that she was the rude one, the ingrate, and the thief. Lesson to learn:
Being sure is not the same as being right. Certainty without humility can lead to self-righteousness that distorts our view and understanding of the world and of people. | Humility does not require that we be equivocal or doubtful of our deepest convictions about religion or right and wrong. What it asks of us is that we hold and even advocate our beliefs without dismissing the possibility that others may be right too, or as in the cookie case, instead.
TV and Children In the past parents were held to be the major influences on the children. As they grew up, | friends of the family would come up with comments like. ‘This boy takes after the mother and that one is a copy his father.' But the way the children are hooked to TV channels, the day is not far when we may hear comments like “This boy takes after Zee TV and that one takes after Star TV.
Today's TV channels are aggressively attacking the young minds and causing serious damage to the cultural wealth. The terrorism of the obscene and violent TV programmes is more dangerous than any religious fanatics.
Path to Righteousness T 21 Jain Seducationalteration Trans forplivale a Personal use only