Book Title: Religion of Man
Author(s): Jagdish Sahai
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ Jagdish Sahai that immortal Life-Force called God, who is the changeless one in this over-changing world of many, he can attain to that state of permanent happiness for which his whole being is constantly yearning. This state of permanent happiness or Bliss Absolute (Brahmananda) is the same as living in tune with the infinite. In Salvation Lies Bliss Unselfish work leads to purity of heart (Citta-Suddhi) and this in turn to Spiritual Freedom through elimination of the individual Ego. This is salvation or Self-realization or God-realization. In salvation lies the highest freedom and bliss; on attaining it, the individual's Ego dissolves completely and he becomes a Free Soul (Jivnn-mukta) who has achieved the one thing which is permanent and imperishable. When a man becomes unattached and unselfish, his actions do not Force Fresh Shackles of Karmic Bondage. Such performance of action and devotion to God leads the individual to the blissful state of salvation which is beyond words. Universal Goodness Constitutes the Religion of Man To acquire this blissful state one has to act incessantly and lovingly. Every action needs to be tested on the Touchstone of universal goodness and Moral Worth. Any action which is right in accordance with Truth and Justice contributes to the awakening in man of universal goodness. Universal goodness is in itself elevating, and whatever elevates ennobles is Man's Religion. Elevation in every aspect of life forms the Basis of the whole science and art of Religion-elevation from ignorance to full knowledge, from the confined Ego-state to the Free-state of the Soul. It is the process of Mans going back (Nivritti) by conscious and determined effort, to the Original Source from which he has sprung. This one process is named variously by different seers and men of God in different parts of the world. Man should fight man-is not what Religion teaches : Man to be man must ever be humane: Sense of humanity-the Brotherhood of Man. And homage to Almighty--the Parenthood of God. Are what any Religion worth the name aims at : Therefore, it behoved not Man to decry Religion; Realization by man of the True Self-the Great Truth-is its only goal. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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