Book Title: Vicharmala Granth Satik Pustak 1 to 8 Author(s): Anathdas Sadhu, Govinddas Sadhu Publisher: Heeralal Dhole View full book textPage 9
________________ IV: INTRODUCTION naturally luminous Self hitherto veiled 'y is discovered in all his radiant glory and blissfulness, never moresta losedt; in the same way, as after the snake has been discovered to be false from the knowledge of rope, it never more assumes the form of snake. Thus then, igoorance plays a very important part, it is the sole cause of our re-births, it leads us astray, making us connect Self with this thing and that-son, wife, riches and the rest-causing unnecessary grief at their loss, and setting a very high value on the world and its goods ; under such circumstances it is the paramount duty of every sensible man to enquire after Self and know him. This can only be done according to the lines laid down in the sacred writings. Every one is not qualifed for such knowledge, but those only who are indifferent to sensuous enjoymente, who know the world to be unreal,-a mere production of delusion as things created in dream-who have restrained their senses, subjugated the mind and are desirous of release are the proper persons to attain Selfknowledge. Such a one is to repair to a professor learned in the Vedanta, serve so as to satisfy him and wait his pleasure. The professor naturally kind to all and especially those who take protection of him accosts him endearingly and imparts the much needed instruction in the manner pointed out in the work itself. Some men are so fortunate as to get the coveted knowledge with very little trouble as a return for good deeds in their priór lives and thus succeed to cut off the chain of future re-births. Now this brings us to consider the potency of actions. Thi word signifies the collective totality of works performedPage Navigation
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