Book Title: Pravachanasara
Author(s): A N Upadhye
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram
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Surattaputta, 34.
Sütrakṛtänga, 51n3; -niryukti, 83.
Suttapahula, 11, 14n1, 23, 28, 35, 49.
Süyagadam, 83n2.
Svām Samantabhadra, 10n3-n5, 13nh, Toranācārya, 11. 21n1, 102n2. Svasamaya, 42.
Toyapahula, 24n1.
Svayambhu, 88-n1.
Svayambha stotra, 88n1, 99.
Svetambara, 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12f., alleged origin of 14f., 23f., 31n3, 37n1, 45, 47n6, 49, 51n4; Amṛtacandra's attack on 51n5, 63-n2, 76n2, 82-3, 92, etc. Svetavataropanigad, 69n3. Syadvāda, discussion about 79-86 with Uccaraṇācārya, 11.
Ucchedavāda, 67n2.
87n2-3, 99-nl.
Systems of Sanskrit Grammar, 21n1.
Taittiriyopanisad, 75.
Tarkabhāṣā, 62n2.
Tātparyavṛtti, 97f., 100f. etc.
Tattvadipika, 93f.
Tattvänusasana, 98n2.
Tattvapāhuḍa, 24n1. Tattvapradipikavṛtti, 94,
Syādvādamañjarī, 47n5, 81n2, 82n2, 83n1, Umāsvāti (mi), 4f., 5n1, 7f., 8f., 63f., 76,
78, 82.
Upadesa-kandali, 100n2. UPADHYE A.N., 27n1.
Upamitibhava-prapañcā kathā, 16.
Upanisad, 1, Omniscience according to 72, 79, 84.
Upayoga, the doctrine of 69, cpd. with Samkhya gunas 68f. Uposatha, 92n2. Utpädapähuda, 24n1.
Uttaradhyayana, 51n5, 65n3, 92n1, 112-3.
Tattvartha, 98n2.
Tattvärtha Rajavārtikam, 20n2, 51n1. Tattvärthasara, 50, 51n5, 93-n6. Tattvärtha Slokavārtikam, 8n4, 762. Tattvärthasutra, 4f., 4n8, 5n1, 20, 26n1, 63, 65n4, 76, 78n2, 81n2, 82n7, 83, 99, 101. Tattvasamgraha, 68n4, 74n2, 76n2, 96n3. Thakkur, 93.
Thanamga, 26, 82n2.
THOMAS F.W., Preface. Tiruvalluvar, 12, 19f. Tittha, 29.
Titthayarabhatti, 25, 27.
Thirukkural, 12.
Thirteen Principal Upanisads, 73n1. THOMAS E.J., 67n2, 68n3, 74n1.
Jain Education International
Transmigration, Jainism on 88, -in Vedic literature 90. Trişaşti-Salaka-puruça-purana, 98n2. Tusamāsa, 31-n2.
Uber die vom Sterbfasten etc. 31n3. Uber ein Fragment der Bhagavati, 114n1. Ucca-uägari-säkhā, 9.
The Approach to Philosophy, 86n1.
The History of Buddhist Thought, 67n2,
The Pallava Genealogy, 19n1.
The Positive Sciences of Ancient Hindus, Vakragrīva, 2f., 19.
Vararuci, 114.
Vadanyaya, of Kumaranandi, 9.
Vadideva, 65n4,
Vadirāja, 38n1, 76n2.
VAIDYA P.L., 83n2, 96n1, 110n3, 114-1, Preface.
Vallabha, 87n3.
Vai esika, 34, time according to 61f., 64n1, atomism in 78f., 78n1.
Vaiyāvṛtya, 32.
Vajranandi, 20. Vakragaccha, 9.
Vardhamana, 10n1, see Mahavira. Varuna, omniscience of 72, 89. Vasistha 31.
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