Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
and munis of the area to explain the mystery behind this astonishig event. It was an astonishing event because normally a cobra eats a frog but here it was giving protection to a frog.
The munis and the rishis said, "The Paramanus (Atoms) of this area are so efficacious that even violent beings become non-violent here. Once, a great sage by name Sringeri carried out Tapas here for many years. He was a sage of astounding spiritual excellence and achievements. On account of the impact of his personality tiis land has become sanctified. Any creature that happens to enter this area awakens from its state of infatuation and spiritual stupor and becomes ennobled. His heart grows banevolent. His mind becomes elevated and his condcut becomes exalted." On hearing this, Shankaracharya decided to establish his math there. He established his math there because he found that it was a holy area.
On account of the impact of the Paramanus of sublime thoughts, our endeavours awaken our souls into awareness. The soul that is awakened thus accepts or realises the truth, Truth is the way by which we can enter the soul.
"Truth gives a direction"
The Untruth leads us astray and keeps us wandering aimlessly".
When we attain satisfaction, our intellectual eagerness ends. When we are in that state of mental satisfaction and peace, we become fearless and we become deeply absorbed in our contemplations. When once this state is reached, the desire to look at the Samsar comes to an end.
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