records of ancient history society. Let us take an example. The modern dress of ladies. One Society. Let us take an example. The and antiquity the glorious might and contribution of Jainism is has to change the orthodox mode of thinking and accept this with beyond dispute. Jainism and therein can be included Jain monks, standards of decency in view of its usefulness, utility and urgency religious pontiffs, lay-men and women too who have added to as it helps fast walking, climbing, running etc. Similarly taking preserve and sustain Indian Culture. Kings like Kumarapala and food before Sun-set. Even though one wished in a city of Bombay Kharvel made Jainism a state religion. Personalities like Siddharaja for men and women in service it is not feasible on account of patronized Jainism and gave impetus to literature, art, sculpture, sculpture, distance. According to the Hindus the present aeon is Kaliyuga painting, music etc. Even the Muslim monarch Akbar listened to and according to Jainism it is the fourth ara of the avasarpini. Jain pontiffs and encouraged Jainism in developing Indian cul Things are bound to shape in this way willy hilly. What I want to ture. Jain Saints like Haribhadra Suri and Kalikala Sarvajna derive from these stray examples is that religion has to evolve difHemachandracharya are too well-known for their literary accom- ferent norms otherwise the younger generation will go away from JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 11 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JNANACHAR (cont) (from page 10) Acquisition of knowledge is thus a function of overcoming Karmas. Purushartha lies in trying to overcome the same. It has two aspects, external and internal. Trying to gain Matijnan and Shrutjnan by developing and exercising physical and mental abilities is external Purushartha. Trying to gain spiritual development by achieving Nirjara is internal Purushartha. Avadhijnan, Manahparyayjnan and Kevaljnan automatically emerge by such Purushartha. Every one should therefore devote maximum energy for undertaking internal Purushartha. External Purushartha consists of appropriately selecting the school and subjects of study, undertaking study at the proper time, regular attendance, patiently attending and absorbing what is being taught, carefully following the instructions, doing the required home work, taking proper care of the books and other means of study, reverence for the teachers, observing the discipline etc. Undertaking research, remaining in touch with the latest developments, taking refresher courses, participation in seminars and workshops for the purpose of more intensive study constitute higher type of Purushartha. It should be understood that every one cannot have the same capacity to absorb what is being taught. The outcomes are therefore bound to be different. But if one is keen to gain knowledge, have trust in himself, pursues the goal with diligence and have access to capable teachers and Guides, he can surely gain what he might be seeking. In other words, his knowledge obscuring Karma would give way in the face of his Purushartha. Jain tradition is particularly concerned with acquiring knowledge. For that purpose it lays down the following stipulations: 1) Undertaking study at the proper time, 2) Reverence for the teachers and proper care for the means of gaining knowledge, 3) Esteem for the learned, 4) Observance of the required austerities for getting properly equipped, 5) Utmost loyalty to the preceptors, 6) Accurate study of the Sutras, 7) Understanding their meanings and 8) Grasping the underlying sense and purpose. It would be noted that all the earlier mentioned aspects of Purushartha are covered in these stipulations. If they are properly observed, that can lead to the eradication of the knowledge obscuring Karma and thereby to the manifestation of knowledge. On the other hand, factors contrary to the said stipulations like ignoring the proper time for study, negligence for the means of learning, careless or casual reading of the Sutras, disrespect for the teachers, not properly maintaining the books etc. would result in knowledge obscuring Karma. Such factors are therefore termed as transgressions of the code of knowledge and should be scrupulously avoided. (2 chapters from the book Spiritual code and Restraints written by Manubhai Doshi) 12 / JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 ROLE OF JAINISM IN MODERN INDIA(cont) (from page 11) religion and be apathetic to it. Just as in our temples we have brought in electricity, just as for laymen use of telephone, radio, T.V. etc. can never remain a taboo, just as going abroad cannot be stopped, so also religion if it has to survive in the present circumstances, it has to evolve differently. Jainism is equated with Ahimsa. In our modern times it is useful in its threefold aspects. Practicing Ahimsa, will help the country. Jainism has another 'Vrata' in the form of 'Aparigraha'. To-day people live and spend extravagantly because of black money. This 'aparigraha' will go a long way in molding the life both socially and economically. If one has money and if he wants to spend why not give this extra money as donations to schools, colleges, Universities, hospitals, etc. Everybody has to be educated to-day. If money pours into such educational institutions, the society and the country is to benefit by it. Jainism has another 'vrata' in the name of 'Anekantvaad'. By effective practicing this, Jainism can contribute in tolerance towards other religions. In our Country with such diverse religions it can play an important role in maintaining peace and harmony in the society. Thus to conclude, Jainism which has enjoyed such a glori ous past in every sphere and walks of life can continue its past glorious heritage by playing the role of a religion which fosters aims, aspires for the goal that the present Indian Government endeavors to attain and realize. The 'vratas', the religious ceremonies, religious practices have to be so rationalized and re-oriented that they can well fit in with the change in time. Religions cannot remain isolated from society and economic life; it has to be dynamic and not static. Jainism should feel the pulse of changing time and its needs if it wants to translate its past glory into a permanent reality. In the past Jainism was embraced and encouraged by Kings as I think it could translate its well-known philosophy known as Syadvada or Anekantavada. This philosophy of under standing and respecting the view-points of others is the crux of Jainism. If Jainism in modern times is able to bring about a syn thesis between its ancient doctrines and social, economic, cultural and political needs of our present century, then it will shine with its glory and grandeur. -Rajendra Suri. Source:DR. B. H. KAPADIA The art of religion is the best of all arts, the story of religion is the best of all stories, the strength of faith is the greatest of all sources of strength and the happiness of saltation is the finest of all pleasures Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ REGIONAL NEWS.... SOUTHEAST VANCOUVER, B.C. members of Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram Surendra Shah, Regional Editor at Dharampur, India. The play was inspired Jain Center of B.C. Celebrated by Shree Rakeshbhai Jhaveri. The dialogues ATLANTA, GA Mahavir Jayanti at V.H.P. Temple in were beautifully written and some poignant Burnaby with Mahavir Puja, Halardu, scenes, when Bhagwan Mahavir turns back Sthavan, Bhajan, Discourses on Jainism, without accepting food from Chandanbala Jain Society of Greater Atlanta's Mahavir was so emotionally charged that there was Jayanti celebrations included discourses by Lord Mahavir's life, Mahavir Aarti and then hardly a dry eye in the audience. Pramodaben Chitrabhanu over the week served Priti Bhojan to all guests. About 700 end. Children and youth presented the pro people attended the Celebration. There are Shrimad Rajchandra Bhakti: Param gram around explanation of five corner only 40-50 Jain families in BC but they all Krupalu Shrimad Rajchandra's 103rd stones of Jain Philosophy. Over fifty (50) made an extra effort to invite all friends to Punyatithi (Emancipation Day) was celyouth participated in the program. join us in Celebrations. The celebrations ebrated at Jain Centre and appox 100+ Sampurnaben Shah and 16 volunteers cowas a grand success. people attended the celebrations. ordinated the program. The masters of cer Mahavirjanmakalayanak: The Mahavir emony were Kanav Jain and Saloni Desai. MONTREAL, PQ Jayanti was celebrated Bhagwan Mahavir's The program ended with swamivatsiya din birth with puja, Tislamata's dreams, readner provided by Muktaben Kalidas Shah. ing from Kalpasutra and Bhavna, Aarti and Jain Samaj of Montreal celebrated Mangal Divo. This year, we had two guests Mahavir Jayanti at Quebec Hindu Mandir. from New Jersey, Virendrabhai Shah and Close to 500 devotees [Jains as well Hindu, Kirtibhai Shah who led the stavans and CANADA Shikh, Christian) took part in Celebration. puja. The Hindi Mahavir Puja was also Dr. Mahendra Mehta, Regional Editor Mrunal Sheth (a youth) gave talk on life of performed. The Swamivatsalya Dinner was Mahavir. There were Stavans and Rass as sponsored by Talsania family. well. Programs went well and were re Publications: Anne Vallely of Montreal quested by temple committee to hold it EDMONTON, AL who studied about the Samanjis after stayagain next year. Celebration was sponsor ing for a year in Ladnu, Rajasthan did her by Mrs. Kusumben Shah, Prabhavana was Ph.D. from University of Toronto couple Niraj Maniar represented us in a num- sponsor by Kasturben Shah. Jain food was of years ago has now published her thesis: ber of prayer services in the city organized cooked and served. One can log on to Guardians of the Transcendent: An Ethnogby Interfaith Centre. Jasvant Mehta and to find out the raphy of a Jain Ascetic Community. This Sushil Kalia planned and coordinated In- activity of Jains in Montreal. book explores the many facets of what conterfaith Dialogue on Samaskaaras. 7 reli stitutes a moral life within the Terapanthi gious groups participated. Jitendra Shah TORONTO, ON Svetambar Jain ascetic community, and exspoke on behalf of Jains. amines the central role ascetics play in upNearly 350 people attended the Mahavir TRUSTEES ELECTIONS: In March holding the Jain moral order. Jayanti Celebrations and the Jains helped the retirements of two of the five trustees Guardians of the Transcendent: An Ethraise $ 2300 for the temple during the event. saw unopposed elections of Mrs. Lataben nography of a Jain Ascetic Community by Lalit Soni distributed Lord Mahavir's Champsee, past President of Jain Society Anne Vallely, Published by University of Paduka (murti) in a nice jewelers box to all " of Toronto, Editor-in-Chief of Jain Digest Toronto Press, Year: 2002, Price: Hard Jain families. The event was sponsored by and JAINA Director and Mr. Ramesh Jain, Cover C$70 Paperback C$27.95 Babulal & Naina Mehta. C.A., a member of previous Executive Jain Society Study Group meets every Jasvant Mehta coordinated successfully Committee. first Sunday of the month. This time fund-raising event for the Edmonton In 'Chandanbala': The Jain Society of around, the first Chapter of Samaysar by terfaith Centre attended by Hon. David Toronto, for the first time in its 30 year his- Tore Achrya Kumdakunda and translated by Kilgour, Senator Doug Roche and Mayor tory, presented, the premiere screening of Prof. A. Chakravarti was completed and of Edmonton. The event raised over $4000 the play "Chandanbala' in a public cinema summarized by Ramesh Varia. for the Centre. hall in Toronto. The play was presented by JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 13 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ REGIONAL NEWS.... SOUTHWEST Jadavji Kenia, Regional Editor HOUSTON, TX Jain Society of Houston celebrated Mahavir Jayanti with Pravachan from Samaniji Charitra PragyaJi followed by the religious cultural items from the Pathshala students. Students recited a stavan, explained the 18 PapaSthanaks. presented a play on the life of Bhadrabahu and the adults presented two skits showcasing the principles of IchchhaPariman and Ahimsa. This was also an election day for the two new Executive Committee members and two new Trustees were announced. On April 18-20, Pathshala students went on a camping trip to Fort Parker State Park. It was attended by 50 students and 13 adults Our successful Pathshala program is the high point of activities for JSH with over 130 students attending six classes for different age groups. We are one of the few Jain Centers in North America where Samaniji's are staying through the whole year and we do get the advantage of their Pravachan every Sunday morning. For more information about our activities please contact JSH President Shanti Gala at 281-398-7402 or Navin shah, JAINA Director at 281-565-9780 or by e-mail at DALLAS, TX JAINA Executive Committee's quarterly meeting was held in Houston in February A meeting with the membership at large was arranged on Sunday, to explain the goals PHOENIX, AZ and activities of JAINA followed by a question-answer session. The Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated at Jain Center in Richardson, Texas. It began with the Mahavir Jin Pooja followed by some stavans. Then children took over. TULSA, OK They presented three skits. The skits were about Jambukumar and Prabhava, Dev Dushya cloth and Bhagwan Mahavir and a cowherd. Another group presented a skit in the form of a news report. It was a hit. The program continued with the Manglik, Aartis, Shanti Kalash, Samuh Chaitya Vandan and a lunch. 14/JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 2010_03 About 10 Pathshala students along with 3 adults participated in a Jain Youth camp during the Easter weekend arranged by the Jain Society of Houston. There were about 40 children and 10 adults from Houston. Besides teachers, thanks to the volunteers to manage the whole camp. Besides religious exchanges, such programs also promote cultural/social exchanges and interaction among the regional youth. JSNT contact is our president Bhal Daulat at 214-824-1953, email: Website is Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated by the Jain Center members with a lot of enthusiasm and interest. Young kids performed a play that depicted state of Indra and Indrani in the heaven at the time of Tirthankar Bhagwan's birth. In addition to this play, items like religious questions/answers, songs, dance, dinner, etc. were a part of the Mahavir Jayanti celebration. jain phoenix. or Jain_phoenix@ hotmail. com or Mehul Rajparia at (602) 795-4987 email We are progressing well in our Derashar and Hall construction. We are almost there On April 12 & 13, 2003, we had Shila Ropan and Mahavir Jayanti ceremony. Virendrabhai Shah and Promodaben came from New Jersey to perform Shilaropan vidhi. It was performed very well and all our members participated in one or more vidhis. Everyone was pleased with our facility under construction. It consists of Derashar room, 3 Classrooms, 2500 Sq. Ft hall, Kitchen, total area is 5,750 Sq.Ft. Our Pratishtha Mahotsav will be delayed (beyond August). We will keep you informed. Please call Kanti Shah, President for more information @918-3693163 or email NORTHEAST Dinesh Chheda, Regional Editor WASHINGTON, DC The center also had its annual picnic. Despite rain, a large number of members came to enjoy the picnic. Pathshala activities are coming to an end for summer break. Log on to for Community Affairs, Embassy of Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on April 12, 2003. The stage program included prayer songs, prayer dances, and Jain Stutis performed by our youngsters, and a skit "401K for this life and beyond" by adults. The highlight of the program was "Who wants to be a Jain Scholar", which was participated by our youngsters. All young participants were presented with a trophy sponsored by Atul and Aruna Shah. We were honored to have Mr. Anil Choudhry, Min India, as our chief guest. Over 450 people attended the program. Indian Embassy in Washington DC celebrated Mahavir Jayanti at the residence of the ambassador of India. Ambassador Lalit Mansinghji and Mrs. Indira Mansinghji personally welcomed all attending guests Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ REGIONAL NEWS.... and members of our Society. Over 175 More than 1000 people were present on that presented items related to Jainism, I e.g. people including leaders of different faiths occasion and 37 persons participated in the dance with Bhakti songs, Samayik and from the Washington Interfaith Organiza- contest. They were divided in three age Chaityavandan Sutras, Jain Jeopardy, skits tion, and the United Association of Hindu groups and three different subjects were as- etc. The program was successful and ev& Jain Temples of Metropolitan Washing- signed to them. The participants were well eryone was impressed to note how much ton attended this unique celebration. prepared and it was a pleasure to see that our children and teenagers know about The function started with Navkar Man- they gave justice to the subjects assigned to Jainism. tra by 3-year old Kajal Vora. Ambassador them. The following contestants were rated Dr. T. Salgia and JAINA members atLalit Mansinghji gave an excellent welcome as the winners in each group. tended the program and gave update regardspeech and highlighted Ahimsa and other Group 1. Subject-_Impact of Jain Cen- ing upcoming JAINA convention at Cintenets of Jainism. Anjali Dalal and Nimay ter and Pathshala on My Life cinnati, OH. Mehta gave excellent presentations on First Place - Shikhar Shah During Chaitri Oli, 20 persons observed "Mahavir and his teachings. The program Second Place - Shivali Shah Ayambils for all 9 days and quite a few ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Manoj Third Place - Rikhav Vasanwala members observed it for one day, Dharamsi. Mrs. Indira Mansinghji gave out Group 2. subject-_Prayer, Bhakti and certificates of appreciation to all young artJainism ANN ARBOR, MI ists. The celebration ended with an excel First Place - Arun Singavi lent dinner. Second Place -Palak Shah Chetana (Katherine) Florida, the Third Place - Parinda Shah ESSEX FELLS, NJ founder of "Lighthouse" (group of AmeriGroup 3. Subject - Ecology friendly cans following Jainism) and disciple of Shri Jainism Chitrabhanuji, passed away on April 2, Aayambil Oli was celebrated with First Place -- Swati Mehta 2003. The "Lighthouse" group visited the more than 100 people participating each day in Samuh aayambil and more than 35 temple to pray and meditate on the Mahavir Second Place - Sejal Jain sadharmiks did Aayambil Oli Third Place - Kushal Raj Singavi Jayanti day. Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated with The winners will be awarded plaques Snatra Puja followed by a cultural program. The contest was followed by Swamivatsalya. The contest was follow This year more than 170 Pathshala students 120 people participated on the occasion WEST performed on stage depicting Jain culture of Chaitri Ayambil Oli at the Jain Centre. Chandrakant Parekh,, Regional Editor Pathshala classes had a tremendous year Mahavir Senior Center organized with more than 200 students learning Jain Chaitya Paripati, 58 persons participated religion. If you are visiting New Jersey / therein. LOS ANGELES, CA New York City area and would like to visit Printing and publishing of Jain Darshan, or attend a program, please call Shri Viren which was discontinued by Jain Society, has Shah at 732 - 329 - 3236. been resumed. Those who want to get it in Jain Center of Southern California mail, are requested to call Rajani and (JCSC) and Jain Social Group of Southern Chandan Shah on (630) 876 1279. California sponsored the 13th Annual Health Fair on March 30 at the Jain Bhavan. MIDWEST Council members from the City of Buena Manu Doshi,, Regional Editor DETROIT, MI Park graced the event where medical pro fessionals in over 20 disciplines offered free Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on April examination, advice and services to the CHICAGO, IL 13, 2003. The celebration started with public at large. American Red Cross col Snatra Puja, followed by performance by lected 24 pints of blood and 10 new doLord Mahavir's 2602nd birthday was cel- the study class students called "Students An- nors registered for the bone marrow proebrated on April 13. The declamation con- nual Day Program". More than 95 students gram. test was the highlight of the celebration of various age groups (3 years to 17 years) Bhupendrabhai Soneji of the Sarathi Organization conducted a meditation pro JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 15 2010_03 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ REGIONAL NEWS.... gram for the youths based on Navkar Mantra on April 6. The participants learned the science behind Navakar Mantra and meditation techniques to reach a state that liberates the mind. Mahavir Janma Kalyanak celebrated on April 13 included a children's program presented by the Pathshala students. The new by-laws were approved and adopted in the General Body meeting. Nine Varsi Tapa tapasavis were honored on May 4 with a special alochana vidhi followed by parna. Significant progress has been made with the construction of the new Jain Bhavan, which began in October 2002. In spite of heavy rains, a large number of enthusiasts participated in a ceremony on March 15 to place five main shilas (East, West, North, South and Center) and 1008 marble shilas in the foundation of the new facility. To raise funds for the expansion project, a musical charity gala conducted by Ravindra Jain, a renowned musical director from Bollywood, is scheduled on May 30. Project details and progress photos are available at the www.jaincenterexpansion. com website. Information about forthcoming programs are posted on JCSC's website at or please contact Dr. Nitin Shah, JCSC President, at 714/5066699 or SAN FRANCISCO, CA Jain Center of Northern California (JCNC) has put emphasis in three areas - to improve and increase the number of activities taking place at the Jain Bhawan; to increase the level of communication amongst its community members; and to increase the awareness of Jainism and its principles amongst Bay Area community. Samniji Madhur Pragya and Samniji Sangha Pragya are conducting a series of talks, swaydhyas, yoga and Preksha meditation through the end of May 2003. Bay Area professionals and talented singers partici 16/JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 pate in monthly bhavnas. "Chha Gau SACRAMENTO, CA Yatra", an annual event that takes place at Palitana, was recently performed at JCNC. The celebration of Mahavir Janma Kalyanak was well attended. 275 students in Jain Shala, 180 students in Gujarati Shala and 110 students in Hindi Shala are managed by a group of 41 dedicated teachers and volunteers. These talented children presented an excellent cultural program on April 5. A seminar on immigration and a debate between adults and youth on why the practice of Jain traditions is important for Jains in North America were organized at the Jain Bhawan. Lina Hess, Stanford University Religious Studies Professor, and other scholars and community leaders were invited to judge the event. A music program presented by Ravindra Jain, a renowned musical director from Bollywood, is scheduled June 7. Annual picnic is scheduled July 19. terested to visit the temple and learn more about Jainism. Recently Professor David Pinault of Santa Clara University and 25 of his students visited the temple to learn about Jainism. They also had an opportunity to listen to an enlightening presentation by Samniji Prajna. Jain Center of Greater Sacramento (JCGS) organizes a monthly Swadhyay and a number of other activities, religious celebrations, Preksha dhyan and meditation classes, and lectures by visiting dignitaries. Annual retreat is scheduled for August and an annual picnic is arranged in summer. For additional information, please contact Mohini Jain, JCGS President, at 530/7564655 or e-mail: mohini SAN DIEGO, CA The new format of the newsletter is well received and includes sections on "Letters to the Editor", "Scholarly Article", "Family Corner", and Children Corner". JCNC's collection of books, tapes and other material from the library are now available in a SEATTLE, WA digital database. Many of Jain Bhawan's programs are now web-casted. Various nonJain and non-Indian communities are in Jain Society of San Diego (JSSD) celebrated Mahavir Jayanti with great enthusiasm. Pathshala students participated in a quiz and presented a Hindi play on Mahavir Bhagwan's life. Regular activities organized by JSSD include a monthly Jainshala for children, adult classes, swadhyay, and a weekly pooja every Saturday at Shri Mandir. For additional information, please contact Trusha Shah, JSSD President at 760/9431241 or e-mail: Jain Society of Seattle (JSS) installed murtis of Shri Adinath and Shri Mahavirswami in the Hindu Temple at Bothwell. The Sthapana Vidhi was perJayanti. For additional information about formed on April 19 to celebrate Mahavir JSS and programs in Seattle area, please contact Devkumar Gandhi, JSS President, at 425/235-4848 or log on to http:// Information about activities are puband are posted on JCNC's website at lished in the "JCNC Darpan" newsletter. To request a copy of the newsletter, please contact Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Book Store....... The mission of Jaina Book Store is to have Jain books and materials available to members at reasonable cost. Languages: H = Hindi, G = Gujarati, E = English Cat # Title Language Price(US $) Image 1 Bhaktamara Stotra CD & VCD (illus. Sm Book) G, H, E $20.00 2 Tirthankara Bhagawan Mahavira + CD (illus. Sm. Book) G, H, E $20.00 Tirthankara Bhagawan Mahavira + VCD (illus Sm.Book) G,H,E $20.00 6 Jain Symbols (Pramoda Chitrabhanu) $5.00 $20.00 Set of Five Books on Karma Philosophy (Pdt Dhirajlal D. Metha) 1) KatmaVipaka 2) KarmaStava 3) BandhaSwamitvanama 4) Shadshiti 5) Paribhashik Shabdakosh $10.00 Set of Two books (Pandit Dhirajlal D. Metha) D) Navsmarana 2) Aath Dhrasthini Sajhai 9 $30.00 ||Set of Two books on Tattvartha Sutra (Mr. Herman Kuhn) 1) The Key of The Center of The Universe 2) Karma - The Mechanism {book 11) 11 Jin Shaasan-Ke Chamakte Hire - 108 Jain Stories (V. V. Shah) 12 ITEERTH DARSHAN: A Three-Volume Encyclopedia of Jain Places of Pilgrimage (750 pages, 700 detailed color photographs) $5.00 $100.00 Now in G & H 14 Jainism and the New Spirituality (Vastupal Parikh Ph.D.) $20.00 $5.00 15 ||24 JIN TIRTHANKARS - Audio cassette A child's Tribute to 24 Jin Tirthankars: Excellent Prayers for all 24 Tirthankars set to popular english tunes Shatrunjaya - a celestial Song set of 4 audio cassette (Chaityvandans, Hymns, prayers, Devotional songs & Bhav Yatra of Shatrunjay) Booklet included 16 $20.00 17 ||An Introduction to Jainism (Bharat S. Shah, M.D.) $15.00 18 I am the Soul! (English translation of discourses by Dr. Tarulata Mahasatiji. Based on the 'Atmasiddhi Shaastral by Shrimad Rajchandra, Two volumes) $25.00 Notes: * Minimum order $10.00. * No cash please. * Price includes S & H to orders mailed within US. * Add $20.00 to orders from Canada * Please make check payable to: Jaina Book Store Visit us at Reply to: Rohit Doshi, Jaina Book Store, 505 African Road, Vestal, NY 13850 Email: Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BOOK REVIEW: I AM THE SOUL! BY: SNEHAL SHAH AUTHOR: DR. TARULATABAI MAHASATIJI (WRITTEN IN GUJARATI) 1?WNO AN MOANI? ter D yr Poraba Mole UN The translator: Not known of his pure thought process and his extraordinary com- done under the auspices of mand over words. Research Foundation of Today people are spiritually ignorant and are mired in Jainology - Chennai. materialism, ritualism and dogmatism. He has narrated This is a compilation of a nature of a person in search of the Self (Atmarthi) and series of discourses rendered also that of a person who is dogmatic (Matarthi). He has by the venerable Dr. Tarulata laid out path of liberation and importance of a noble preMahasatiji, a nun in the order ceptor (Guru) for spiritual upliftment. of Jains, at Madras, now In Atmasiddhi the theme is, a disciple in search of the Chennai during 1986 Self, is in a quandary as to which path to follow, and enChaturmas (four months in I AM THE SOULIN gages his Guru in a dialogue, through which all the doubts monsoon) in his mind are clarified. Guru elucidates the entire proA natural, gifted orator, cess of identifying the Self, preparation for the journey on Mahasatiji's discourses, origi- the path of spirituality and ultimately the Method of Self nally in Gujarati, caught the fancy of everyone who heard Realization. and were immensely popular and hence were brought into Self-realization implies that there is a SELF (ATMA) print, first in Gujarati, later in Hindi and now in English. which is unrealized and which can and ought to be realized. The series is based on the 'Atmasiddhi Shaastra' Without self-realization soul/atma suffers from eternal penned over a hundred years by Shrimad Rajchandra, a unhappiness. Atma is unrealized means, it is hampered great enlightened soul, at the young age of 29. The sub- and deluded by Karmas which it does and experiences ject here is the Soul. In this work a Soul is defined and a the fruits of it's doing. The doing is by choice; the course of its liberation is outlined according to the Jain experiencing is by compulsion. The realization of the Soul principles. Mahasatiji obtained a doctorate in Philosophy is Liberation. It is possible there are means of it, and it is from the Mumbai University on her thesis that covered one's duty to try to realize it. Thus we get the following 6 the literature of Shrimad Rajchandra, Shri Anandghanji, propositions:Shri Banarasidas and the Sant Kabir. 1. The Soul exists. A detailed and exhaustive commentary on the 2. The Soul is eternal. Atmasiddhi Shaastra. The book is about 800 pages divided in two volumes published by Sri Gujarati Swetambar 3. The Soul is the doer of Actions (Karmas) Sthanakwasi Jain Association, Chennai in concert with 4. The Soul is the sufferer of the fruit of its own Karmas. Research Foundation for Jainology, Chennai. This is the first English publication sold by the JAINA Book Store for 5. There is liberation. $25.00 per set including shipping. 6. There are means of liberation. The first volume includes Gathas 1 to 58 and the second volume is Gathas 59 through 142. The translation from Gujarati into English is very readable and it appears that they had considered Atmasiddhi Shaastra consists of 142 Gathas compiled international market for this work. by Shrimadji in just an hour and a half, without one letter being scratched, altered or revised). The work is a poof 18/JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MIS REGISTRATION FORM - PAGE 1 Send this completed form, a check in the amount of $25 and a recent, full-length photograph of yourself with your name printed on the back to: Hasmukh M. Shah, 304 Tall Oak Trail Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-7711 Phone: 727-934-6141 / 3255 in Springs, FL 34M. Shah, 304 tamame pi Name (please print): LAST FIRST MIDDLE Address: STREET CITY STATE ZIP Phone: () Fax: ( Email: Date of Birth: Height: Weight: - Are you a vegetarian? YES NO Do you smoke? YES NO Do you drink? YES NO Have you been married before? YES NO If yes, indicate the name of your divorced spouse. Your visa status in the USA/Canada? ___ When did you enter the USA/Canada? _MONTH/YEAR What languages do you speak? What is your religion? What languages do you read? What languages do you write? Education: DEGREE YEAR RECEIVED MAJOR NAME OF UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE Work experience: COMPANY'S NAME POSITION DURATION Father's Name: _ Occupation: Mother's Name: Occupation: Brother(s) and/or Sister(s) ----- NAME(S) AGE(S) EDUCATION OCCUPATION Do you have other relatives living in the North America? NAME RELATIONSHIP OCCUPATION ADDRESS Other relevant information (use additional paper if necessary): - Candidate's signature: Date: - Important Considerations: It is important to remember that the MIS is a non-for-profit, voluntary community service. The MIS and JAINA assume no respon-sibility or liability for the accuracy or authenticity of the information furnished in the ads or any consequences resulting thereof. The entire responsibility rests with the candidates themselves. All information furnished to the MIS is confidential. Only those who are sincerely interested in looking for a Jain life partner should send a Registration Form. While matching, photographs will not be passed on to the candidates by the MIS. Parents/guardians should communicate with the candidate before placing ad and assist them in making a final decision. JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 19 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MIS REGISTRATION FORM - PAGE 2 MIS INFORMATION: THIS IS HOW IT WORKS 1. Two references who are members of the Jain Community or other Indian organizations. A. Name: Address: Our world is shrinking and we are a global village and life is not always easy. However, we can carry our philosophy and our value system that is very worth while, with us. Accept the challenge and make your choice be a worth while one. Phone: - Placing an Ad and Registration with MIS Member of: Anyone wishing to place an ad and register with the MIS must follow these instructions care-fully: ORGANIZATION'S NAME 1. Fill out the attached Registration Form Page 1 and Page 2. The B. Name: registrant must fill out this form. Do not leave anything blank. 2. Mail the the completed form + a check in the amount of $25 payAddress: able to Hasmukh M. Shah. Leave the Memo or For column blank. Phone: 3. a recent, full-length photo of yourself with your name printed on Member of: the back. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 4. Upon receipt of this information the MIS will draft an ad for you and it will appear in the JAIN DIGEST--but only once. Remember, 2. Indicate your personal preference of these criteria for the match. JAIN DIGEST is a quarterly publication. Age: Berween the ages of __ and ___ or open. Height: Between the height of and or open. Placing an Ad Only Weight: Between the weight of - and or open. If you do not wish to register with the MIS and wish to draft an ad Education: Bachelar Maskers Degree Other R yourself, you may do so in 30 words of less. Remember that the MIS reserve the right to edit all such ads. Follow step 2 above, but submit Major: your own ad with phone number instead of a completed form and Vegetarian: YES NO Work experience: YES NO photo. Full Name, Address, Phone number of the candidate must be furnished with the ads for MIS records, without which MIS Residence: (state) will not be able to process the ad for publication, Visa Status: Responding to an Ad (only if contact info isn't available). Length of time in North America: years. Language. English: YES NO If the phone number or address is not given in the ad, then you Other (specify): must contact the candidate through MIS. Follow these step-by-step instructions. Place your bio-data and a recent photograph of yourself in a sealed, stamped envelope with your return address in the upper Congratulations! left-hand corner and the MIS ad reference number in the lower left hand corner of the envelope. Leave space on the envelope for an address. Female: 155, Male: 142 (Married / Engaged) Place this envelope in another envelope with your return address in JAINA would like to congratulate all couples who have come together the upper left-hand corner and mail it to Hasmukh M. Shah. Upon with the help of the services of the MIS. JAINA wishes to thank them receipt of these responses the MIS will place the ad holders address on for their generous donation. More and more Jains around the world the inner envelope and mail it. Remember, MIS is not responsible for are not only appreciating this much needed service, but are also taking responses that do not conform to these instructions. advantage of it. Simulta-neously, the flow of ads in JAIN DIGEST' is gradually increasing. Please notify the MIS Guideline to all perspective participants Be positive, constructive, creative and friendly! No match is going to be "perfect." Complement and support each other practicing re- spect,sharing, acquire knowledge and maintaining your uniqueness while keeping an open mind. These are the qualities that make for human perfection. Please notify the MIS when an engagement or marriage has been announced. This helps us to know if this community service is working to help maintain our traditions. Please note that if a successful alliance has taken place, both parties will agree to donate what ever amount they wish to JAINA to help defray the cost of publication. 20 / JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MATRIMONIALS - FEMALE F233: Alliance invited by Gujarati parents for beautiful, attractive, virtuous, vegetarian, US raised daughter, born July 66, 5'5", BS (Chemistry), very well employed, from well educated professionals. Call: 919/776-9091. F337: Pretty, caring, intelligent. accomplished MD, born Jan 70, never married, 5'4", 110 lb, vegetarian, US citizen. Responses invited from Jain professionals. Contact parents: 816/3337717 or email: F581: Gujarati parents invite responses for beautiful professional cultured daughter, born Dec 73, 5'1", 110 lb, BS (molecular biology), biotech / software professional in Silicon Valley CA, from well educated professional vegetarian boys. Call: 408/2726833. Email: ph F655: Jain parents invite proposals for pretty, charming slim accomplished, vegetarian US born dtr, Jan 73, 5'2", 110 lb, BA (Harvard Uni), Journalist in New York, from cultured professional boys. Call: 916/721-7146. Email: F674: Jain parents invite proposals for beautiful slim charming caring vegetarian US born daughter, Oct 75, 5'2", 100 lb, BS, MS (Education), well employed, from educated professional boys. Call: 1-800 831-9927. Access code 88. F773: Alliance invited by Jain parents (Intl. Business family) for Swiss born / citizen, beautiful fair charming vegetarian, Physician daughter, Oct 76, 5'6", MBBS, working in Geneva Hosp, from well educated professionally settled, handsome boys. Tel: 0041-22-8850355.Email: F835: Gujarati family invites proposals with bio-data / photo for very beautiful, slim, fair, brilliant, cultured daughter, born Aug 75, 5'4", 110 lb, Physical Therapist in NY from well educated, cultured, professional boys. Call: 908/222-1038. Email: 2010_03 F862: Gujarati parents invite correspondence for beautiful, fair, slim, talented, US born / raised vegetarian daughter, June 75, 5'6", MD, doing 2nd year residency, from US raised well-educated professional boys. Call: 410/480-2666. Email: F869: Gujarati parents invite proposals for beautiful attractive caring vegetarian daughter, born Aug 77, 5'8", Doctorate in Optometry, from well-educated vegetarian professional boys. Call: 609/490-0129. Email: F908: Correspondence invited for Gujarati Jain vegetarian beautiful fair, values both cultures talented US born girl, July 77, 5'8", BE (IE), pursuing MBA, well positioned with reputed co., from well educated vegetarian cultured boys.Email: F947: Alliance invited for beautiful, charming, accomplished, vegetarian, US raised girl, born July 76, 5'6", BS, MBA, well positioned in a reputed co., from well educated professional boys. Call: 309/6928158. Email: F951: Jain parents invite proposals for attractive intelligent outgoing US citizen daughter, born Jan 76, 5'1", well employed as Regd Nurse, from well-educated professional cultured boys. Email: F952: Gujarati parents invite alliance with photo / biodata for pretty charming slim accomplished vegetarian US born daughter, Nov 72, MD, MPH, doing residency, from cultured vegetarian nonsmoker professional / MD boys. Call: 617/739-1319.Email: F992: Alliance invited from well educated, professional boys, for beautiful fair slim vegetarian Gujarati girl, born May 79, 5'1", 99 lb, CA, well employed in a global co., at Bombay & willing to settle in USA. Call: 905/847-8320. Email: F993: Proposals invited from educated professional boys, for pretty, attractive, intelligent vegetarian Gujarati girl, born April 80, 5'1", MS - inf mgmt (7/2003), professionally employed in India & willing to settle in USA. Call: 919/481-2377. Email: F995: Gujarati parents in CA invite response for beautiful charming US citizen dtr, born May 77, 5'4", 110 lb, BS Comp Inf System, very well employed in a reputed co. from well educated professional boys. 760/241-0075. or F996: Hindi speaking parents invite responses with photo/biodata for beautiful slim fair talented vegetarian US born daughter, June 77, 5'7", 110 lb, MPH. Call: 617/876-2162.OR F999: Alliance invited for beautiful cultured intelligent virtuous Gujarati Accountant Girl, born Nov 69, 5'1", BS (accounting), from cultured professional vegetarian boys. 214/457-4282. or F1000: Alliance invited from well-educated professional boys for beautiful slim fair talented Gujarati girl, born Aug 70, 5'3", 118 lb, BE (electronics), well employed as software analyst with MNC in India and willing to settle in USA. Call: 262/7827374. Email: or F1001: Hindi speaking Jain parents invite proposals with biodata / photo for pretty slim fair tall east-west balanced vegetarian business entrepreneur daughter, born March 76, 5'6", 120 lb, BS (finance), from well-educated, well mannered professional boys. F1002: Gujarati parents invite responses for pretty slim caring vegetarian US citizen daughter, born Aug 73, 5'5", 110 lb, Doctor of Optometry, professionally employed, from well educated professional boys. Call: 972/ a_r_patel@hotmail .com JAIN DIGEST- Summer 2003/21 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MATRIMONIALS - FEMALE F1003: Alliance invited for beautiful fair AF391: Jain family in UK invite proposals M990: Gujarati parents invite responses for talented caring vegetarian US born, raised from professional boys, for beautiful handsome fair talented vegetarian son, born in India Gujarati girl, July 77, 5'4", BS attractive vegetarian virtuous daughter, born Dec 70, 5'8", MBA (Fin), well positioned (math) MS (comp sc) well positioned with Dec 72, 5'6", MS, active in family business with Intl. Co., from educated, cultured girls. reputed co., from cultured professional Jain in London, UK & willing to settle in USA. 732/ boys. Call:847/472-9050/ 860/432-2877. Call: 44(0) 208 458 9393. Email: M855: Gujarati parents invite proposals AF336: Alliance invited from professional with biodata / photo for handsome bright boys, for beautiful charming, accomplished AF393: Jain parents invite proposals with vegetarian Gujarati girl, born Oct 72,54", vegetarian son, born Feb 77, 5'8", 160 lb, biodata / photo for beautiful vibrant slim MBA (usa), ACCA (uk), working as BS, well positioned as graphic designer / vegetarian US born daughter, Sept 75, 5'6", Accounting Manager with software programmer at Bombay & willing large 120 lb, MD, First year fellowship 2003, to settle in USA. (Divorced - two months organization, from cultured educated family intermittent married life). Call: 408/226 from vegetarian/ non-smoking professional oriented pretty girls. Call: 909/789-9817. 4135. Email: boys. Email: Email: AF382: Jain parents invite proposals with AF394: Alliance invited from professional M864: Gujarati parents invite responses for Photo / biodata for beautiful fair slim vegetarian boys for beautiful talented very handsome fair brilliant vegetarian charming caring vegetarian US born dtr, virtuous vegetarian Gujarati girl, born Sept vivacious US born son, Oct 76, 5'11", 140 Jan 77,5'4", 115 lb, Medical Student (MD 78,5'5", C. A. well positioned in India and Ib, BS (civil engg), well employed as Project 2004), from cultured handsome out-going willing to settle in USA. Call: 419/283 Manager, from cultured educated pretty well-educated professional Gujarati / Jain 2271. Email: girls. Call: 334/283-5340. Email: boys. Email: AF387: Proposals invited by parents MALE M883: Correspondence invited for US (Industrialist in India) from professional boys, for attractive slim fair daughter, born born Gujarati boy, Nov 73, 62", 175 lb, Jan 77,5'6", MBA, MS (comp sc), currently MS and MBA from top schools, very in India & willing to settle in USA. M472: Gujarati parents invite responses for handsome, highly successful in Silicon (Divorced. 3 month's brief marriage). Call: handsome vegetarian amiable successful Valley, and author of two books, from 937/885-1857/ talented US raised son, born Sept 71, 5'7", highly educated, attractive girls. Call: 510/ 160 lb, MS (ME), well employed, divorcee 209-8885. Email: headley AF388: Gujarati parents invite proposals for (very brief marriage), from caring, cultured beautiful charming vegetarian, US raised girls. call 516/334-8196 or 516/902-3755. M954: Alliance invited by Gujarati family daughter, born June 77, 5'2", 108, 3 Year for good-looking outgoing intelligent son, Medical student, from well educated M720: Gujarati parents invite proposals born Oct 27, 5'8", 165 lb, BS in Physician professional boys. Call: 727/447-5121. from cultured, educated girls for handsome Assistant, practicing with prestigious New Email: fair intelligent vegetarian son, born July 76, York City Hospital, from cultured educated 5'11", BS (comp sc), well employed with AF389: Proposals invited by Jain parents girls. Call: 718/962-1069. Email: software co., Call: 804/272-0323. Email: nehali kiran@yahoo com for pretty talented caring vegetarian US born daughter, July 78, 5'2", 100 lb, 3rd Year M985: Alliance invited for good looking Medical student, from well educated M772: Jain parents (Intl business family) professional boys. Call: 407/876-4444. amiable vegetarian Gujarati male, born Aug invite responses for swiss born / citizen Email: 62, 5'5", 135 lb, BS (Pharmacy), well handsome vegetarian nonsmoker employed as Regd. Pharmacist, divorcee AF390: Gujarati parents invite responses for nondrinker talented son, March 74, 5'10", with two kids, from suitable caring beautiful cultured caring vegetarian CFA, MBA, well positioned with Citibank compassionate match. Call: 713/780-7910. professional daughter, born March 73,52", corp. Fin., from educated cultured girls. Email: 105 lb, MPH, Issueless divorcee, from Call:0041 / 22-8850355. Email: educated, cultured boys. Call: 407/299- 9649. Email: 22 / JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MATRIMONIALS - MALE 695U M991: Alliance invited for handsome intelligent vegetarian 694U Gujarati boy, born Nov 78, 5'8", 129 lb, BE (ME), employed as production Engr, from educated, cultured girls. Call: 905/738- 696U 1943. Email: 697U M994: Alliance invited for handsome brilliant vegetarian Gujarati boy, born Jan 78, 5'11", 165 lb, BE, well employed with reputed co., as Sr Engr, from cultured educated pretty girls. Call: 503/ 533-9607. Email: M997: Gujarati parents invite correspondence for US born son, 25, 5'8", 145 lb, athletic outgoing vegetarian and 4th year Medical student from attractive educated well-balanced family oriented & US born vegetarian girls. Email: M998: Gujarati parent invite proposals for handsome talented US born son, May 77, 5'11", 165 lb, BS (MIS), well positioned with "Big 4" consulting firm, from cultured family-oriented welleducated girls. Call: 614/792-0392 AM392: Gujarati parents invite proposals for handsome bright talented vegetarian US born son, May 76, 5'11", BS (comp engg), well positioned as IT Manager with a reputed co., from cultured educated pretty girls. Call: 516/741-9269. Email: JAIN DIGEST LIFE MEMBERS: Mail this completed form and your financial contribution to: JAINA Headquarters PO Box 700 Getzville, NY 14068 AM314: Gujarati parents invite responses with biodata / photo for US born, vegetarian son, March 75, 5'7", 145 lb, BS (Chem. Engg), well positioned as Project Engr with a reputed co., from educated pretty cultured family oriented girls. Call: 201/348-4959. 68C Email: RI want to be a Trustee of JAINA Charitable Trust and will donate $500 every year RI want to be a JAINA Patron and will donate $251 every year RI want to be a Life Member of JAIN DIGEST and will donate $151 Rother amount: $10 R$25 R$50 R 698U 699U 700U 701U 702U 703U 704U 705U 706U 2010_03 707U 708U 709U 710U 711U 65C 66C 67C Saumil and Damini Shah Vestal Schaumburg Huntsville Suryakant and Jasumati Shah Johnstown Pramod and Parul Shah Saurabh and Smita Shah Kiran and Sharmila Mehta Ravindra and Manjula Shah Piyush Mehta Leonardtown Harendra and Bhavna Shah Shailesh and Sonia Shah Kantilal and Bhagvati Jain Arvind and Charu Shah Girish and Sugnya Desai Narendra and Jyotsna Goda Uday and Pratibha Shah Manu and Chandra Shah Sudhir and Jayshri Shah Pankaj and Veena Parekh Cahndrakant & Pravina Mehta Vanita Banthia Jitendra and Sudha Shah Mahesh and Mamlesh Jain Motilal Champsee Name Address FEDERATION OF JAIN ASSOCIATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA APPEAL I want to help retaining Jain identity and culture by supporting JAINA and I want to be a proud Jain! Please fill out this form and support JAINA. Oswego Newark Fremont Little Rock Canton Phone () Email Clarksburg Lansdale Herndon Munster Capiague Schaumburg Gainsville Parsippany NY PA This is a list of new Jain Digest life members whose dues were received upto May 23, 03. Please send your $151.00 Jain Digest life membership dues to Keerti Shah, 842 Lakeside Drive, Bartlett, IL 60103 Phone: 630-837-8716. IL AL MD NY NJ CA AR OH NJ PA VA IN NY IL FL NJ Vancouver BC Dollard Ormeaux QC Dorval QC Toronto ON Please send your $151.00 Jain Digest life membership dues to Keerti Shah, 842 Lakeside Drive, Bartlett Illinois 60103, Phone: 630-837-8716 email: Please make checks payable to JAINA. Your donation is tax-deductible. Please advise if you wish to remain anonymous. 950 Jain families have already done so, would you not do so? If not for you, do it for your children and grandchildren. JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003/23 Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ YOUNG. JUNS OF AMERICA CHAIRS 2. Ronak Shah 918-269-7665 Suchita Shah 734-764-9666 DIRECTORS Education Ami Shah 323-965-1140 Events Karishma Shah 510-486-8148 Finance/Fundraising Arpan Shah 281-804-7964 Information Technology Deepen Shah. 973-941-5714 Project Development Lopa Vadi 732-522-5832 Public Relations Chirag Shah 414-339-6023 chirag Publications Nishma Shah 832-651-3679 REGIONAL COORDINATORS Mid Atlantic Dipa Talati 917-371-1476 Midwest Nirali Vora 630-452-2667 Northeast Lily Jain 416-931-8149 South Rishabh Khara 469-438-4331 Southeast Priya Palvia 678-525-5716 W'est Pinita Shah 714-310-1034 Board of Trustees Prem Jain Sachi Jain Naishadh Shah Nirav Shah YOUNG JAINS OF AMERICA Federation of Jain Associations in North America A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501 (c)(3) El #54-1280028 24/ JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003 2010_03 Jai Jinendra! In its fourteenth year, Young Jains of America (YJA) has inspired a generation to find truth and beauty in the principles of Jainism. We have learned that happiness comes from self-control and that only ahimsa can bring peace. Thanks to dedicated leaders, active youth groups, and supportive parents, YJA has a made a difference in the lives of youth and their surrounding community. Since its inception, YJA has focused on teaching youth Jain theory and practice, and helping them translate this into action; Ahimsa in Action. Over the past year, 1000 youth gathered together for YJA Convention 2002. Another 400 youth participated in "Regional Fest." YJA also built educational resources and interactive features on the website, sent 10 youth to India for community service, brought 100 youth together to build homes with H4H, and reorganized to provide greater services to youth in the future. (Visit to learn more about these projects) Over the summer, many great things are happening! First, YJA will be teaming up with Habitat for Humanity to build houses for the less fortunate across America (visit www.yja/h4h for more information). Second, we will announce the site and Host City for YJA Convention 2004. Finally, YJA will be conducting Executive Board elections in July. If you are interested in spreading Jainism to fellow youth, YJA is a wonderful opportunity - visit to apply. We have tremendously enjoyed sharing in the journey and success of YJA for the past two years. The time has come for the torch to pass onto new leaders who will provide fresh ideas and revitalized energies and continue to build off of the solid foundation set by our founders 14 years ago. We thank all of those who have helped and supported us in our voyage - especially our fellow board members, alumni, JAINA, and most importantly, our parents. Sincerely. Ronak Shah & Suchita Shah Co-Chairs 2002-2003 Young Jains of America Young Jains of America (YJA) is the umbrella youth organization of the Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA). The mission of YJA is to be recognized nationally and internationally as an umbrella youth organization for establishing a network to share Jain heritage and religion through youth. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Build a Home.... This summer, Jain youth from all over the country are going to be banding together to build houses for those that are less fortunate in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity. Join us in a city near you to create homes for others. Visit for a list of sites near you! Create a House. HARM PO EX when you look back on your life... AIR 20 OZ UWZU EXPER PRES 25-27. 2deg - 2003 Edison, New Jersey, USA Experience Dharma in the Presence of: Gurudev Chitrabhanu, Ravi Shankar, Dr. Deepak Chopra, and many more ...what will you remember? run for the YJA Board Visit for more details JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 25 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MODEL OF THE JAIN UNIVERSE What does that mean?? By: Nishma Shah, Director of Publications 2003 The Jain loka (world) represents the five basic ontological categories of the souls: kal (time), akash (space), dharmastikay (motion), adharmastikay (rest), and pudgal (matter). In conjunction with living beings, these are the six Jain universal entities, or dravyas. Jains believe that the loka has always been in existence and is without beginning or end but incurs constant change. The universe is self-regulated. The loka is in the shape of a giant in Jain art. The loka consists of three the Middle world, which is the the smallest area; however, it is of inhabited by the only beings that beings. The Middle world consists and continents. Below the middle worse than the one before it. The area directly above the Middle world in their luminosity and whose the heavens, there is a half-moon have attained moksha reside. the cycle of rebirth and have ultimate goal for all Jains. *TD 26/JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003 2010_03 man (purusha), which is often depicted strips/parts. The middle strip represents world that we currently reside in. It is the greatest significance since it is can attain enlightenment--human of all living beings, as well as oceans world, there are a series of hells, each hellish beings reside in these hells. The includes a series of heavens that increase inhabitants are divine beings. Above shaped area in which those souls who These souls have been liberated from attained pure knowledge. This is the For any living beings, karma is what determines where he/she may go. Both bad and good karma play an important role in this process. Karma attaches to our souls and is based on our speech, our actions, and our thoughts. One's present fate is decided based on past karma, and one's present karma in conjunction with one's past karma, will determine the future fate of a living being. GOT QUESTIONS? We've got answers! Visit to share your thoughts! Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ YOUNG JAIN PROFESSIONALS (YJP) Who are we? YJP is a network of young Jain professionals whose mission is to increase the awareness and understanding of Jain principles and heritage by promoting networking among Jain professionals. Our objectives are: To raise awareness of Jain principles through educational and interactive discussions To promote the application of Jainism in the professional and social aspects of our lives * To provide opportunities for leadership development To facilitate peer networking * To engage in community service at our events and promote personal involvement in community service * To provide mentorship to younger Jains, and collaborate with Young Jains of America (YJA) and other Jain organizations to promote Jain ideals Executive Board Paulomi Gudka (Toronto, ON)Co-Chair Director of Membership and Operations; Neha Jhaveri (Denver, CO)Co-Chair Director of Finance and Publications: Suchita Gala (Washington DC) Director of Activities - Convention Planning Nimesh Shah (Montreal, Quebec)Director of Technology Dhaval Shah (New Jersey) Director of Activities - Local Leader Program Mruna Shah (Toronto, ON) Director of Community Service Rajesh Shah (Boston, MA) Director of Public Relations Upcoming Events Regional Events: YJP Convention 2003! Coming October 10 - 13 - Columbus Day Weekend Possible Locations: San Diego, California - The travel channel names Coronado as one on America's top 10 beaches! Scottsdale, Arizona - The oasis in the Sonoran Desert, the Fire of the Red Rocks of Sedona, the Cool Waters of the Salt River - Its Your Adventure Boston YJP Dinners at Local Restaurants * Billiards Night Walk for Hunger in coordination with the JCGB/Boston Jain Youth New York * Dinner and a Night on the Town Washington DC / Baltimore Dinner and a Night Out on the Town * Habitat for Humanity Movie Night - Bend it Like Beckham Jaina 2003! Once again YJP will be participating at the Jaina Convention. Sessions Include: Parents are from Pluto. Kids are from Neptune: An Intergenerational Discussion of Our Goals, Expecta tions and Fears Anekantavada ("Non-one-endedness"): One of the most celebrated but least understood Jain principle Dr. Phil... Jain Style: Conflict resolution and dealing with the issues that arise in our day to day lives Chicago Dinner and a Night on the Town To find out more about upcoming events in your area visit the YJP website at If you are interested in bringing YJP events to your area, contact Dhaval Shah at ''. JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003/27 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ An Outstanding Opportunity For The Jain Community In America & Abroad To Participate In The Creation Of A Jain Tirth In Southern California Jain Center of Southern California has embarked on a monumental task of building one of the finest Jain Tirths in America. The extent and scope of the effort is such that every Jain family living in America will benefit from this project. It will be a source of pride and joy for every Jain. When completed, this Jain Tirth will become a prominent destination of international repute for pilgrimage, cultural, and scholarly pursuits. The Tirth will include: A religious complex of 15,000 sq ft with the Derasar and Aradhana Hall. Five idols, rang mandap, shikhars, bhamati, gokhlas and an ornate ceiling will be featured in the Derasar. A cultural complex of 42,000 sq ft with an auditorium, Swadhyay rooms, and a museum of history, art and heritage. Jainism and the message of Ahimsa will be gracefully conveyed through artworks, paintings, murals, sculptures and multi-media displays. A priceless wooden replica of the Palitana Jain Temple will be showcased in this complex. Lisdeil Atama Sadhana Kendra of 7,000 sq ft with Study/Pathshala rooms and JAINA National Library. Accessible via Internet, the library will contain over 15,000 books and media contents. It will be a very valuable resource for scholars, researchers and students throughout North America. Construction began in October 2002 and will be completed in three phases. Jain Center of Southern California is extending an opportunity to every Jain family in America and abroad to participate in this noble project. For a donation of $1001 or more, the donor's name will be duly acknowledged on a plaque (takhti) to be located within the facility. Opportunities to donate for major takhti's are also available. With your generous contributions you will participate and help to complete a religious monument of great historical significance. Donations are tax deductible, please consult your tax advisor for details. ... DONATION FORM Please kindly provide the information requested below and forward it with your donation to: Jain Center of Southern California, P. O. Box 549, Buena Park, Ca 90621, USA Donation Amount: $ Name: Address: "Creating a temple does not entail creating a building. It means creating a sanctuary from where Lord Mahavir's message can be learned and delivered to the world." H. H. Jin Chandraji Maharaj Tel: Donation should be acknowledge in the name of: e-mail: 2010 03 For additional information, please contact: Dr. Nitinbhai Shah, President Dr. Manilal Mehta Mr. Sumatibhai Shah Jain Center of Southern California, 8072 Commonwealth Avenue, P. O. Box 549, Buena Park, CA 90621 Visit our websites: and (for detailed project plans) Jain Center of Southern California is a Non-Profit California Corporation For Privat al Use Only (714) 506-6699 (714) 898-3156 (562) 926-4075 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Thank You We appreciate the efforts of all the Committees, Directors, Donors, Sponsors and Member Socities of the JAINA JAINA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jain Connections on som (c) Ove Over 1,00 r 1,000 Profiles co Connect with Jains from Around the World Private and Confidential co World's First Jain Matrimonial Website JOIN FOR FREE TODAY 2010_03 Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ This cover is sponsored by Jaya Travel and Tours Girnar Hills Jain Temples, Gujrat Visit our North American office at: Visit our Indian office at: 26500 Northwestern Highway TELEPHONE Suite 260 248/358-9100 Southfield, MI 48076 USA FAX: 248/372/4806 Rizvi House TELEPHONE 34 Hill Road 6423031 Bandra (West), Bombay 400050 6420402 INDIA 6425222 FAX: 6436421 Also visit us at JAIN DIGEST Circulation Federation of JAINA PO Box 700 Getzville, NY 14068-0700 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID NIAGARA FALLS, NY PERMIT NO. 142 Address Service Requested Moving? Receiving duplicate copies? Send your address corrections to: JAIN DIGEST Circulation Federation of JAINA P.O. Box 700 Getzville, NY 14068-0700 1405****************** AUTO**3-DIGIT 276 98 Pravin & Arti Shah 509 CARRIAGE WOODS CIR RALEIGH NC 27607-3969 2010_03