Book Title: Paurandara Sutra
Author(s): Eli Franco
Publisher: Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_Part_3_Pundit_Dalsukh_Malvaniya_012017.pdf

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________________ 162 Eli Franco 2. Cf. E. Solomon ibid, p. 985. 3. Cf. Syādvādaratnākara p. 261 : tato 'vaśyam paksu-dharma-vyavahāra siddhaye dharma-dharmi-samudāye rūdho'pi pakşa-śabdas tad-ekadese dharminy-upacaranīyaḥ. tasmad itthaṁ pakşasya gaunatvam. Tad-gaunatve ca hetor-api gaunatā tad-dharmatvalakṣaṇatvād-asya. tasmad gauna-karanajanyatvena gauņam anumānam. Gaunatvāc ca na pramānam. Quoted by E. Solomon, ibid, p. 985 n. 1. ...CL E. Steinkellner, Dharmakirti's Hetubinduh, Wien 1967, vol. II, p. 83 n.5. .5. Cf. E. Steinkellner, ibid, vol. I, p. 31.10-11, 6. Cf. n. 3. 7. References are given to the Delhi ed. (n. 1.). If you use a different edi tion, all the passages quoted here are from the very beginning of the Pratyakşoddeśa. It is interesting to note that Prabhācandra certainly knew the 'paksa' interpretation, although he does not mention it here. But in the Nyāyakumudacandra he gives no less than nine vikalpas for the word gauna, the seventh of which reads dharmini pakşa-sabdopacārāt. Unfortunately, these vikalpas are dealt with too briefly. I think most of them can be subsumed under the interpretation given in the PKM; it is improbable, however, that all the nine of them were advocated by the Cārvākas, let alone by Purandara himself, as a direct explanation of the sūtra. Cf. Nyāyakumudacandra ed. Mahendrakumar, Mānik Chandra Dig. Jain Series 38, Bombay 1938, vol. I p. 71.1-4; yac ca "agaunatvāt' ity uktam (cf. p. 67.16), tatrā-numā nasya kuto gaunotvam-avisada-svabhāvatvāt, svärtha-niscaya parāpek şatvāt, visamuādakatyst, pratyaksa-pūrvaeatvāt, asthad anutpadyamanatvāt, avastu-visayatvāt, dharmini pakşa-sabdo-pacarat, badhyamānatvāt, sādhya sādhanayoḥ pratibandha-prasādhaka-pramāņābhāvad va ? 8. Cf. E. Steinkellner, Dharmakirti's Pramānaviniscayah, Zweites Kapitel : Svārthanumānam, Wien 1973, vol. I p. 25: bhrāntir apy artha-sambandha tah pramā. 9. The fact that this is not an arbitrary juxta position on our part is corro borated by the passage quoted in n. 7, where similar interpretations are directly related to the word gauna. 10. Cf. Tattvasangraha of Shāntaraksita with comm. 'Pañjikā' of Kamala sila, ed. D. Shastri, Bauddha Bharati Series 1, Benares 1968, ad. v. 1481-82 p. 528.9-10. 11. Cf. T. Vetter, Dharmakirti's Pramānaviniscayah, 1. Kapitel : Pratyakam, Wien 1966, p. 34 n. 1: pramānetara-sāmānya-sthiter anya-dhiyo gateh l Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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