| Upanishads, 162, 187, 223, 226.
250, 255 Tagara, the town, 31
Upāsaka, 282, 294 Tagara-sikhin, 31
Urvasi, 236. Takka-silā (Takshila), seat of
learning in N. W. India, 8, 28, 203; copper plates from, 124; capital of the Kushanas,
Vacchas, see Vamsas 314
Vaikhānasa Sūtra, 144 Tamil words in use in the West,
Vaisyas, their social rank, 54 116
Vājapeya sacrifices, 203 Tāmralipti, seaport, 103
ajira, daughter of Pasenadi, Tanks, for bathing, 74, 75; for
married to Ajätasattu, 4 irrigation, 86
Vajjians, their powerful confedTapas, self-torture, growth of
eration, 25, 26, 40 doctrine of, 242 foll.
Vālmīki, 31 Teaching, etiquette of, 5; brah
Vamsas, or Vatsas, 3, 27 min views about, 249
Varuna, the god, 219, 235 Temples, none, in ancient times,
Väsula-datta, legend of, 4 foll, 241
Vāyu, wind-god. 235 Tilaura Kot, site of Kapilavastu,
Vedānta, 163, 168 • 18
Vedic language, 153; divinities, Tirhut, 32, 41
155, 158 ; hymns, interpretaTissa, son of Moggali, 299
tion of, 162 Titans, 224, 241
Vedisa, in Avanti, 103, 288 Toleration, 296
Vegetable diet, result of, 42 Topes, see Dagabas
Vekhanassa, follower of Vikha. Trade routes, 102-104
nas, 142, 144 Trades, 89 foll.
Vesāli, 29, 40 Tree-worship, 224-233
Vessas, 54, 55 Tribal migration in India, 32 Tribes, the sixteen chief, in pre
Vessavana, the god, see Kuvera
Videha, as kingdom and repubBuddhistic times, 23 foll.
lic, 26, 37 Trita, the god, 235
Vidūdabha, king of Kosala, 4, Truth lower than sacrifice, 243
II, 12 Turbans, 94, 97
Vikhanas, a teacher, 144 Turkestan, MSS, discovered in,
Village, customs, 45 foll.; head 128
men, 49 Vimāna Vatthu, 176
Vindhya Hills, 29 Uddalaka Āruni, his defeat in ar
Vishnu, 219, 236 gument, 247; his influence on
pantheistic thought, 257 Udena, king of Kosambi, 3 foll.,
Udvana, the country, 29 United Provinces, 42 Ujjeni, capital of Avanti, 3. 40,
103: Magadha viceroys at, 260, 272
Wanderers, the, their discussion
halls, 141; names of corporate bodies among, 143-146; freedom of thought among, 247, 258; their Dhamma, 294
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat