Book Title: Perculiarities of Jain Maharastri Literature Author(s): Nalini Joshi Publisher: ZZ_Anusandhan View full book textPage 1
________________ डिसेम्बर २००८ Perculiarities of Jain Mahārāştri Literature* (A Brief Chronological and Subject wise Survey with Critical Remarks) Dr. Nalini Joshi Professor, H.N.Jain Chair, University of Pune. Introduction : Jainology or Jain studies is a wholesome branch of knowledge in the perspective of Indian Culture. The edifice of Jain Tradition is based on four pillars, viz. 1) History or Antiquity, 2) Philosophy and Logic, 3) Literature and 4) Art and Sculpture. In the carly years of my career, I entered Jainism through the gateways of Prakrit languages. Therefore, when I selected “Spectrum of Jainism in Maharashtra”, my attention was immediately drawn towards Jain Mahārāstri literature. In this paper, Iwill try to draw a brief sketch of Jain Mahārāstri literature with its highlighs. The variety of languages used by Jainas is stunning. No other religion in India had carried out its literary activities in various Prakrit dialects than Jainas. The ancient canonical texts of Svetambares are written in Ardhamāgadhi and that of Digambaras in Jain Sauraseni. Văcaka Umāsvati introduced Sanskrit in Jain literature by writing Tattvārthsūtra in Sūtra style (4th Cen. A.D.). Many Sve, and Dig. Acāryas continued their writing in Skt., the language of classes, up to 15th Cen. A.D.. Ācārya Bhadrabāhu (IInd) started commentarial work on Ardhamāgadhi canons in Jain Mahārāstri in the 3rd writing his Nijjuttis. All Sve. Ācāryas perferred J.M. for their literary activities in Prkt. up to 15th Cen. A.D.. In the meantime the religious and the philosophical teachings were written down in manuals in verse by scholars like Kundakunda, Vattakera and * A paper presented in a National Seminar arranged by K. J. Somaiya Study Centre in Jainism, Vidyavihar, Mumbai. (20th-2 1st October, 2008) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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