Book Title: Shraman Bhagwan Mahavir And Jainism
Author(s): Ramanlal C Shah
Publisher: Jain Society of Metro Washington

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________________ Jainism believes that there is life not only on this earth, but also on other planets and even beyond the solar system, i.e., in the whole universe. The Jaina concept of the Cosmos is given in detail in the Jaina scriptures. Jainism believes that the universe is without a beginning and without an end. The universe has always existed and will exist forever. There is nothing but infinity, both in the past and in the future. However, the universe is continuously undergoing countless changes. These changes are effected by the powers of the six substances, but in essence there is permanence in these changes, because the substances have three vital characteristics, viz. Utpada (Origination) Vyaya (Decay) Dhrauvya (Permanence) Jainism believes in plurality of soul, i, e., every living being has a soul. Not only human beings and animals, even trees, plants, bacteria and microscopic viruses have souls. There is life even in mud, water, air, fire and light, which we cannot see with the naked eye or with the most powerful microscope. Jainism has classified 8.4 million different species of life in the universe. All living beings, whether big or small, has a soul. All souls are equal. The soul is independent, eternal, immortal and invisible. It cannot be cut, it cannot be burnt, it cannot be melted, and it cannot be dried up. At the end of life the body dies, but not the soul. The soul transmigrates to another life. It moves from life to life and expands or contracts according to the size of the body of the living being. The soul thus keeps on transmigrating from life to life, unless and until it liberates itself from the cycle of birth and death. When it attains liberation or salvation, i.e., Moksha or Nirvana, it has never to enter again into the cycle of birth and death. In order to achieve this highest goal of Moksha, Jainism explains the Law of Karma and shows the Path of Moksha. The Law Of Karma The world is full of joy and sorrow. Some people are happy and some are unhappy all throughout their life. Some people are happy or unhappy for some time. A child is born without eyes and ears, A man saves his life miraculously in a plane crash. A saint is murdered. A murderer enjoys all his life without being detected. When we ponder over all such and so many other incidents happening around us, we are puzzled. We ask ourselves, "Is there justice in this world? If there is, why should such things happen in this world? Is not God cruel and unjust? Is there any rule or law which decides all these things?" To this Jainism answers, "Yes. There is a law which decides and explains all these things. It is the Law of Karma (i.e. The Law of Deeds or Actions)." According to Jainism, the Law of Karma leads us to believe in the theory of rebirth, which explains all that is inexplicable about such incidents. With this Law of Karma, Jainism explains why there are joys and sorrows, happiness and unhappiness, prosperity and adversity, equalities and inequalities in the world; why one person is


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