In this issue
Headquarter News................. JAINA Financial Report......4 Bhumi Poojan in NJ...........5
Affiliate News................
Mukti Marg(Hindi)..............
Anekantvad, the backbone ...7
Spiritual code & Conduct....9
Role of Jainism in...............11.
Conv registration form......15
Regional News..................13
JAINA book store...............17
Book Review....
MIS Registration Form......19
JD Life Members...
Federation of JAINA
P. O. Box 700
Gerzville, NY 14068-0700
Young Minds..
Young Jain Professionals.......32
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Jain Education International 2010_03
Jai Jinindra!
This is my final communication to you as your president. New executive committee will be installed at the Convention. The new president will be reporting to you after that. It has been a privilege and a pleasure during my two years' term as JAINA President. As past president, I will always be available to help when needed.
Following are some of the achievements during last quarter.
The Convention preparations are in full force. Both national level members and local members of the Dayton Cincinnati Jain Sangh are working very hard. My heartiest greetings to them. Everything is proceeding very smoothly.
JNF (JAINA NETWORK FORUM) is very active and helpful to many. You know that your participation at the convention JNF automatically enrolls in the JAINA JNF at the jaina.org web site. I recommend each JNF participant to browse on the website and find Jain friends.
The souvenir book for the 2003 convention is a treasure and you will enjoy reading long after the convention.
Here are the items which I want to see continued interest for the future JAINA Executive Committees.
Sadhermic Bhavans constructed around the country for our aging and retiring Jains.
Effort to make conventions self-supporting financially.
Increase the convention attendance.
Create broadcast quality DVDs to showcase Jain Temples of India. Continue JAINA Yatra every year.
Efforts to propagate Jainism around North America.
Again, JAINA is for you and every one of you is for JAINA. Please use it to maximum. Please call on us, if we can be of any assistance.
Jai Jinendra!
Bipin Parikh, President
The Jain Digest thanks and appreciates the work and efforts of outgoing Executive Committee of JAINA and wishes them very best.
Cincinnati Convention Board has worked extremely hard to organize the upcoming 12th biennial Convention. Jain Digest appreciates their hard work and dedication and we all should support them.
Manubhai Doshi has written a book on the topic of code of conduct for Jains and we have published 2 chapters from the book SPIRITUAL CODE AND RESTRAINTS.
Jain Digest, which has been serving our community, will continue doing so with greater effort and improvement. We are always open for your input and suggestions.
Lata Champsee, Editor in Chief
For Private & Personal Use Only
JAIN DIGEST Summer 2003/1 www.jainelibrary.org