INDEX II A-Works and Authors (English, Gojrati, Hindi etc.) [Initial articles are neglected. Research papers are included, and indicated by*.
Books and Research Papers are italicized. ] Aeneid : 23
Caste and Class in India : 32. Ancient Indian Historic al Tradition : 44, Chaitanya Krishna : 108, 116, 117. 49, 56.
Chandra, Lokesh : 53. Anderson : 112
Chanson de Roland : 23. * Antipathy to Rajasūya : Why ? 83. Chaturvedi Giridhar Sharma : 41. Anttilla, Raimo : 120, 163.
Chaucer : 9. 11, 12, 60, 61. Arabian Nights (AN): 11, 12, 29.
Chronology of Ancient India : 42, 44, Aristotle : 14.
56, 100. Arora U.P. : 107, 133.
Conti Noel : 40. Art of Tantra, The : 103.
Critical Studies in the Mahabharata : 3,8, Aryanisation of India 130
18, 24, 52, 53, 68. * Ašvamedha, the King of Sacrifices : 32,
35, 140. * Asymedha; Its Original Signification ; 32
Dandekar R. N.: 1, 7. * Authorship of the Rāmāyaṇa, The : 85
* Daśagrīva or Daśānana of the Rāmāyaṇa : Avesta : 143.
81, 102. Dange S.A. ; 8, 32, 36, 42, 45, 57, 66.
102, 104, 109, 123, 129, 140, 145, 166, Bachofen J.J. : 99
Decameron : 11, 29. Bar-Illan, David : 40.
Dictionary of World Literary Terms Batra S. N. : 81, 102.
=DWLT) : 4, 7, 9, 13, 113. Belvalkar S.K. 159, 160.
Dumezil G.: 107. Benfey Theodor : 10.
Dutt Nripendra Kumar : 130, Beowulf: 5, 3.
Dutt Romesh Chunder : 6 * Bharat mān Anek Sanskritio no Sangam
(Guj.) : 157. Bhatt G.H. : 30, 39, 56.
Edgerton F. : 94, 153. Bloomfield M. : 105.
Eggeling Julius : 54. Boccacio : 9, 11, 12.
Eliade Mircea : 107. Border Raids : 5
Encyclopaedia of Literature : 2 Browning Robert : 39.
Evolution of Morals in the Epics :1, Buicke, Camille : 28, 30, 37, 81, 102,
Eyre Vincent : 99. By the Fireside (Poem) : 39
Canterbury Tales : 11, 39. 60. Cassell's Encyclopaedia of Literature : 7
Festschrift Thomas : 81. Folk-tale : 112, 119.
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