Book Title: Reviews Of Different Books
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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________________ REVIEWS 325 certainly means 'from others': "Those disasters (coming) from others (such as) the gods belonging to the train of Māra." 4.6: "capable of speaking for themselves (on the dharma) and well-acquainted (with the dharma)"; alam svasya vādasya paryavadātāro: "capable of elucidating their own doctrine", cf. Tib. ran-gi smra-ba gsal-bar byed-nus-pa'i. See also Edgerton, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary (henceforth abbreviated as BHSD) s.v. paryavadāpayitar: "one who purifies completely: svasya vādasya paryavadāpayitāro Divy. 202.13". Burnouf translates: "ils peuvent faire adopter aux autres tous leurs raisonnements” (Introduction à l'histoire du Buddhisme indien, Paris, 1844, p. 78). 4.7: "The ascetic Gautama will (not) enter complete extinction.” In a note the translator remarks that perhaps a negation has been left out of this sentence. A negation is found in the Tibetan translation and must be accepted into the text even if it is absent in the Gilgit manuscript. Cf. CPS p. 438, n. 2, in which Waldschmidt refers to 16.12 where the negation is of course absent. 8.2: “The dharma obtained by me is profound, of deep splendour." “Of deep splendour" renders gambhīrāvabhāso. Here avabhāsa has the meaning 'appearance' as the corresponding Pali obhāsa in the passage on the four pools (udakarahada) of which the first is said to be uttano gambhirobhāso (Ang. Nik., II, p. 105). Woodward translates: "The shallow which looks deep" (Gradual Sayings, II, p. 112). 10.8: "Conquerors like me who achieved the destruction of evil influences must be recognized"; jina hi madrsā jñeyā ye prăptă asravaksayam: “Those like me who achieved the destruction of evil influences must be acknowledged as Jinas." 10.10: "For correct people who know the ways of the world do not radiate": na hi santah prakäsante viditvā lokaparyayam. In the corresponding verse of Udänavarga 21.7 Bernhard reads prakāsyante. The Tibetan translator seems also to have read prakāsyante: skyes-bu dam-pa grags mi-srid "They cannot be celebrated as excellent people." 11.7: "men of delusion"; mohapuruşāh "stupid fellows", cf. BHSD s.v. 11.18: "The Tathāgata only ate in the morning at the proper time"; tathāgata pratiyaty' eva kalabhoji. In 16.2 R. K. translates pratiyaty'eva with 'immediately': "When his body was tired, he immediately went to sleep"; śrāntakāyaḥ prāgbhāraḥ pratiyaty' eva middham avakrāntah. The expression pratiyaty'eva has given rise to different explanations and translations, cf. Jean Filliozat, 'Fragments du Vinaya des Sarvāstivādin', JA, 1938, p. 45, n. 3 (= Laghu-prabandhāh, Leiden, 1973, p. 103): "On pourrait interpréter pratiyaty comme locatif absolu du participe présent pratiyant- et traduire "tout en répliquant"; Bernard Pauly, 'Fragments sanskrits de haute Asie', JA, 1957, p. 292: "le sens de "tout en répliquant" ne me semble pas absolument satisfaisant. On pourrait peut-être comprendre "tout en faisant cette réflexion" à moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'un sens temporel: "sur le champ, sans plus tarder", Louis Renou, compte rendu de Kusum Mittal, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im älteren Buddhismus, I, JA, 1959, p. 261: "On relèvera, d'après l'éditeur, la forme pratiyaty eva, qu'il rend tantôt par “rapidement", tantôt par "au plus haut degré": double traduction qui n'est pas sans trahir quelque embarras. La seconde interprétation peut s'appuyer sur la racine yat- "faire effort" avec une évolution de sens analogue à sahasă "avec force", d'où "tout-à-coup"." Renou's interpretation has been accepted by Luise Schwarzschild, cf. 'Notes on some words meaning "Immediately" in Middle Indo-Aryan', JRAS, 1961, p. 39, n. 3. Waldschmidt translated pratiyat' eva in the same context as CPS 16.2 with "schnell", cf. 'Zu einigen Bilinguen aus den Turfan-Funden', NGAW, 1955, p. 19 [= Von Ceylon bis Turfan, Göttingen, 1967, p. 256). Waldschmidt pointed out that Pāli patigacc'eva or paţikacc' eva corresponds to pratiyaty'eva (ibid., n. 138). Edgerton considered pratyatya 'in advance to be a semi-Prakritic form of pratikrtya and Pāli patikacca (or "gacca). According to him the meaning quickly' is a result of specialization or distortion of the meaning 'in advance' (Review of Das Catusparisatsūtra, Language, 39, 1963, p. 491). The form pratiyatya has been correctly explained by Brough who remarked that Buddhist Sanskrit has the form pratikstya which corresponds to Päli patikacca or patigacca but that in addition it shows on occasion


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