incidence of transference, rise, fall, steadiness, destruction and prevention etc. can take place with reference to them. Jainism has also pointed out many sub- varieties of these eightfold Karmas. The Karma literature of Jainism extensively deals with the nature, position, essence, region, etc. of the Karmas which cause prevention, rise, promotion, increase, transference, status, etc. of these Karmas. In accordnace with the Jainist philosophical tenets, a study of the Karma philosophy in detail provides mankind with total peace of mind and freedom from anxities in this age of conflict and tension. Not only this, it also shows the correct direction to us to escape the bondage of Karma in future.
The gift of the sciene of life which enables us to identify life at large, the doctrine of relativity, the theory of Karma, the path of total cessation from violence etc., the fourteen stages of spiritual progress and such other specialities of Jainism are, indeed, great, beneficial gifts to mankind. May mankind achieve infinite happiness by putting these is great gifts to good use. GOOD LUCK.
Jain Education International
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