Book Title: Sthanangasutra
Author(s): Kornelius Krümpelmann
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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________________ again: a nude monk may stay with a dressed nun if no other sādhu is nearby and the monk is: distracted in mind (kṣiptacitta), is in a delirious state (dṛptacinta), is possessed by an evil spirit (yakṣāvista), he has gone crazy (unmädapräpta), he has been initiated by female ascetics <417> an ācārya recites or explains sutras: to teach the disciples the tradition, to encourage them to right conduct, to shed his karman-particles, because the disciples want to widen their knowledge, to keep the tradition intact (avyavacchitti) <467> sutra 468 gives five colours of celestial vehicles (vimāna). Chapter VI (sar-sthānam) A monk endowed with six qualities may get the position of a leader of a gana: he is faithful, truthful, intelligent, scholarly, powerful, not quarrelsome (alpädhikarana) <475> only few beings. have command over these six supernatural powers (rddhi): turn soul into matter, matter into soul, speak truth and non-truth at the same time, suffer or not suffer karman at will, pierce atoms, go beyond the edge of loka <479> 6000 dhanus (i.e. six times 1000 dhanus) is the height of human beings in the sușama-suṣamā epoch of the ascending world-period <493> a monk may take food for six reasons: to remove pain of hunger, so that he can serve other ascetics, so that he can observe careful movement, so that he may follow the rules of ascetic discipline, for support of his life, so that he can contemplate about religion <500> sūtra 505 up to sūtra 509 and sutra 515 up to sūtra 520 give the names of six goddesses, gods, hells, etc.<>/ six seasons (rtu): first half of the rainy season (prāvṛt), second half of the rainy season (varṣā), autumn, winter, spring, hot season <523>. Chapter VII (sapta-sthanam) Seven kinds of birth (yoni): born from an egg, as a fetus without enveloping membrane, born with a placenta, out of liquids, out of sweat, by act of congealing, by bursting out of earth <543> seven kinds of gross air-bodied beings (bādara-vāyukāyikā): wind blowing from the east, west, south, north, upward wind (ardhvavāyu), downward wind (adhovayu), wind from intermediate directions <547> seven clans: Kasyapa, Gautama, Vatsa, Kutsa, Kausika, Mandava, Vasistha <551> seven gems of a Cakravartin: disc, umbrella, hide of leather, staff, sword, jewel, cowrie shell <558> seven signs of the duhṣama-period: untimely rains, absence of rains at the usual time, worship of impious persons, no worship of pious persons, misbehaviour with persons of respect, mental affliction, hurting by speech (vägghata) <559> seven causes of sudden death (ayurbheda): affection or fear, weapon, excess of food, pain, execution, touch (Abhayadeva in his commentary states: "bite of snake", etc.), suffocation <561> sutra 582 gives the names of seven 5


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