मत्स्य प्रदेश की हिन्दी-साहित्य को देन 5. Gazetteer of India
- Rajputana Vols. I, III 6. Glimpses of Alwarendra Silver Jubilee 7. Growse
- Mathura Gazetteer 8. Grierson
- Linguistic Survey of India 9. Hemchandra Ray
- Dynastic History of Ancient
India I, II 10. Hendley
- Alwar and its Art Treasure 11. Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol. XI 12. Jha
Translation of Kavya Prakash 13. Jwala Sahai
Ever Loyal Bharatpur 14. Jwala Sahai
History of Bharatpur IS. Macdonald
India's Past 16. Peterson
Catalogue of the Sanskrit
MSS. in Alwar 17. Powlett
Alwar Gazetteer 18. Powlett
Gazetteer of Karauli 19. Sarkar
Moghul Rule 20. Sharma
Bayana Through Ages 21. The three sieges of Bharatpur 22. Tod
Annals of Rajasthan 23. Walter
Gazetteer of Bharatpur
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