Book Title: Siddhachalam NJ 1990 04 Mahavir Jayanti
Author(s): Siddhachalam NJ
Publisher: USA International Mahavir Jain Mission Siddhachalam

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Page 37
________________ AADIGURU SANKARACHARYA THE APOSTLE OF PEACE DR. P. JAYARAMAN NOTED POET, WRITER, LINGUIST EXEC. DIR. BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN (U.S.A) There are some rare souls who even though born in a remote corner of the world, are known all through the universe and they live in the hearts of the humanity eternally. Such an extraordinary soul was Aadi Sankaracharya -- known very well as Sankaracharya of Kalady, kerala. He was an inspired ascetic, a religious reformer, saint, poet, intellectual, prophet, philoso- pher of Advaita (mono-theism or Non- Dualism) and above all a social and moral reformer. Sankaracharyaor Sankara founded an empire of spirits. He was the foremost to conceive the geographical and cultural unty of India. He established monasteries (MUTTS) in four different parts of India - - in the North Badri, in the East Puri, in the South Sringeri and in the West Dwaraka. This great builder of an empire of peace and Harmony and no army, no money and no political battle to win. Sankara was the great organizer who worked untiringly for the national unity of India. He destroyed the poison of sectar- ian quarrels by composing thrilling verses. Hesang in praise of Siva-BRAHMA MU- RARI SURACHITA LINGAM; NIRMALA BHASHITA SHOBHITA LINGAM. He sang the glory of Rama and krishna in ACHYUTASHTAKAM. He Sang in ecstasy about the Mother AN- NAPURNA and appealed to her to offer Bhiksha for the sake of attaining wisdom and detachment --GNANA VAIRAGYA SIDHYARTHAM BHIKSHAM DHI CHA PARVATI. To him the mother was Par- vaiti, father Maheswar, relatives are the devotees of Siva and the whole universe -- his own country. MATA CHA PARVATI DEVEE, PITA DEVO MAHESWARAHA.. BAANDHAVAAH SIVABHAKTAASCHASVADES-HO BHUVANATRAYAM. There was none to accompany Sankara in his mission. Singles individual with his inner glowing spirituality as his guiding light he started his own sojourn of victory - - DIG VIJAYA YAATRA. His vast intellect was blended with deep sym- pathy and compassion for the innocent ones and the suffering humanity. He had the courage to create cosmos out of the courage to create comsmos out of chaos. He con quered the intellects and the hearts of the people who were fighting fiercely with the sectarian ideas. It is no exaggeration if we say that Aadi Sankara was a remarkable specimen of Indian humanity. He was aware of his great mission. Can we ever imagine the burning spirit of a young boy leaving his home with a firm resolve? He did not try to bring uniformity among different thoughts and ideas of Hinduism. His aim was unity in diversity. Born in Kerala in the 8th century of a devoted couple Sivaguru and Aryambal, Sankara carried an astounding personality emitting the light of love and compassion for all his opponents too. That was his strategy to win their hearts. He appealed to the emotions and the intellects of the people. His inner and outer personalities were such alluring that everywhere people were very perceptive to receive his ideas. His preaching, teaching and uplifting set an ideal example for a social reformer. He had no personal desire, no selfish motive to satisfy;VIDHI VASAAT PRAAPTENA SANTUSHYATAAN -- Be satsfied with what you get in Bhiksha was his motto. The spiritual energy of the people was scattered here and there and Sankara gathered it all and increased its power tenfold. He was known as PARAMAHAMSA PARIVRAAJAK AACHAARYA -- detached, but possessing universal outlook, rising above caste, creed and sect. He was humble and became the disciple of Govinda Paada. He discarded nothing, accepted everything and cut off all the shackles of competition, enmity and bitterness. As a teacher of unity, possessing the spirit of universality, he sang in ecstasy the praise of the Lord. As a realized Saadhaka, he sang seated at the pinnacle of spiritualism. I am that unperishable Consciousness of Bliss (CHIDAANANDA ROOPAS SIVOHAM, SIVOHAM) Tolerance and acceptance were the feelings of understanding found in his spiritual sojourn all through. Within the short span of life of 32 years, he came round the Mother India thrice to get in direct contact with nature and human beings. He was always on the move; Nothing could stop him to rest for a while. His intense compassion is very well-known through an incident in his life. Sankara went to a house for alms. The lady of the house came out and saw the glowing face of the boy and was almost in tears not finding anything but a dry aavla fruit at home. She offered that fruit to Sankara with great love. Seeing the pitiable plight of the mother of the house, Sankara sang in prayer to the goddess of Wealth-the KANKA DHAARAASTOTRAM. It is said that for 3 minutes the lady's house had a downpour of golden fruit (Aavla). Such was the power of the boy Sankara while taking up the social reform in his hands. There were very many scholars entangled in fight regarding SAVIVA, ROUDRA, UGRA and BHATA schools of thought. There were also KAAPAALIKAAS and VAISHNAVITES each trying to put down the other. But Sankara created harmony among all and became the authority to adorn the throne of Omniscience (SARVAJNAPEETHAM)in Kashmir. Aadi Sankara in short was not mere religious leader; he was a great pilosopher who created harmony among the divided India. He was the first Apostle of Peace who united the whole country without a bit of bitterness. No wonder he considered that person as GURU who could see the vibrant Godhood in every living being. (CHAANDAALOSTU SO TUDVIJOSTU, GURURITYESHAA MANEESHAA MANA). That is why even now the masters coming in his tradition are known as JAGAD GURU- preceptors of the Universe Jain Education Intemational MAHAVIR JAYANTI SOUVENIR W 35 PMAHAVIR JAYANTI SOUVENIR


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