anything relating to philosophy and allied branches of knowledge but they created in their pupils a love for their own souls. Only a man who loves his own soul can love the members of his family, the members of his society, his nation and the whole world, in the true sense of the word. You may understand the metaphysical knowledge relating to the soul logically later, but you must first love your soul. In other words, love the principle of Ekatva or Nirdwandwata (the oneness of the soul) and its difference from the body. The man who loves his soul will not become selfish. He will be otherworldly in his attitude and will aim at the ultimate good. Only such a man can bestow benefactions on others. The man who does not possess a true knowledge of his soul can never be benevolent to others. There is a deep relationship between Ekatava (the feeling of being alone) and Madhyasthya (the attitude of neutrality). Without the feeling of being alone, no one can adopt the attitude of neutrality towards others.
This is a great misfortune of the present age. Education relating to the knowledge of the soul has totally disappeared from our educational system. Education relating to the soul is not being given in any school or college. At present, science is being given greater importance than the knowledge relating to the soul. Scientists are being given greater honour than spiritually enlightened people. The result has been very harmful. In recent times, the consequence has been that tremendously destructive forces have raised their monstrous heads. The scientists are not the benefactors of humanity; but they are malefactors since they have invented weapons that can decimate humanity. Those who possess spiritual enlightenment love all living beings; and can shower the rain of mercy upon all. Scientists do not seem to love humanity. In their view, substances are segregated from one another. They know that a certain substance contains so many chemicals and in such proportions; and they have such and such an effect. They analyse the various substances thus.
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