Book Title: What were thecontents of Drstivada
Author(s): L Alsdorf
Publisher: Z_Jinvijay_Muni_Abhinandan_Granth_012033.pdf

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________________ What were the contents of the Drstivāda ? iyänim angapa vittham bāhiram co donn. vi bhanṇanti angapavttham Āyāro jāva Ditthivão, añangapavittham Avassagam tav-vairittam ca. A vasagam Sāmāiya-m-ādi Paccakkhana-pajjavasāņam; vairittam kāliyam ukkaliyam ca. tattha ukkaliyam aņegaviham, tam jahā : Dasa-veyaliyamm Kappiyakappiyam evem-ādi. kaliyam pi anegaviham tam jahā : Uttarajjhayņaņi evam-ādi, ettha siso äha jaha : Ditthiväe savvam ceva vaomayaml atthi, tao tassa ceva egassa psruvaņam jujjai."āyario āha : "jai vi evam, tahavi dummeha-appàuya-itthiyadiņi ya kāraņāi pappa sesassa parävaņā kirai" tti. tattha bahave dummedhā asartă Ditthiyāyam ahijjium; appăuyana ya āuyam ne pahuppai; itthiyão puņa pāeņa tucchão gārava-bahulão cal ‘indiyão dubbala-dhilo. ao eyāsimje aises’ ajjhayaņā AruņovavāyaNisiha-m-äino Ditthivão ya te na dijjanti! tattha "tucchā nāma puvvăvarao vakkhāpe asamattā, 'gārava-bahulä' näma gavvamantio tti, cal'indiyão nāma indiyavaisaya-niggahe Bhüyävādam pappa asamatthāo, "dubbala-dhilo" năma calacittão iti mā tam suyapära laddhim uvajivissanti, tao tesim aises' ajjhaynaāni vārijjanti tti. "Now will be taught Angapravista and (Anga) bahira. Angapravista is (the Angas from) Ācāra to Drstivada; non-Angapravista is Āvaśyaka and non-Āvaśyaka. The Āvašyaka begins with the Sämāyika and ends with the Prätyākhyāna; nonĀvašyaka is kälika ( to be studied during regular study hours ) and utkalika (to be studied outside regular study hours). Of these utkalika is a plurality (of texts) viz. Dasa vaikälika, Kalpikäkalpika and so on; kälika, too, is a plurality (of texts), viz. Uttaradhyāyana etc. Here the disciple raises the following objection : 'The Drtsiväde contains the totality of speech (i. e. all that has ever been, or can ever be, expressed in words), therefore it would have been appropriate (for the Jina)to teach that alone 2 The Ācārya answers That is quite right; yet the rest (of the sacred texts, the srutajnāna) is taught for the sake of the dull-headed, the short-lived, the women, etc. In this (enumeration), there are many dull-headed people who are unable to study the Drstivada; of the short-lived, the life time would not suffice; and women are as a rule empty, given to haughtiness, sensual and inconstant; therefore the Pre-eminent Texts1 ) such as Arunovayāya, Ņisiha etc. and Destivāda are withheld from them. Here 'empty' means: unable to interpret coherently; 'given to haughtiness' means : arrogant; 'sensual' means; unable to restrain sensual passions in connection with the Bhutavada 3 ; 'inconstant means : fickle-minded; therefore they shall not (3) Rhy (1) Edition wro'g: vaogatam (being the "takara", ga misread for ma); cf. below the quotation from Visesavsasyakabhsaya. (2) Cf, Hemacandra's rendering as atisayanty adhyayanani in his commentry on Visesavasya kabnasya 552 quoted below. Bhuvavaya is one of ten names of the Ditthivaya enumerated, Thananga sutra 742; Abhayadeva explains very briefly: bhutah, sadbhutah, padarthas, tesam vado Bhutava dah. If this explanation is correct, the title Bhutavada stresses the refutation of the heretical drstis exclusively named in the ordinary title Drstivada. Cf. also the two longer explanation of Hemachandra ad Visesavasyakabhasya 551 quoted below. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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