Bhāṣā Vargaņā : A group of material aggregates used for producing speech. Brahman : Absolute; the Ultimate Solitary Reality -- single conscious element which pervades the entire universe according to the Vedanta philosophy. Darśana : Intuition or indeterminate cognition; one of the two inalienable characteristics of the soul; the faculty of cognising reality without separation of contents; counterpart of knowledge, also see jnāna. Darsanávarna Karman: Intuition-obscuring karman-one of the eight main species of karman that obscures ‘darsana'which is one of the eight innate qualities of soul. Also see darśana, kevala darśana. Dharmāstikāya : One of the six eternal substances; medium of motion, also see adharmastikaya.
Dravya : Substance. Six eternal/indestructible substances (dravyas) produce the infinite world processes through their modifications and interactions.
Ghatin karman : Types of karman that obscure fundanental qualities of
Sarva-ghātin : Those which are completely obscuring. Deśaghātin : Those which are partially obscuring. Also see aghātin karman.
Gotra karman : Status-determining karman - one of the eight main species of karman that determines the status and family conditions. Guņa : Quality or inalienable attribute of a substance.
Jivāstikāya/Jiva : One of the six eternal substances; only one that possesses consciousness; soul; individual self; the conscious constituent of a living organism. jñāna : Knowledge or determinate cognition; the faculty of cognising reality with separation of its contents; counterpart of intuition; also see darsana.