Book Title: Studies On Bhartrhari 3
Author(s): Johannes Bronkhorst
Publisher: Johannes Bronkhorst

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Page 13
________________ BHARTRHARI ON SPHOTA AND UNIVERSALS 17 ceived because of its subtle nature; it is noticed because of its cause, just as wind (is noticed) on account of a fan (which moves it). (120) We see that Bhartrhari, on the substantialist alternative, pictures sound as a superfine substance which is not noticed until certain causes specific to it have exerted their influence. This substance by itself does not undergo modifications; it is rather its 'power' which does so when words are pronounced:24 The power of the (word), which resides in the breath and in the mind, is differentiated when it manifests itself in the points of articulation. The timelessness of the sphota can thus be maintained. The enumeration of knowledge' (jñāna) in VP 1.110 might cause surprise; knowledge is not normally considered a substance. This depends however on one's point of view. For an idealist substance derives its reality from, is nothing but, knowledge. And indeed, Bhartrhari himself, in his commentary on the Mahābhāsya, enumerates knowledge among a number of 'substances which are all, ultimately, identical with Brahman:25 "Because substance is eternal' (Mbh I p. 71. 11-12). The element earth is etemal. What is the true (part) in the element earth? The analytic imagination. What is the true (part) in the analytic imagination? Knowledge. What is the true (part) in knowledge? Om. And that is Brahman. Back to VP 1.110. Here, as so often, Bhartrhari declines to choose between the alternatives. It doesn't matter to him which substance constitutes the sphota, as long as it is clear that the view that the sphota is a substance is shown to be tenable. As we have seen, it may also be a universal. Either way the duration of the sphota is not affected by the duration of the perceived sound (cf. VP 1.106). Appendix: the authorship of the Vrtti. There are a number of reasons which have convinced me that the Vrtti was not composed by the author of the stanzas of the Vāk yapadiya; these have been presented in another publication.26 Here I propose to deal with one argument - 24 VP 1.121: tasya prāne ca ya Saktir yā ca buddhau vyavasthitāl vivartamānā sthānesu saisā bhedam prapadyatell 25 Mahābhāsyadipikā of Bhart hari, Fasc. IV. Ahnika I (Bhandarkar Oriental Research Insti tute 1987) p. 22 1. 19-21: dravyan hi nityam nityah prthividhātuh prthividhātau kim satyam/ vikalpah/ vikalpe kim satyam jñānam jñāne kim satyam/ om atha tad brahmal. 26 "Études sur Bharthari, 1. L'auteur et la date de la Vrtti." (above, note 1.)


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