A series of eight popular and eloquent lectures on Buddhist topics delivered in 1907 in Ceylon. They deal with the living Buddhism of to-day and touch upon many religious and social problems connected with that great Faith.
Building of the Kosmos, The. pp. 93.
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Cloth Rs. 1-8 or 2s.
Theosophical Convention Lectures of 1893. Contents: Sound; Fire; Yoga; Symbolism.
Changing World, The. pp. 333.
Cloth Rs. 2-4 or 3s. Fifteen Lectures delivered in London in 1909.
In a sense Mrs. Besant's most important work. Contains the first full and official statement as to the immediate purpose of the Theosophical Society from the Occult standpoint, revealing a message to the world from the Occult Brotherhood concerning its Plans and Purpose and the Coming of the World-Teacher.
Death and After. pp. 86. Theosophical Manual No.
Defence of Hinduism,
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Paper Ans. 8 or 8d.
A vigorous defence of the beliefs and practices of Hinduism, especially written to help Hindu boys to answer the attacks levelled against their religion.
Dharma. pp. 88 with index.
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Theosophical Convention Lectures of 1898. Contents: Differences; Evolution; Right and Wrong.