Book Title: Non standard Usages in Pancatantra
Author(s): Dinanath Sharma
Publisher: Z_Nirgrantha_1_022701.pdf and Nirgrantha_2_022702.pdf and Nirgrantha_3_022703.pdf

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________________ Vol. II-1996 Non-Standard Usages in the.... two objects. Thus and being objects of their respective verbs in the sentences, should not be as such; i.e. in genitive case. They should be 4 and , .e. in accusative case. But again these usages are justified by Prakrit grammar af fact: (8.3-134) which is already explained. 4. (a) सिहेन च अस्य (कष्ट्रस्य) अभ्यवपत्तिरभयप्रदानं च दतम् । ऊष्ट्रकाकादिकथा, P-32, Line-9: (The lion gave him (the camel) freedom to move around and fearlessness.) (b) यथासम्भवं ब्राह्मणत्रयस्य भोजनं दातव्यम् । The barber who killed the monks P-134, Line-3: 31 (Food should be given to three Brahmanas as per the possibility.) ff The sutra 4 1.4.32 of the Astädhyayi defines that that, before whom one goes by the act (of donation), is called the fourth case ending. which requires The act of donation is of two kinds; one, in which the thing once given is never taken back; e.g. देवदत्तः ब्राह्मणाय गां ददाति (Devadatta gives a cow to the Brāhmana) and the other, in which the thing given is taken back; e.g. taga: am aci zerfa (Devadatta gives cloth to the washerman). The object of the first kind of donation. will have fourth case ending and that of second kind of donation, the sixth case ending, though Mahabhäṣyakára Patanjali recognises fourth case for second kind of donation also. Thus both the verbs of above sentences, denoting bestowal, should have their objects इदम् (अस्य ऊष्ट्रस्य) and ब्राह्मणत्रय in dative case, i.e. अस्मै (ऊष्ट्राय) and E since freedom for moving around, fearlessness and food are given to the respective objects for ever and not to take them back in future. But both the objects are in genitive case, ie अस्य and ब्राह्मणत्रयस्य. These usages have found solid ground in Prakrit grammar which admits sixth case mostly for fourth case (चतुर्थ्याः षष्ठी 8.3.131) 5. (a) अथ मत्कुणश्चकितत्वाद्राजवचनं श्रुत्वा शयनादवतीर्य अन्यद्विवरमाश्रितः यूकामत्कुणकथा P-26, Line 11: Jain Education International - (Thereafter the bug having heard the voice of the king with astonishment, got down from bed and sheltered another hole.) (b) fosferaga zemran: Frame story P-82, Line-10: (Citränga also, being afraid took shelter of the bank.) Pānini, by the stūtra गत्यर्थकर्मकश्लिष्णीस्थासवसजन रुहजीर्यतिभ्यश्च 3.4.7211, admits that the verbs denoting movement, intransitive verbs and certain other verbs, namely श्लिष, शीड़ स्था, आस्, वस्, जन्, रुह, and ज् with the suffix of past passive participle For Private & Personal Use Only


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