Book Title: Sramana Tradation Author(s): G C Pandey Publisher: L D Indology AhmedabadPage 88
________________ Bibliography 28 Patisambhidāmaggal Nalanda ed.) 29. Pramāņavārtika (ed. Jaiswal Institute, Patna). 30. Pravacanasāra, with Amrtacandra's commy. 31. Rgvedasamhita with Sāyaṇa's commy., 4 vols. (Chowkhamba) 32. Sarvadarśanasamgraha, Chowkhamba, 1964. 33. Satapatha Brāhmaṇa, 2 vols. (Acyuta Granthmala ) 34. Suttanipāta ( Nalanda ed.) 35. Suttāgama, Bombay, 1953. 36. Takakusu, The Buddhist Religion as practised in India and the Malaya Archipalago (New Delhi, 1966). 37. Tänd ya Maha Brāhmaṇa, 2 vols. (Chowkhamba). 38. Tattvārthavārttika, 2 vols. (Murti Devi Jaina Granthmala ) 39. Tattvasangraha, 2 vols. (Varanasi). 40. The Thirteen Principal Upani șads (Tr. Hume) 41. Uttarajjhayana (Tr. Jacobi, S. B. E.) 42. Vasistha Dharmasūtra (Poona, 1930) 43. Vajrasūci, 2nd ed. (Visvabharati, 1960). 44. l'artikālankāra of Prajñákara Gupta (Patna) 45. Visuddhimaggo (Varanasi Sanskrit University) 46. Visuddhimärga tr. Bhikkhu Dharmaraksita (Varanasi, 1956). 47. Sanga yogadarsana ( Chowkhamba ). MODERN WORKS 1. Barua, B. M. Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy (Motilal Bana rasidass, Reprinted ). 2. Basham, A. L. History and Doctrine of the Ājivikas. 3. Belvalkar & Ranade. Creative Period of Indian History, 4. Bhandarkar. Asoka (Calcutta, 1955). 5. Bhandarkar, R. G. Vaišnavism, Saivism and other Minor Sects. 6. Davids R. Buddhism. 7. Davids, Mrs. R. The Birth of Indian Psychology. 8. Deo, S. B. History of Jaina Monachism. (Poona, 1956). 9. Dutta, S. Early Buddhist Monachism. 10. Green. Prolegomena to Ethics (V. P.) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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