________________ Persons to Contact me, forgive me, forgive me and give me the strength not to repeat these mistakes again. Oh Shuddhatma Bhagwan ! Please bless us all with such grace that this separation from you disappears and we attain oneness with you. May we remain One with you at all times. (* Recall the past mistakes that you have committed) Pratikraman Vidhi Pratyaskh Dada Bhagwan-ni sakshi-ye Dehdhari * na man-vachan-kaaya na yog, bhaavkarma, dravyakarma, nokarma-thi bhiina eva hae shuddhatma bhagwan, aaj din sudhi je je ** dosho thaya che, teni kshama maangoo chhu, aalochana, pratikraman, pratyakhyaan karu chhu. Mune kshama karo, kshama karo, ksama karo. Ne faree eva dosh kyareya pun nahi karoo, evo dradh nischay karoo chhu. Hae Dada Bhagwan! Mane evo koi pun dosh na karvaani param shakti aapo, shakti aapo, shakti aapo. Pratikraman : Process of Divine Apology With Dada Bhagwan as my witness, I offer my salutations to the Pure Soul who is totally separate from the mind, speech, and body of * I recall my mistakes (aalochana) ** I apologize for these mistakes (pratikraman) I affirm not to repeat these mistakes again (Pratyakhyaan) Dearest Dada Bhagwan ! Grant me the strength to act in accordance with this firm resolution. * name of the person hurt by you. ** recall the mistakes you committed with this person. Pujya Dr. Niruben Amin & Aaptputra Deepakbhai Desai Adalaj : Trimandir Sankul, Ahmedabad-Mehsana Highway, Simandhar City, Adalaj, Dist.: Gandhinagar - 382421. Tel : (079) 3970102-3-4-5-6 Ahmedabad : "Dada Darsan", 5, Mamtapark Society, B/h. Navgujarat College, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-380 014. Tel. : (079) 754 0408-754 3979 E-mail : info@dadabhagwan.org Mumbai : B/904, Navinasha Apt., Dada Saheb Falke Road, Dadar (C.R.), Mumbai - 400014. Tel : (022) 2413 7616, Mobile : 9820-153953 Vadodara : Dilip Jain : (0265) 2574328, Yogiraj Patel, Tel. : 2644465, Surat : Vithalbhai Patel, Tel : (0261) 2544964 Rajkot : Atulbhai Maldhari, Tel. : (0281) 2468830, Godhra : Ghanshyam Varia, Tel. : (02672) 251875 Chennai : Ajitbhai C. Patel, Tel : (044) 826 1243, 826 1369 U.S.A. : Dada Bhagwan Vignan Institue : Dr. Bachu Amin, 902 SW Mifflin Rd, Topeka, Kansas 66606. Tel : (785) 271-0869, E-mail : bamin@cox.net Dr. Shirish Patel, 2659 Raven Circle, Corona, CA 92882 Tel. : (909) 734-4715, E-mail : shirishpatel@attbi.com U.K. : Maganbhai Patel, 2, Winifred Terrace, Enfield, Great Cambridge Road, London, Middlesex, ENI 1HH, U.K. Tel : 020-8245-1751 Ramesh Patel, 636, Kenton Road, Kenton Harrow. Middlesex HA3 9NR. Tel. : 020-8204-0746, E-mail : dadabhagwan_uk@yahoo.com Canada : Bipin Purohit, 151, Trillium Road, Montreal, Quebec H9B 113. Tel. : 514-421-0522 Website : www.dadabhagwan.org, www.dadashri.org