trunks, and leaves, and on lotns. They are very swift when they fly in the sky and when they are on the ground. It is very beautiful to look at. Their beaks and feet are red in colour. Their necks are very long. They are ever happy. They bave very soft feathers. They bave very iuuch passion and they are always with their female ones. After rainy
season, they become very stout and puffed with haughtiness.
[2nā variety of SWAN]
Swan of this kind are very short in size. Their bodies are white save their faces, wings and rear portions and ends of tails, which are red in colour. Their legs are very short and their necks are very long. There are blood-red stripes in their eyes. They are coward by pature. They are stout, with soft feathers. Their tones are pleasant to hear. Their tails are long. Lotus smell will be blowing from their bodies. Thay generally live in orowdo, but if they are separated they feel very much dejected. At times they live in lakes and lotus ponds and at times in shady places. They are called Chakranga Swan.
[3rd variety of SWAN)
Swan of these kinda do generally live in the Manasa lake on the Himalayas and never go out of it. They are very patient and calm.
Their bodies are white like pearls save their red beaks and bushy tails. Generally they dive in water often coming out. They have much pag
sion and less uppetite. They are inoderate in size. They have a little
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