Book Title: Tri Mantra Author(s): Dada Bhagwan Publisher: Mahavideh Foundation View full book textPage 9
________________ Trimantra 5 Trimantra Benefits All A Vaishnav would say, 'This is our Vishnav opinion!' Some other people would say 'This is our belief!' Such people with their viewpoints have confused and muddled things. This Trimantra is an impartial mantra. There is nothing here that belongs strictly to the Jains or the Vaishnavs. It is a mantra for everyone in Hindustan. You will benefit greatly by reciting it because it teaches you to bow down to individuals of the highest order. You benefit by doing the obeisance (namaskar). You benefit even by merely saying the word 'namaskar'. This is when you realize that this mantra if for your own benefit. If it benefits even you, then how can it be called 'a mantra for the Jains'? But what do people, infected with the disease of opinions, say? They say such things as, "This cannot be ours'. Nonsense! Why can it not be ours? The language is ours. Everything is ours! All such talk is senseless. When I explain the meaning of this mantra, people come to their senses. This is The Trimantra That is why I have you recite it loudly: 1. Na-mo Ari-hanta-nam Na-mo Siddha-nam Na-mo Aaya-ree-ya-nam Na-mo Oovazza-ya-nam Na-mo Lo-ye Savva-saahu-nam Aiso panccha na-mukka-ro Savvah pavvah pa-nasa-no Mangala-nam cha savve-sim Paddha-mam hava-yee manga-lam 2. Om Na-mo Bhaga-vate Vasu-de-vaya 3. Om Na-mah Shi-vaya Jai Sat Chit Anand 6 Trimantra Now if I were to explain the meaning of the Navkar (number 1) mantra to you, you will feel, 'this is our mantra'. Once you understand it's meaning, you will not let go of it. At the moment all you see is, 'this is the Shiv mantra' and 'this is the Vaishnav mantra'. You need to understand the meaning of the mantra. Let me explain you the meaning of the Navkar mantra, then you will never say so again. Namo Arihantanam Questioner: Please explain in detail what 'Namo Arihantanam' means? Dadashri: 'Namo Arihantanam'. 'Ari' means enemies and 'hantanam' means to conquer. So in this obeisance we are bowing down to the Arihant Bhagwan, the one who has conquered all the inner enemies of anger, pride, deceit, greed, attachment and abhorrence. From the moment of total destruction of the inner enemies, to the state called keval gnan, until final liberation, one is an Arihant. Such a one is the absolute manifested living God. He may have become so from any religious order - Hindu, Jain or any other race and he may be found anywhere in the universe. This obeisance says, 'I bow down to the Arihant Lord wherever He may be.' Questioner: Does an Arihant have a physical form? Dadashri: Yes, he has a physical body. He has a body and also a name. He cannot be called an Arihant if he does not have a body. Questioner: Does the title of Arihant apply to the twenty-four tirthankaras? Dadashri: No. Only a tirthankar who is currently living can be called an arihant. Lord Mahavir has attained moksha. People say, "These are our twenty-four tirthankaras" and then they recite, "Namo Arihantanam, Namo Siddhanam...", and ifPage Navigation
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