Tales from Indian Mythology
soon. She revealed herself to Gurudev in a dream last night. Do you now realise why we are on holiday?"
Immediately, there was a flutter among them, and they pressed their companion to expatiate on his enigmatic predic
tion. But he would not. "I have said enough,” he replied, · "and the rest you will see for yourselves presently. In the mean
time, let us seek shelter somewhere before the heavens leak. By the way, where is Agastya?”
"Where is Agastya?” they all repeated and began to examine one another's faces thoroughly. "He is not among us," they observed with an air of finality. "But where is he?"
"Can it be that he ran away in search of a bride?" queried a red-haired, squint-eyed lad from Kalinga whose nightmare had been the grammarian Panini.
"Do not be frivolous,” rebuked the burly bully from Anga who forecast the descent of a goddess. "Frivolous! What do you mean?" demanded the Kalinga boy somewhat timidly.
But for the fear of the impending downpour, there would have been a serious altercation which might have even led to an exchange of blows. Fortunately, thunder and lightning intervened. The cloud in the enormous female form became blacker and heavier and swallowed up the sun. He never made his appearance again for the rest of the day and darkness reigned in his place. The boys' fright increased, moment by moment, and they secretly scolded themselves for having come so far away from the ashram. Fear had not only rendered them speechless but forged a strange unity and camaraderie among them. Soon the cloud became restless and moved faster and faster towards the young hermits with groans and growls, as though it were in labour. The young recluses desperately clung
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