Book Title: World Of Jainism
Author(s): Vishwanath Pandey
Publisher: Vishwanath Pandey

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Page 50
________________ 48 THE ORIENT deva as one of the twenty four incarnations of God. The excavations of Mohan-jo-daro have brought to light, by the discovery of the idol of the bull in meditative pose which is the symbol of Risabhadeva and Shiva, the fact that Risabhadeva was a preAryan God. Both Risabhadeva and Shiva laid emphasis on yoga and taught renunciation and opposed sacrifices. They stressed on simplicity, self-control and spiritual upliftment, and believed in the efficacy of Karma and rebirth. It is because of this deep similarity between the two many scholars have tried to prove that they are one and the same deity. Be what it may, it is definite that both the tendencies were renunciatory in character and were different from the Vedic tradition. In short, the Indian culture as a whole is more dominated by the renuciatory element. It was because of the impact of pre-historic culture on the Vedic culture. Lord Krishna Lord Krishna seems to have played an important role in bringing together the Vedic and Arhat cultures. The Gita, the Mahabharata, the Upanisads and the Bhagavat bear out clearly the fact of eventual synthesis of these two cultures. It is most likly that violence and destruction caused by the M told upon the mind of the thinkers of that time who turned towards non-violence (ahimsa) leaving the path of violence (himsa). It is held by the historians that the pragmatic and wordly outlook of the Aryans was dominant in their behaviour and outlook till the time of the Mahabharata; it is as a consequence of this war that all people inculding even the Brahmanas expressed their aversion against killing in sacrifices. Although one can trace the effort of synthesis of the two opposing tendencies right from the Rigveda, it found full support in the time of the Upanishads and the Mahabharata. The words 'Vrisabha' and 'Risabha' are used in different senses in the Vedas. They stand for cloud, bullock, bull and fire. At some places they stand for one who fulfils the desires. They stand for supreme power atleast at two placse in the Rigveda. At some places they stand for Rudra, God Shiva. That is why Shiva or Rudra and Risabha are treated as one and the same deity. Arhat Risabha has been eulogised in the Vedic literature. Risabhadeva Risabhadeva is regarded as thfounder of the Jaina religious path, according to the Jaina Agamas. The Bhagwat eludes him as one who championed the religion of the seers (Rishis) and Sramanas. Thus, Rishbhadeva was equally respected and rever


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