Preksha Dhyana :
If the body-cells require immediate energy. the liver releases some of the glucose back into the blood-stream for delivery to the cells. The remaining glucose is converted into glycogen-a larger molecule-which can be stored in the liver and some muscle cells. When all the glycogen storage areas are filled up, the remaining glucose is converted into fat and stored. The liver has the proper enzymes which are necessary to carry out the conversions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into one another.
Another function of the liver is to store important vitamins including A, D and B12 and iron.
The liver neutralizes the injurious effects of the toxics such as poisonous drugs and liquor. Besides, whenever a toxic substance reaches the liver from the intestines etc., it is processed in the liver, and rendered excretable through bile or urine. However, the poison of excessive drinking or hypnotic drugs could destroy the liver cells.
Yet another function of the liver is to produce urea. When amino-acids absorbed by the blood-vessels in the villi (in the intestine) reaches the liver.cells, it is de-aminized, i.e. nitrogen is separated and transformed into urea which is excreted through urine by the kidneys.
Over and above the above-mentioned functions connected with the digestive system, the liver has to perform some important functions pertaining to the general components of blood. For example, (i) production of new red blood-cells during the foetal life, and (ii) assistance in maturing them later on and withdrawing them from the circulation on their becoming worn-out, (iii) breaking-down of haemoglobin from the worn-out red blood-cells and converting it into an iron containing pigment, bile-pigments-bilirubin and biliverdin (while most of the iron is reutilized, bilirubin etc. is excreted).
Lastly, it also assists in keeping the body-temperature constant. 7. Pancreas and the Islets of Langerhaps
Pancreas is the most important producer of digestive juices in the whole digestive sysiem. It is a versatile organ,
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