Book Title: Scouting in educational perspective
Author(s): J S Mehta
Publisher: Z_Kesarimalji_Surana_Abhinandan_Granth_012044.pdf

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________________ * 48. Karmayogi Sri Kesarimalji Surana Abhinandana Grantha : Seventh Part here. They can be multiplied to a large number at the time of drawing. The First Aid training: programme. A little extension in the First Aid programme from physical and overt activities to covert social, cultural and economic fields will shower its bounties on the local community. The local community, on account of ignorance of the facilities available to it and caught between jaws of unbreakable traditions and customs fails to benefit hy the fruits of technology and facilities that await it. The Scouts' first aid in drawing local community's attention to how they can borrow loans from commercial banks, co-operative banks or co-operative societies will help in extending their business or in buying agricultural implements, fertilizers and improved seeds etc. Such types of first aid in guiding the community correctly may bring forth a complete revolution in the economic condition of the community. The community will prosper and with it the country will roll on the road to prosperity. Prosperity will decidedly raise living standards of the community. Old and archaic cultural patterns of living will yield its place to modern ones, for the candle of knowledge will light every nook and corner of a hut and drive away the darkness, ignorance and superstitions. It will also narrow down or, at least, bridge the gap between the rural and urban lives.. The kind first aid F. L. Brayne, an ICS officer, rendered to the rural Punjab in the cultural field, the Scouts can render to their local community. Brayne employed dialectical method in drawing home the futility of wearing gold and silver jewellery alone with dirty and soiled rags by womenfolk. F. L. Brayne in his book, "Socrates in an Indian Village points out the evil customs that needed completed reformation. Scouts and guides can render pioneering service in social fields. Casteism, untouchability and religious bigotry that afflict the local community await their first aid. A corporate life, irrespective of caste and creed, will convince the community especially the rurat one of the futulity of caste or class war that only retards their progress and prosperity. Camp fire provides still another avenue to pin-point evil customs, like child marriages, funeral dinners, untouchability etc., that eat into the very vitals of the society. Social reforms in the community are the need of the day. Scouts and Guides can highlight the disadvantages, rather harms of large families and dowry system. They may exhibit through short plays and skits the needs of widow re-marriage, of planned families of two or three children only. Large families mean poverty, ignorance and sloth. Demand of dowry leads to either economic breakdown of a bride's family or results in her murder. Newspapers are replete with such murders. Scouts can show horrors of such evil customs in camp fire items and provide mental food to ruminate over them and to become active in doing away with such evil customs. There are other fields which need first aid. We need protection against deadly germs. It requires cleanliness. Scouts and Guides can be of special help in this sphere in driving home the urgent need of cleanliness for healthy and normal life. This new approach to first aid will entail for-reaching changes in the training programmes. Scout masters and scouts both will have to get training in revised programmes that render true first-aid to the needy community. This programme encourages a change in the traditional role of scoutmasters and scouts. No doubt, they will not be masters of their trades. They are expected to have only elementary knowledge in a trade that will help them in doing running repairs. The new concept of first-aid gives a new dimension to the scout movement. It will make the movement more popular with the community and rejuvenate it to meet the challenge of the changing needs of the society. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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