body will demand food. While awake or in a dream, he will be asking for food. Some place inside is empty. A biological gap has been created within. The body demands food and he is busy at that time in praying to God. The body is crying aloud for food, and he is praying aloud to God. In two or three day's time, the body's keen desire for food will be converted into thirst for God.
The demand of the body is for food and if the body does not yield to it and goes on determining that not food, but God is required, then within four or six days the body within will begin to cry aloud for God instead of food. A transformation has taken place. Energy which was demanding food is now demanding God. Thus the strong resolve for food is now turned towards God. This is a great transformation. Determination means transformation of powers. When the mind demands sex, when it demands the other, the opposite, a woman demands a man, and a man demands a woman, when the mind wants to flow towards the other, then we shall have to transform the flow. We shall have to adopt the opposite system, so that this yearning of the mind becomes the yearning of God of liberation. It is necessary to keep two or three things in mind.
As soon as the mind desires sexual pleasure, the body begins to make preparations for it. From the sex centre the ganglion begins pulsating another demand. The sex centre becomes projected outside. The science of Tantra says, if the sex centre can be made to project inwards and can be drawn within (which is known as sex-mudra), you will within two moments find that the body has ceased its demand for sex. But the demand was made and the energy for it was already awakened. It is possible to take this energy upwards. No sooner do we think about sex that our mind begins to flow towards the genital organs. One has to draw the genital organs inwards. All the doors going out from the genital organs will be closed.
When the energy has already been awakened, we should close our eyes at that time. Having closed the eyes begin to look at the head from within, just as you see a ceiling from within a room. By constant practice you will find within a month that something from below has begun to rise up. This will be, in fact, your experience that something has started to rise above, something is going up. Some call it kundalini, some give in another name. It is necessary to pay attention to two points here. One is the muladhar and other is the upper centre sahstradhar.
Sahastradhar is our centre at the top level and muladhar is our centre at the lowest level. Muladhar is contracted inwards. The energy created in it tries to find a way out. Now we should direct our mind to the higher direction or upper direction, because that path is open. The energy of the body starts flowing towards that direction in which the mind is directed. This is a small process in the transformation. If you experiment with this, celibacy will be achieved without suppression.
This is not suppression, it is sublimation. Suppression means that the upward path - door is not opened and the door at the lower level is being guarded by you - is being kept under check. Then the result would be troubled madness. If the path is there for the energy to flow out, there will no suppression, but only sublimation. The energy will begin to flow above from below. Perform the experiment and grasp its meaning. This is not theoretical neither is it intellectual or scientific. This is a thing experienced by millions of people and it is an easy experiment. And when the flowers of joy and bliss begin to blossom in the upper parts of the brain, sex will begin to disappear from your life. It will go away slowly and there will be the birth of a new energy, a new vigour, a new light and a new life.
The physiologist is not concerned with it at all. If we dissect the body, the energy which is rising up
The Perennial Path: The Art of Living