Book Title: Ten Days Journey Into The Self
Author(s): Chitrabhanu
Publisher: Jain Meditation International Centre

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Page 31
________________ Communication is a major source and outlet of the love and intelligence that guide our energy, so let us focus on our energy that goes into communication. Social conventions communicate, such as racial or class discrimination. Actions communicate: as it is said, "actions speak louder than words." Facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, everything that we are, communicates. However, words, articulate language especially, are the media of human communication. And how little we know about using them ! We know how to use electricity, but not the more powerful energy of our verbal communication. Words produce a reaction that comes back on us. A wellknown Indian story illustrates this. A boy wandered into a woods at the foot of a mountain and called out, "You are the devil." He heard a voice answer, "You are the devil." In terror, he hurried home and told his mother what he had heard. She said, "Don't worry, son, I'll show you who was speaking." She took him back to the same spot and told him to call, "I love you." He did, and the voice answered, "I love you." She explained, "That was only an echo." In society we continuously echo each other. One nation says, "You are a dangerous enemy," and we hear the answer, "You are a dangerous enemy.' We say, "I have many nuclear bombs," and we hear the without seeming to realize that what they do causes others to do the same. Each threatens by words and threatens by actions, blind to the results. Each society and each individual, should take the initiative in communicating with love and intelligence. In today's world, words that were meant to lead us are used to mislead us. We are constantly deluged and deluded by advertising which tells us, "Use this hairspray and be beautiful." Or, "Drink this whiskey and be happy." And in politics, truth is reduced to credibility. Any verbal device which can manipulate the public and disguise facts is considered viable. And as to ourselves, most of the time, we use language to conceal our thoughts and feelings rather than to reveal ourselves. Ultimately this becomes our own barrier and we confuse and deceive ourselves. The moment you begin to use language to reveal rather than conceal yourself, you begin the journey from the lower to the Higher Self. For that we must concentrate on the subtlety of our communications, and the purpose behind them. Here is a story that illustrates this subtlety, and its effect. Once there was a king who had a terrible dream, a frightening nightmare. In this dream, he saw each of the thirty-two teeth in his mouth fall out one by one. He was very disturbed when he awoke. Right away he sent for his wise men and soothsayers. Two of them, upon hearing his account of the dream, told him they could explain it to him. The first one said it was like this: "Sire, what this dream signifies is that every member of your family will die before you. One by one you shall have to witness their deaths before your very eyes. And, what is worse, you will not be able to do anything to pre-vent this." When the king heard these words he became terribly depressed and locked himself in his chambers. For a whole day he did not come out or take any food. Finally, he emerged and the other soothsayer who had indicated that he understood the dream came forward and said,


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