Book Title: Pali Dhanya and Carukesi
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_Part_2_Pundit_Bechardas_Doshi_012016.pdf

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________________ 84 H. C. Bhayani "शौरे कस्माद् विधत्तै दशनपदमिदं चारुकेश्याहितं ते " चारुत्वं कीदृगस्य श्रित- पशु-वपुषा केशिना निर्मितस्य ?" । "नैवं घृष्ट ब्रवीमि व्रजयुवतिमहं" "बाढमेष व्रजामी--" त्येवं गोप्याऽवताद् वः क्ष (कं ? ) पट-धरण-प्रीणितः कैटभारिः ॥ (ŚP. p. 602) O Sauri, why do you display this tooth-mark impressed on you (i.e. on your lip) by Carukeši (Carukeli-ahitam)' ? 'How can it be beautiful (caru), produced as it is by Kesin (kei), who had assumed the bodily form of a beast ?" 'You brazenly unfaithful! I don't mean that. I am talking of the milkmaid (vraja.yuvatim)'. 'Very well, here I am wooing (vrajami) a young girl". May the enemy of Kaitabha, thus resorting to chicanery, and delighted by the milkmaid (?) protect you". The Gopi of this dialogue is possibly Radha, who creates a scene with Kṛṣṇa, who has just returned after spending a night with Cärukeši. Krṣṇa tries to save. himself by resorting to Ślesa on the words Carukesyahitam and vrajayuvatim used by Radha. We can campare with this the Kṛṣṇakarṇāmṛtaa verse (rādha-mohanmandirad etc.) referred to above. A closely similar repestee between Kṛṣṇa and one of his sweethearts is instanced by the verse vasaḥ samprati kesava kvabhavato etc, cited on p. 607 cf ŚP.). References Bhoja Sarasvatikanthābharaña, ed. K. Mishra, 1976. Srigaraprakasa, ed. G. R. Josyer, 1955. Bilvamangala: Kranakarṇāmpta, ed. F. Wilson, 1975. Jayavallabha Vajjalagga, ed. M. V. PatTardhan, 1969. Bhoja's Spigaraprkasa, 1963. V. Raghavan Svayambhu Svayambhücchanda), ed. by H. D. Velankar, 1962. Footnotes 1. I have slightly emended Velankar's text orthographically, and my translation differs from his in several points. 2. See V. Raghavan, Bhojas Śrngaraprakāka, (1963), pp. 567, 887-891, where the references and citations are noted and their implications are fully brought out. G. R. Josyer's edition of the Srigaraprakäia silently omits the Prakrit passage given by Raghavan. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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