परद्रव्य से हो दुर्गति निज द्रव्य से होती सुगति ।
यह जानकर रति करो निज में अर करो पर से विरति ।।' Paradravya se ho durgati, nij dravya se hoti sugati,
yeha jankar rati karo nij mai ar karo para se virati. The seeker of the soul must have the same keenness and devotion as the child had in searching his mother. Inner-self or own soul Bhagwan should always be ascending in the vision of the seeker of soul. No task can be accomplished in this world in the absence of deep and sincere devotion. Then, how self-realisation is possible without deep and sincere devotion?
All seekers of the soul should get detached from external objects and devote themselves to the inner-self and achieve self-realisation and become infinitely happy - with this pious feeling, I conclude.
1. Acharaya Kundkund : Mokshapahuda Gatha 16
Therefore, reward should be given to the police only. Despite so much efforts, what did the police get except the reward? Child got his mother, mother got the child, what did police get? The police is getting the reward and that also you do not want to give - this is not fair.
Similarly, efforts to search soul begin under the protection and guidance of learned gurus. If one does not get the protection of right gurus, the soul might ruin its life by getting into the trap of wrong gurus. Besides, if right guidance of gurus is not available, life might get ruined due to involvement in purposeless pursuits. Thus, the protection and guidance of gurus is extremely important for self-realisation.
Guruji provides protection and guidance to his pupils, leaving aside his own important tasks (aimed at upliftment of soul); in exchange what does he get, except credit? The seekers of soul get self-realisation, but gurus get nothing except wastage of time? Even then if we do not want to give them credit - this is not just. Therefore, gurus get credit for being motivators, must get credit, this is a bridge between efforts and motivation and this is a good association.
In the manner, the child had, for the purpose of searching his mother, divided all women of the world into two parts - in one part, he kept his mother alone and all other women in the other part - similarly, it is necessary for the seekers of soul to divide the world into two parts. In one part they should keep the soul i.e. their own soul Bhagwan and in other part, all other external objects i.e. all objects except the soul.
In the context of search of mother, all women are worth watching and knowing for the child, but only mother is suitable for embracing. Similarly, for the seeker of the soul, all objects are worth watching a knowing but own soul Bhagwan is the only one that is suitable for getting engrossed and for reveling. Inner-self, attained due to good fortune, is the one that is suitable for adoration: our own soul is the only one, which is most suitable for establishing oneness and not the external objects which result in birth in low categories of mundane existence; therefore, it has been said in Mokshapahuda -
The saint embraces nakedness like that of the child, which is free from stigma and which is difficult to attainment. This frees him from the evils of begging, safeguarding, injury, etc., and it is the sole cause of attaining emancipation, as it is free from attachment. The mind of the saint embracing nakedness is free from the excitement of passion and agitation, as he considers the female body impure and stinking. Hence he always safeguards the celibacy perfectly. His nakedness must, therefore, be considered blameless.
Reality by Prof. S.A. Jain, Page 252