Book Title: Pure Soul and Its Infinite Treasure Author(s): Jayantilal Jain Publisher: University of Madras View full book textPage 6
________________ 4* Pure Soul and its Infinite Treasure PUBLISHER'S NOTE Jaina philosophy is out and out spiritual and the sacred Jain texts have revealed the infinite characteristics of the Pure Soul which need to be realized and tapped to enjoy eternal bliss and happiness here and now. Realization of the same enables mankind to tread on the path of Non-Violence and Truth thus paving the way for a harmonious society and self-sustained environment. Spirituality is the backbone of Jaina Philosophy and Ancient Wisdom and this is the subject matter of the current publication titled, “The Pure Soul its Infinite Treasure', authored by Dr. Jayantilal Jain and jointly published by the Department of Jainology, University of Madras and Research Foundation For Jainology, Chennai. The Department of Jainology which was instituted at the University of Madras in 1983 with an Endowment Fund provided by the Research Foundation for Jainology is now a full-fledged main stream Department since 2003. The Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Government of India sanctioned Rupees Fifty Lakhs as Corpus fund to the Department, on the eve of the Bhagwan Mahavir 2600th Janma Kalyanak Mahotsav in April 2003. The Department is conducting various research and publication works in this fund. Since then the Department has brought out four publications and this is the fifth publication but for the first time a thesis on spirituality is being published under the above Endowment Fund, and it is the twelfth publication of the Department of Jainology. Research Foundation for Jainology has supported the Department in all its academic endeavors and this time too they have generously come forward to jointly publish this thesis which will be very helpful for the students as well as aspirants to understand the nature of the Pure Soul. We are grateful to the University authorities for giving permission to publish the abridged version of the thesis and all others connected with the publication of the same. Krishnachandd Chordia Dr. Priyadarshana Jain General Secretary Asst. Prof. and Head i/c Research Foundation Department of Jainology For Jainology University of Madras. Chennai-600 079. Chennai - 600 005.Page Navigation
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